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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by rustytengo

  1. Bridgett Activates Einherjar mode at level 3 and then unleashes Ginnungagap. Targeting all the enemies well spending 6 cartridges to increase the save by 3. Dealing instant death to mooks and ([2WD]+Syn)*3+50% maximixed to everything else unless they make a save (dex, con or syn) aginst Bridgett's syn. If they save they take half instead. Then will use Hurstwic as her second action targeting her, 6D and Lyra Bridgett stuffs
  2. Bridgett delays tell after Saejik and then starts charging Ginnungagap for her actions.
  3. "Sorry i can't slow her down but i can try and stop her." Bridgett says as she stops charging and tries to bind Magic. Bridgett uses Gleipnir on magic using 5 cartridges to extend it to 2 turns of stun Bridgett stuff to remember
  4. Bridgett use Gusisnautar on the Power Plant dealing 6 damage to it 5 times. Bridgett stuff to remember
  5. Joy was rather peeved when Omega got back up. People weren't suppose to do that it was annoying and even more annoying now that Omega decided to transform into something Joy watched on the shows in the morning...when she woke up to anyway. She was reeving the engine of the car as she stared at the giant Omega trying to figure out what to do next when the girl who she didn't even realize was still in the car spoke snapping her out of her pondering. "Wait you're..... Never mind Umm...yeah maybe she just got giant like those shows with the people in silly bright spandex suits enemies do. Just be ready to jump out since the car might not make it though." Joy said as she started to drive towards the giant Omega again looking for a place she could run the car into the them.
  6. Bridgett moves up to Einherjar mode level two and use Valkyrie Break targeting Viral A2-i No. 150, Viral A2-i No. 151, SDHC No. 218, SDHC No. 222, and SDHC No. 224. using four cartridges to ignore charge. dealing 2.5[WD] (3d6)+3d12+ 50% to each of them. Valkyrie Breaker and Einherhar mode Bridgett stuff
  7. "Well Guess the Big Boss is here time to get a bit serious.." Bridgett said under her breath a bit smiling. "But first lets do some clean up. Gusisnautar." She said launching a wave of magical projectiles at some of the enemies. Mornings' Arrows Arcanadynamic Exchange is now active Raising Bridgett's WD to D6s from D4s. Bridgett activates Eniherjar mode at level one. Then uses Gusisnautar (Magic arrow with new name lol) shooting 3 at SDHC No. 220 and two at SDHC No. 225 dealing 6+25%(Einherjar mode) damage for each shot. Einherjar mode and Gusisnautar Bridgett stuff
  8. Bridgett will use Gleipnir on Viral A2-1 No 150. stunning it for one turn. Gleipnir Bridgett stuff
  9. "Hahahaha... Who dares mess with the mind of the fallen angel....really whats in the world is going on? Where am I."
  10. Joy stayed in the car watching the two figures as the others got out. Figuring that the other figure fighting the one she recognized as Omega was this Uno who needed help or was helping them (Honestly it was confusing to her) she called Mr. Cuddles back to his ball as she made sure her seat belt was fastened. Giving wicked smile and a wave to any of the others who looked back at her as she revved the engine of the car before slamming the peddle down and shooting out towards Omega intent on running her down with the car.
  11. Bridgett will deactivate Einherjar mode. Bridgett will use Hurstwic using 3 cartridges to give her, 6D, and Gabriel giving them 12 DR and 6 Regen for three turns. Hurstwic Bridgett stuff to remember
  12. Joy marches straight towards the car with Mr. Cuddles in front of her who jumps into the car first and started shoving its two occupants out the others side with his strength and bulk. "You best get out of his way. This whole thing has interrupted his snack time and he is a bit unhappy." She said with a slight giggle as she took the drivers seat. "Hey you all better hurry up and get in. This is your lots job to finish if the weird ladies voice is anything to go by." She called out the others on the beach mainly the ones who where there before she arrived as she revved the engine of the car.
  13. Bridgett Activates Einherjar mode Then use Valkyrie Breaker on High Bit Custom No. 4637, 4638, 4639, and 4640 using 4 cartridges to ignore the turn of charge dealing 2.5[wd](3d4)+1d12+25% to them. Einherjar mode and Valkyrie Breaker Bridgett stuff
  14. "Warning foreign interference detected. All but basic systems disabled. Please proceed with caution My Lady." Mornings Arrow chimed sounding a little bit hurt. "Okay please be careful. I'll try to remove the whats causing this." Bridgett said with a nod as she stopped and pointed morning arrow the robots and launched a volley of magic. Bridgett uses Magic arrow on Item Pod #29 dealing 6 damage 5 times to it. Magic Arrow Bridgett stuff
  15. Joy listened to the other cadets sort of explain the situation. She still had no clue who this Uno he was talking about is."Wow, thats like a proper way of reporting things but can't we get a car or something that would be much faster then trying to run all the way there. I'll drive and everything" Joy chimed in hoping to avoid having to do more physical work.
  16. Joy watched the scene between whatever that lady was and the cadet even after that she had even less of a clue what the hell was going on. She was about to say something as her A-comm went off. "Oh hello its Joy. I have no clue what the hell is going on but apparently its not over yet and the stone isn't safe, soooo we are going need to get over to there as fast as possible. Okay!!!" Joy said into her A-comm her voice slightly less joyful the usual.
  17. Bridgett just sat at the side and watched the fight unfold it was interesting to say the least. "Umm...I don't know any dolphins that live in woods the ones I have read about all live in water...and don't fly." She said as she walked over finally recovering from the her use of Einherjar Mode.
  18. "Mr. Cuddles don't back down and punch your way through with Chip Away!" Joy called out knowing that Mr.Cuddles couldn't dodge the incoming attack. (or really much of anything. Mr. Cuddles uses Chip Away to try and punch his way through the attack Chip Away Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Attack Value: 15628 +2 defense stages
  19. "Hmm..." Joy made a sound as she thought. She was hopping that the lick would throw off the Omega lady more then it did. She considered switching up tactics but getting under an opponents skin would help all of them in the long run. Besides it was a lot more fun. "Keep it up Mr. Cuddles give her another Lick she needs it." Joy said before tossing the super super potion to the Gyarados' owner. "Hey you with the Gyarados caatch." she said giving them a warning as she did. Mr. Cuddles give Omega another Lick. Lick Power: 30 Accuracy: 100 30% chance to paralyze Attack Value: 15628 +2 defense stages Joy tosses a super potion to Cathode
  20. Joy watch as the pillars of fire shot out at the Gyarados of one of the other cadets on the beach. Knowing she really couldn't do much to weaken it given that Mr. Cuddles wasn't that fast she pulled out a super potion getting ready to toss it to the Gyarados' owner if they needed it. "Well if shes going to do that. Mr. Cuddles give her a good licking will ya." She order causing the Munchlax to charge at the lady before stopping, opening up its mouth and jumping giving the lady a long and wet lick across the face. Mr. Cuddles uses Lick on Omega. Giving her a wet lick across the face. Lick Power: 30 Accuracy: 100 30% chance to paralyze Attack Value: 15628 +2 defense stages Joys pulls out a super potion
  21. With no one stopping her Henrietta made her way to the statue humming a song of her lord as she did. Once there she placed her explosives around it and turned to those who where gathered around. " Oh faithful followers of the Lord. I have grave news for you. Heresy as take root with in this home of the Lord. One of these heretical agents attempted to impose them self between me and my mission that the Lord has given me." She spoke walking forward with her gun still held in her hands as ticking from the explosives around the statue could be heard "Fear not for I have taken steps to remove this heresy as close to its roots as possible." She smiled at any who remained. "Soon divine fire shall erupt removing the taint of heresy form the house of the Lord and return it and those who inhabit it back to his loving embrace." she says as the ticking around the statue comes to an end.
  22. Joy glared at the lady, she really didn't care about this Uno person be it the lady in front of them or some other person somewhere on the island and doubly so on who ever this HIM that she started spouting on about when one of the cadets Magikarp evolved. Seeing that the lady who called herself Omega now (she really needs to make up her mind) seemed to be gearing up for a fight Joy sighed and looked at Mr. Cuddles by her. "Well it looks like we got to fight again." She said pushing herself up from the ground. "We will eat lots when we get back." She said as Mr. Cuddles nodded and stood up itself "Good now get ready we don't know what she can do so Use Defense Curl, and keep your eyes on her okay." She said as Mr Cuddles moved forward a bit before rolling hunking down a bit protecting itself. Joy choose Mr. Cuddles. Mr Cuddles uses Defense Curl raising its defense by one stage Joy uses her defender ability raising Mr. Cuddles Defense by another stage
  23. Joy coughed a bit from dust that was raised and frowned at the strange lady who seemed to know some of the other cadets on the beach. Annoyed at having to actually move thanks to the dust and what ever just happened she spoke. "Look lady we have have a job to do so when don't have time to play with you or whatever. So how about you bugger off so we can finish up." She says visually annoyed at having her snack time interrupted with Mr. Cuddles by her side looking equally annoyed.
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