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About RasenShot

  • Birthday 05/03/1996

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    God good thing I remembered to edit this section from 9 years ago lol

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  1. I couldn't find a proper sub-forum for a technical-ish question so hopefully this is the right place (my apologies if it isn't). Well, I'm about to start EP19 after I last played 18 like, 3 years ago. Then I remembered I replaced some files in the BGM folder (Rival battle theme for example) with no issue since those were straight up ".mp3". Thing is, I was about to do the same but noticed the BGM files are now ".ogg". Can I still replace them directly with the mp3 files or do I have to convert them?
  2. RasenShot

    hi again

    Oh hey, and here I was wondering if something had been posted regarding this since last september. Got my 6th sense on point. Anyway you do you developers, I'm just happy the game is/will be coming along again, from none other than the big honcho herself. Back to my slumber I go then.

    Man, it's been too long since I've been here. I love the new page design btw.

    I'll download and play EP16 before I spoil myself by accident.

    1. Arkhi


      Ye ol site update dropped on December 8th.

    2. RasenShot


      Really? Well, I've been out of the picture since August, that's why I'm kind of surprised.

  4. Why can't I have a similar hairstyle like Silas' in Fates? :[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RasenShot


      I use wax actua- I mean... I meant for my avatar tho. My irl hairstyle is almost exactly like Silas', and I *tried* to make my avatar like me as much as I could, but Fates creator feels... incomplete.

    3. Maelstrom


      yeah, it's really shallow and most of the options are bad, tbh.

    4. Cepheus


      yeah in my opinion all male hairstyles suck except the "default"/canon one

  5. Why can't I have a similar hairstyle línea Silas' in Fates? :[

  6. After almost 2 months of delaying it, today I finally open my FE: Fates SE and start playing. Why until now? I couldn't leave Awakening :u

  7. Yea so I'm here to comment about the latest Re:Zero episode. Holy fucking shit Re:Zero, just... holy fucking shit.

  8. Yesterday was my 3rd year anniversary here, so yea... Yay.

  9. Would you believe me that it's been over a month since I obtained FE Fates Special Edition and still haven't opened it yet? Even though I don't plan on selling it or anything.

    1. Cepheus



      I wish I would have been able to get the special edition (I couldn't pre-order anywhere)

      and I got Birthright since release and I'm still at chapter 18 on my first playthrough (Powergrinding and not much time to play ftw!)

  10. FALLOUT 4 DIGITAL DELUXE BUNDLE FREE ON XBOX ONE. Maybe for you isn't, but it was for me: http://imgur.com/9BfqwFg

  11. An Achievement Hunter Pokémon Blue video with Shofu and Etika? What is this madness?

  12. I'm actually lmaoing at all the shitstorm Captain America's reveal has caused over the day. It's hilarious.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RasenShot


      Indeed, but not really my point thought. Apparently there was a huge reveal concerning Steve's past and present or something. That's why there's a shitstorm in social media.

    3. Sapphire


      Heil Hydra. ^^

    4. RasenShot
  13. Oh. My. God. It arrived. I finally have it.

  14. Does anybody here do PowerSaves services in ORAS? Could any of you do me a favor and edit some IVs and the nickname on a Raikou I've already changed moves and EV trained? You can have a clone of it I guess... I've been out of the picture of trading and don't know what powersaving goes for...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sapphire


      Sorry, I only use my powersave for cloning, not cheating.

    3. RasenShot


      Isn't cloning a form of cheating anyways? Lmao. But thanks anyways, I'll look somewhere else.

    4. Sapphire


      Cloning can be done ingame, without external devices. Powersavs just speeds up the process. Hacking ivs NEEDS an extrernal device.

  15. What the actual fuck is happening to my connection. Everything has issues to load except for youtube and google realted things. Why.

    1. Flux


      Do you have Charter by chance? There was a similar problem nationwide last night that might be continuing.

    2. RasenShot


      No, I have something named Telmex. But actually, I've been searching through the net and apparently they are doing maintenance or something. But it's kind of weird that everything besides Google pages can't load properly... It usually doesn't load anything at all while this happens.

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