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About Kingd353

  • Birthday 11/08/1993

Profile Information

  • Alias
    King D
  • Gender
  • Location
    Sanford Florida
  • Interests
    pokemon anime in general videogames in genera(no shooters) girls hehe message me ladies ^^ oh and in the case of reborn... SAVING THE WORLD! lol

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  1. i have a bad habit of whining more then i should but i swear to god if i have to fight titania or any other aegislash user on this field i will never forgive you ame.....
  2. arceus give me strength...... if only i could just aim my flamethrowers and blazekicks at the ground oh well time to start teaching cut
  3. welp this looks like hell.... can't wait to be curbstomped 10 ways to sunday
  4. o.o mini waifu is a wallpaper now? ......... "faints and instantly downloads"
  5. welp this was a convinient time for my computer to be fixed.. guess it's back to my reborn lets play for me maybe if i beat episode 12 fast enough i can get to 13 before shofu ^^
  6. you know i was playing episode 12 today (yes i know i'm late) and terra is fucking awesome ^^ infact... most of the gym leaders are awesome! infact.... i wanna be friends with them! hey any gym leaders who see this (gossip gardevoir included) would you like to be my friends? also so that this isn't a useless thread to everyone else lets whee who everyone's favorite gym leader is ^^ post your favorites below so we can make the unpopular gym leaders cry ^^ except shelly if you guys make her cry i'll have to eat your souls ^^
  7. Ok... so this is my kingdom... interesting... anyway, Although it's probably too late for me to do so i guess i'll plead my case for why i want you guys to vote for me as your leader, since lets face it no one here knows me...First i'd like to start by saying i've been a competative battler since the middle of gen 5. I don't know if that's considured long or not but i do have some experiance and just to elaborate no i didnt' start playing in gen 5 i started playing back in gen 3. I just became competative in gen 5. I have a youtube channel if you want to evaluate my skill for yourself. Although i will admit it's not some of my best work on my channel i guess that's the only real proof i have of my skill level.. I'm also very experianced using the psychic and fairy types although i don't have much proof of that on my youtube channel x.x I'm gonna be frank with you guys i've always wanted to be seen as a leader i've always wanted a chance for people to trust in me and for me to be able to play a big role and i just feel with these whole pokenations and me fancying myself a king this is just a fitting place for me to try to be a leader so yeah.... I guess that's all i have to say so that's why i hope you'll vote for me to be our leader
  8. i see... i most likely won't do that until i get an editor since for it to be a professional how to video i have to show where i got the key to rotom in hte same episode that i show rotom and no i'm not gonna walk all the way from the puzzle to shade's gym in that hellish lag in a youtube vid
  9. i haven't decided if i'm gonna do event pokes yet... maybe i will i say maybe because i don't like the hide and seek missions especially with reborns lag plus i don't know how to get all the event pokemon so is it safe to assume since you're starting over that you'll post your save file before some puzzles for me? also what yureyu puzzle? i don't recall there being a puzzle in the yureyu building
  10. awesome when you reach the puzzle remember to upload your file here for me buddy ^^
  11. "shrugs" sorry if my typing bugs you bro but this is just how i type when i'm relaxed always has been always will be although you really shouldn't let how someone types alter how seriously you take what they say... you should take everyone seriously taking them less serious over typing or talking habbits is just rude... what if i was someone out of country? or if my punctuation keys were broken? just saying try not to do that man... it's not right... no offense
  12. ok first of all i am christan i'm not trying to insult anything ALL religions have extremest of some kind shape or for NO religion is flawless and arceus is pokemon god so since i'm a christan i like god to jehovah you have a problem with that then it sucks to be you >.> secondly i know he's being sarcastic because it's extremely obvious..... there is literally no reason to go "oh i'm sure you and him were real tight" unless you're being sarcastic about it and if he isn't being sarcastic about it i'm sure he's capable of telling me that himself finally if you have a problem with my typing i'm sorry but this isn't some english essay i want to relax while typing on the internet so i'm not gonna go rereading for periods if that bothers you.. well all i can really say is sorry ther
  13. thanks for the reminder rose since those puzzles aren't time based i don't need seperate files for those so i'll make sure to make videos for them as well if you're not here to help please go away the point of this post is for me to finish nickaboo's how to series not for you to make sarcastic remakrs about how i am or am not his friend
  14. today i learned how to make multiple game files in reborn and then i remembered a while back before going to mexico my friend nickaboo had asked that one of his friends continue the reborn coverage that he started while he was gone well now that i have recording software am lets playing reborn and know how to use multiple save files i'm gonna go ahead and finish his reborn how to series why am i posting this here? simple i'm not playing through this game a third time so i wanted to ask if you guys could give me your save files right before certain puzzles so i can make videos on how to pass said puzzles off the top of my head the puzzles i need save files right before are radimus's chess puzzle pokemon cage puzzle poke-christian cult gate thingy if there are any other puzles that come to mind that i may have forgotten feel free to remind me of them keep in mind i'm only doijng the puzzles nickaboo hasnt' so please don't name off puzzles that nickaboo has already done videos on
  15. i already did now we just wait lol
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