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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by JayDo

  1. Back To Reborn after a semester away. XD

  2. Yeah...I have only found it convenient to EV train for attack and special attack on unknowns, and then use the friendship berries to lower the stat I don't need.
  3. I honestly thought it would be cool if Ame herself was the Champion. Like how you battle Professor Sycamore in X&Y the person who gave you your starter, and cares so deeply for the region and pokemon turns out to be a strong trainer. Like that deleted battle from the original Red and Green beta where you battle Professor Oak after becoming champion.
  4. Woo after an entire semester and summer session I am back on the forum! Happy to be back on Reborn!

  5. New Laptop, perfect time for new Reborn Playthrough!

  6. Dat Ditto Arceus though...was sooo not expecting that. Haha, time to go grab my fear pokes.

  7. Finally found some time to play episode 10 since I have decided no finals studying would get done today. So hyped, let's go!

  8. Just beat Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, now back to Pokemon! XD

  9. Just added Phoenix, Aqua, and Jellyman. Aqua fully registered. FC in sig.
  10. Can this semester just be over so I can just spend time playing pokemon?

  11. I voted for scolipede, even though I think it works better as a boton passer than a sweeper. I just don't like Bisharp's 4x fighting weakness when mega Blaziken and power up punch mega kangaskhan are both so popular. Already having a 4x weak mega tyranitar also doesn't help from a defensive stand point when looking at this team.
  12. Oh my god....As I thought, my style was maxed out a long time ago, but I had missed one of the o powers at a pokemon center....I could have gotten Hatching power all this time?! I am so fustrated.

  13. The issue is time zones for a lot of people on the forums. So unless you are on your 3ds at all times, there will always be people you don't have all 3 pokemon for, unless you coordinate when you both will be online. I have added about 70 friend codes, and the most I have ever had online at one time is 8. People play pokemon in their free time, and when they get the chance is different for everyone. Also, I have gotten hidden abilities from safaris with only 2 pokemon.
  14. Mega Gengar uses shadow ball, it's super effective!
  15. So not used to the 3 pokemon limit for single battles if you use the random battle finder on wifi. I used it at noon, and it seemed like everyone I battled was japanese. Wouldn't that mean they were all battling at 4:00 over there?

    1. Requieon


      The Japanese players don't seem to sleep, they are ALWAYS 90% of what I find, no matter when I try.

    2. Gyaradoskiller


      That's my life. And also, different time zones.

  16. Okay, I have added all the Lanaehetic, Panda, and shushuo, but none of you have added on your end. Please new posters go back and add people from the thread. Although it is more likely that people with higher post counts will check thus regularly. My fc is 0576-4955-7676
  17. Okay, this was tough. Since I voted gen 4 as my least favorite because of how underwhelming Diamod and pearl were. But I loved Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but that was because of my love for gen 2. Even though heart gold was great even if you hadn't played gen 2. But since gen 2 was my first gen, I have a special place for it. I did not play black or white, but white 2 was a ton of fun.
  18. So I am 21 now. Which means I can buy alcohol....probs will still send my roomate to store, so nothing changes. Woo!

  19. Sigh..three times in a row I get challenged by passer bys, and they all use both Mega Mewtwo and their version mascot. I beat all three, but I hate when people challenge me and use ubers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noivy


      This is why I keep a Trick Room Team in my Battle Box. It fucks them over.

    3. Magus


      Mega Mew two is a pain in the butt, luckily I carry around a banded Scizor, the bane of all mewtwos

    4. Magus


      Mega Mew two is a pain in the butt, luckily I carry around a banded Scizor, the bane of all mewtwos

  20. Fila, you have a poison type safari with gloom, swallot and whirlpede. Could someone tell me my third pokemon? I know I have lilipup and loudred.
  21. THank you Ame for Episode 10, I was running out of things to do in Pokemon X.

  22. 7/10 For not knowing who Cammy from Street Fighter is.
  23. I used to have a profile pic from this trainer generator, but I think it is better used for making an original design rather then Ash's. 6.5/10
  24. Just went back and found some people I missed, pretty sure I am caught up now. I agree, people should make an effort to backtrack on this topic.
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