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Everything posted by JayDo

  1. I need more free time...and maybe a smoothie.

  2. If you have already rescued Victoria from under the grand Staircase, you go back to Shellys Room, Victoria will ask you to get the Doctor from the orphanage and bring him to Shelly. Go to the orphanage and complete that plot point, then talk to Shelly again, she will feel better then the gym will be open.
  3. Oh really? Huh, didn't even try since I am used to not be able to change Traded nicknames. Thanks Nickaboo. Hmmm, how about Kaio-ken the Lucario? Hmm, upon evolution I named mine LotusFB, as in Lotus Flower Bomb. But I would only use that if you like Wale.
  4. If it wasn't for the 3 ability glitch, I would say you should breed for Moxie on the Honchkrow, but if insomnia vs Superluck, I will still go for superluck. Because the +1 crit chance with night slash stacks. Two flying types is a red flag for me, but that just comes from Stealth Rock trauma, so in game you should be okay. I would use extreme speed over thunder fang on Arcanine. The coverage is nice, but 65 base power does not hit hard enough, and you can afford not to have it with that magnezone. Unless you are doing a lot of fishing, we haven't really encountered a lot of water pokemon anyway, and when we do eventually face Amaria, if you have to resort to Arcanine, then a thunderfang won't make too much difference. I really wish Wild Charge was an in game TM, because my typholsion needs it too.
  5. Flygon - DragonZord Because I found the green power coin, duh. Typholsion - H-Badger Because he don't give a sh*t. Gardevoir - Yuna Because X was good, and X-2 was dumb but fun Gengar - Sith Because he is a force ghost Gyrados -Carpy Because I had a goldfish named Carpy as a kid Lucario - Auriol Because I am too lazy to breed
  6. Kick Ass 2 was okay, could have been worse. Honestly, I prefered the first comic over the second, and same with the movies. Night Bitch was hot.

  7. Holy crap...Mega-Tyranitar confirmed, along with a bunch of my all time favorites and every starter getting Mega-Evolutions! http://24.media.tumblr.com/6527b000bfc21f83405bb78481f3452f/tumblr_mrow9kUQ571ro0vbao1_500.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anethia



      This proves absolutely nothing. For all you know, it could be the most popular pokemon or something else. It doesn't make sense that it shows 3 confirmed, but misses out 4, as stated by Dominus.

      inb4 it is correct and someone japanease proves us all wrong. >><<

    3. Ysera


      Not about Mega Evos, people. Nothing to see here.

    4. Shushup


      I don't think that's true :\ If it is, then where are Mewtwo, Mawile, Absol, and Kanghaskan? They're going to be Mega Pokemon as well, then why aren't they on there :P Explanation pl0x

  8. I also completed the daycare quest after abandoned factory, and went back for the ditto later. I was not aware that the happiny was necessary to complete the quest. Also, some things I want to see in Episode 10: A shard move tutor. Having the bike be a bit faster, since right now it doesn't really seem faster than running. Department store sale days A hidden power type checker Ultra Balls and dusk balls at the department store Icy Rock for Glaceon
  9. Kenpachi Rama-sama, why didn't you do your mathhhh homework?

  10. So last weekend I realized I am still pretty good at Yugioh...trying not to be tempted into making that earth psychic deck I was planning on building.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaito


      Ma-dol-che Forever! :D

    3. Fezzdog


      Earth Psychics came second in YCS Toronto 2012. If you're still interested:

    4. Fiammazure


      Plox. Use madolches with french accent. it fun.

  11. JayDo

    Lie to Me

    Wrong. I have dyed my hair every color, even pink and white during breast cancer month. I have been offered to go deep sea fishing several times, but I don't care for regular fishing, let alone in the middle of the ocean. 2. I don't think you are rich, or at least you wouldn't say it like that. 1. I hit puberty at age 10 2. I once flipped my car through the air 3. I play street hocky
  12. JayDo

    Lie to Me

    I think 1 is a lie. 9 brothers is to obvious, it has too be true. 1. I have dyed my hair every color in the rainbow. 2. I enjoy going deep sea fishing. 3. Everytime I have a new roommate, I have to fight them.
  13. Sometimes I feel weird cooking italian food all the time even though I am Asian. If anyone in my family believed in writing down a dam recipe, maybe I wouldn't have to serve them pasta every time they come over.

  14. Cradilly.can be a pain, but I find that poisoning it while it tries to set up sandstorm or curses can really make wearing it down easier. A surprisingly helpful strategy was letting it get 2 or 3 curses off while it was poisoned, then using whirlwind or roar, to have it lose all its boosts and leaving no chance for a super potion.
  15. Is there a chance that you are selecting it from the pokemon hold item option and not the bag? Because you should be able to use it like any other one time use item.
  16. While Bulbapedia is considered the best for comprehensive information about the franchise and pokemon, Serebii is the more active hand held trading and battling community. But if you want tips on strategies, move sets, and IV spreads http://smogon.com/ is the place to go. If you want to learn more about the games in video form, my favorite poketubers are: TheJWitz http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJWittz Tamashii Hiroka http://www.youtube.com/user/TamashiiHiroka The National Dex http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNationalDex Shofu:http://www.youtube.com/user/shofu And let's just throw in Kanto University while we are at it : http://www.youtube.com/user/KantoUniversity
  17. Well Zigzagoon/Linoone comes in handy with pick up and it being able to learn strength, cut, and rock smash. Soo Pick-up HM user? Does unburden work in game? Because if it does, you could do some major grass gem damage.
  18. Me as a ten year old: I wish Tyranitar could evolve, it would be like friggin Godzilla. Me at 20: I wish Tyranitar could Mega-Evolve. It would be like friggin GODZILLA! Thank you Game Freak for renewing an old dream.

    1. Arom


      What would happen if it shows that he can't mega-evolve? xD

    2. JayDo


      Hope for gen 7? I mean a part of me knows that is it is unlikely, but if they can have mega ubers, why not mega psuedo legendaries?

  19. My favorite dungeon design: Pyrous Mountain I just loved the lava flow puzzle. Mainly because it was challenging enough to build up Cal as a strong trainer I would enjoy fighting at end as a payoff. Then going through it two more times, with Victoria and then for the Tepig, each time I wasn't ever bored with the area, like I have been for other places. My favorite music: Byxbysion Wasteland for the already mentioned lavender town dubstep mix. My least favorite dungeon(s):Obsidia Park + Jasper Ward + Malchous Forest + Rhodochrine Jungle My reasoning is that the puzzle, or rather, cut maze for Obsidia park and the Malchous forest are too similar. Aside from the variation in catchable pokemon, they aren't really interesting, and I felt like I was just in Obsidia Park, part II. Also, the first battle with ZEL and the first battle with Taka are also too similar, both sharing the same level tanglegrowth. Which makes the double final battle at Rhodochrine Jungle more surprising, and in my opinion, a better payoff, BUT...the jungles wild encounters were too much like the previous areas of Jasper Ward and Malchous Forest. This made the dungeon feel too much like a chore, even with the better puzzle design, and story point that made you want to kick Fern in the nuts.
  20. 8/10 Selena Gomez is cute, and a good person, but she gets points off because of the Bieber, who is just an entitled jerk most of the time. I have always been a fan of the black and white photography so it is a nice pic.
  21. I don't think Duskulls hold Reaper Cloths in game. In the handhelds they only hold spell tags and kasib berries. If you get one using the pokewalker from HGSS, then it will have a cloth, but I don't think walker exclusive items have been implemented by Ame.
  22. Well this game looks fun. I am so tough I killed a king cobra, and ate its still beating heart. For real, it was in china town and they gave me the heart in one of those little saucers for soy sauce.
  23. After clearing Kiki's gym and cough* Ghastly Cough,* you don't really encounter too many fighting types. While the ground type weakness is an issue, I mostly suggested an electric type to act as a water type counter. Because as it stands, no other members of his team fill that role other than Jumpluff, who is a sleep inducing check at best. I do see your point about synergy with the rest of his team, so magnezone, even though having way more resistances than weaknesses, still shares some key down sides.
  24. I agree, jumpluff's coverage and stats are pretty awful. Magnezone is also really easy to get, catching magnemite in the power plant, and level it up up twice in there. If you don't like Magnezone, you get Elekid and try to get the lucky one with an electrizer on it.
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