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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by JayDo

  1. This generator is really awesome, so much room for personalization.
  2. This thing is really cool, and used it for my new pic:http://hapuriainen.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-trainer-Creator-v-2-257074027

  3. I think Cain is funny, I make the same type of jokes around some of my friends. But I get a feeling Cain actually means some of his jokes. Anyway, my favorite characters are Victoria and Kiki. Maybe it is because I relate to the whole Sensei/student relationship, and have had to deal with those close to me going through debilitating illnesses. And unfortunately, not winning the fight... Anyway, I always have a lot of respect for those who don't let even the worst of circumstances define them. Kiki actually reminded me a lot of someone I once knew. Probs why I had such an issue with that damn Gastly.... Victoria I like because I am usually the one who get sidetracked by wanting to help people, so it is nice when someone else wants to help. not just because it is their responsibility.
  4. I finished episode 9 a while ago. And beat the Abra, so the teleporting stuff is done. I guess it would not make sense if she teleported now. But now how am I gpong to get that sticker. Also, the only way I could have bought the medicine already is by having beat Serra, and used the first medicine to start episode 9. Edit: Okay, after 10 minutes of me biking around her in circles, she disapeared, seemingly for no reason. Don't get it, but I have my sticker now.
  5. So I know who I am supposed to get the fifth sticker from. The lady who disapears is supposed to ask for medicine, right? The problem is, my lady is still just sitting on the bench in front of the pokemon center, not disapearing and injuring herself? I did buy the medicine before I went looking for her, just because I thought I might need it, but does doing that mean my event won't activate? Not that I really need the type gems and weather rocks, I just want to make sure I don't miss a sticker.
  6. So was the server down for everyone, or just me? Since I tried to get on twice earlier, and was afraid there had been another attack on the site.

    1. RasenShot


      It was for me too, so I guess it was for everyone...

  7. JayDo

    Luvdisc and riolu

    That is the wrong door. The way back to Reborn City is further up, at the top of the railnet puzzle.
  8. Starting second play through with a Torchic named Teriyaki, lets go!

  9. No worries man, that forest messes everyone up.
  10. Walk down one tile. Then go left. There is a clear path beihind that tree.
  11. I honestly wouldn't mind an AI upgrade. I beat Noel the first time rather easily, mainly because the Cincinno kept using bullet seed on my Lucario and let it set up. I re-did the battle so I could get the rest of my team to level up and not use my one Hyper potion on Lucario. The second time was a lot harder (am assuming it was hidden power fire it hit me with), but much more satisfying.
  12. JayDo


    I believe the woman you give the medicine to only appears on a clear day. Since it has been raining in my game the past two days, and she has not shown up.
  13. Can anyone confirm if the script has been changed to include a win option? Would like to know for my second play through.
  14. Rare candies are few and far between. In my opinion, not really worth the effort to look for them, the ones I've found have always been pretty obvious. like there is one in Jungle pretty close to the Nuzleaf trap. You can buy them now at the Candy shop, though they are over priced. Over leveling has given me much more trouble in the later game, honestly.
  15. I never would have thought of putting shawarma on pizza, but is was delicious..

  16. This event only works if you have done the daycare mission. I didn't do the mission until after, so I had to go back to the Meteor hide out, and then the ditto appeared, that was not there previously.
  17. Want to start second play through, but afraid of the time suck...

  18. Ideally episodes come out monthly. But you know, shit happens. Ame gets them out as soon as she can, and that's all we can really ask for.
  19. This game isn't great because it is harder, but it is definately more fun because of it. I don't think Ame will curb difficulty because one or two people think it is too hard. Reborn's popularity is growing, and asking the designer to change a game because you had to cheat is sort of out of line. You should always be improving, this game's level cap and popular pokemon requiring special catch events is built for this. If you are looking for a game that is meant to be brute forced through, look somewhere else.
  20. Yes, Trapinch is a trap. Based off a sand larva that uses its giant jaws as a trap. (Anti-joke chicken voice) Yeah, that final voltorb flip run for my Trapinch was crazy. Good luck! Because of all the work I put in, Flygon is never leaving my team.
  21. I was thinking Reborn could be parallel with B2W2, because that is far enough to the point where Bugsy has enough skill that beating him in the Bug-type master tournement at the PWT is pretty tough. He always seemed to land a stone edge on my Volcarona, but I digress. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Black 2 and White 2 are about...5 years after gen 4? So making Bugsy, say 18? (I know they didn't change sprites, so he looks like he is waiting to hit puberty) At that age, him ignoring a 10 year old sister is not that unheard of. Especially if he is off in Unova for the PWT. As for the Elite 4, I feel like El is going to be dirrectly under Lin, possibly on the same rank as Solaris. How crazy would it be if both were in the Elite 4? Beating that Garchomp at lvl 100 would be like punching cthulhu. Currently the level cap is 60 after episode 9. If the patern keeps up, that being a cap jump of 5 levels for every gym battle, we will hit 100 in 8 more badges. However, we have at least 9 more types to battle through. 9 because of the 17 types in gen 5, and if there is no replacement for Kiki at the fighting gym. If Fairy is included in the final game, and we have a new Fighting leader, we will have 11 more gym battles. This made me think there are a few ways this could play out: We could have a joint gym battle, as is two leaders, two badges in one battle. We could have the last 1-2 gyms have lvl 100 pokemon. We could just not get a level cap raise at one gym. Gym's level cap raises could be cut to 3 levels instead of 5. (which would suck) Finally, I think Sephora will be the next gym leader we face. After we save her life on the other side of the mountain, her confidence will be shaken by her loss to Lin. Her personality type seems to lack some reason, as well as mercy. She might get angry and want to fight us to regain her confidence. Then give us a badge when she calms down.
  22. Preparing anime/pokemon stuff for Otakon next week, and keep wishing I could take my laptop around and play Pokemon Reborn with people. But doing that in Baltimore is probably a bad idea.

  23. If you see the Starlys and Murkrows on the roof, it means it is a clear day. You can only catch a Murkrow in one of the Aqua/Magma gang hide outs, not sure which. A Starly will be on the rooftop next to the game corner on a windy day, so you won't see Starlys on top of buildings. Sort of funny, how on clear days you will see the bird pokemon perched on top of buildings, but they are impossible to catch.
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