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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aizen805

  1. To be completely honest I didn't realize it was an april fools joke until I read the first comment, but that being said I was actually excited for some of the changes. A nuzlocke option would be fun, but the last few.. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for days.
  2. Pretty sure all generation 6 sprites, eeveelutions and popular pokemon have had their shinies changed. For the most part I like them, but there are some that I still prefer the originals to. I saw that it was customizable, but obviously it isn't at the moment. Will it be in the future? Also, will we have the option to pick which shiny we want for our game, etc.
  3. Carnivore: All biting type moves drain 20% of the damage dealt to the opponent. Example Pokemon: Tyrantrum (Obvious), Feraligatr, Arbok, Aerodactyl, Mightyena, Sharpedo, Luxray, Krookodile, Archeops (Cuz it needs any fucking ability besides Defeatist), Pyroar Ectoplasm: Contact moves make the next ghost type attack deal 1.5x more damage against the opponent. (Essentially a critical hit.) Example Pokemon: Gengar, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Spiritomb, Jelliscent Crystalline: Pokemon takes 50% reduced damage from fire and rock type attacks. Example Pokemon: Glalie, Glaceon, Froslass, Vanilluxe, Cryogonal, Aurorus, Avalugg, Steelix,
  4. Slowpoke. It knows everything. It has so much information flowing into it's brain that it can't comprehend it and looks retarded.
  5. My sanity was gone immediately after breeding perfect pokemon that were also shiny.
  6. I'll be honest here, I have no idea what is happening, but astronomy does interest me greatly. I look at the occasional article that pertains to astrophysics, but aside from that the rest of this just seems funny (Mainly because it confuses the shit out of me.)
  7. I had a nightmare about this once. I ran out of room in all of my boxes for my countless eggs and ended up having to hoard them in my house. Eventually I had no more room for them all there and moved them to the backyard. Other pokemon began to eat the unhatched eggs as they all started to decay over time. Eventually there were too many eggs and I had become so unhappy by all of the pokemon that were essentially dying because of my endless pursuit of the perfect pokemon and I began to care less and less. Eventually I achieved my perfect pokemon and by that time I had become so evil, cruel and degenerate that I no longer cared. I started to work on the next pokemon and the love my original perfect pokemon had began to fade for me as it saw me caring so much more about my next. When I finally made the second in the now dead/dying egg wasteland that looked much like the wastelands in the game. So the old perfect pokemon killed the new perfect pokemon and then me. Yeah.
  8. Alright everyone knows about the notorious Missingno. We know you can get it in first generation games and that it has the capabilities of duplicating items and corrupting save data on the game. What if this "Glitch" was snuck into the game underneath the noses of the developers at Nintendo in an attempt to sabotage gamefreaks profits on pokemon? Think about it, what if an ex-programmer at gamefreak or just a jealous programmer decided to put this into the game? It has the capability of corrupting save data files, so there is a definite thing there. Plus it enables the duplication of items which is a major game-breaking cheat.
  9. Ty person I have never met.
  10. What's up party people. For those of you who don't remember me, I'm Aizen. I didn't talk much when I played before, but I did contribute to a lot of errors and bug reports because I'm annoying like that. I was just busy with school, work, other life things and I'm happy to announce that I have less of a life now! That's actually not as happy a thought as I thought it would be, but it means I can Mon it up again. I recently started a brand new game on Reborn and I'm liking the many changes made to the game especially the ability to see Ivs and Evs, really, thank you for that Amethyst. The game looks better than it ever has and I like the various puzzles added to it, to lengthen the game a bit. Look forward to playing it again and talking to all of you again. Cheers!
  11. Yeah seeing the 59's made me cringe a bit too. *Pats his shoulder.* It's okay. We'll get through this.
  12. Maybe he doesn't wanna use the same over-used pokemon that almost 90% of teams are comprised of on this site.
  13. It was close between Aya and Flobot. Aya gave me a hell of a fucking fight and it took me awhile to beat her, but I managed. Flobot definitely took longer and I still have my lvl 23 Kricktune in my "Valuables" Box in the Pc just because of how much it helped me back before my team was developed. After finishing my team that I wanted to stick with and fighting Noel it was a pretty easy fight. My Zebstrika outspeeded his Swellow thank god, if it hadn't I don't know if I would have won.
  14. It has been questioned.
  15. I'm pretty sure it's been like this throughout the normal games. It is kinda weird though especially when the pre or post evolution have different numbered abilities.
  16. I guess I should include some of the places I Ev trained my pokemon too. These were the best places I found that aren't up there. Rooftop Garden: (Where you catch Starly.) Literally every pokemon here gives attack or speed aside from Venonat which are fairly rare. You can also find Kricktune which give 2 attack ev's occasionally. Very decent spot for attack. Pyrous Mountain: (Right by the Magcargo rocks.) Numel and Slugma both give 1 sp. attack ev's and are pretty common. This was the fastest place I found for sp. attack without relying on glooms low encounter rate in other places. Apophyll Cave: (Above Pyrous Mountain.) Again literally everything gives def ev's here aside from a few and Graveler even give 2 and are fairly common. The Garden: (Tiny garden in the Lower Peridot Ward.) Sadly.. This is the fastest way i've found to train sp. def. It's very slow and tedious and only Ledyba give the sp. def stats. They only appear from 7am-12pm along with cherubi which can be used to train sp. attack while there if necessary. It's this or duskull, which is even slower.
  17. Aizen805


    Lol, thanks. I made it myself. Just saw this xD
  18. The worst typing resistance for me is Bug being resistant to Fighting type attacks.. Think about it.. I can understand flying because have you ever tried to punch a bird? Doesn't work out too well. Psychic because they are mentally superior and thus puts the age old saying to use, "Brains over brawn." Even Poison because I can see punching poison barbs to be pretty painful. Bug though, I seriously can't understand. I've punched and kicked plenty of bugs in my life and everyone aside from the flying ones have fallen.
  19. These ones are probably the most commonly known, but still the most confounding questions in my entire history of playing pokemon. How does Doduo Fly? Why can't Scyther use Fly? What does the rest of Diglett look like..? Some questions are better left unanswered..
  20. I found a shiny Slugma and named it Mercury. (Cuz it looks like molten mercury.)
  21. Just keep trying. Should be able to.
  22. You actually go outside? And have friends? That's new to me.
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