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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by WildFireKyurem

  1. I personally think the Nerfs to the Pseudo Legends of Each Gen is a bit much.
  2. Where can I find DJ Arclight in Ep.16? Can't seem to find him.
  3. I actually used a Rain Dance Heatmor with Damp Rock along with my Empoleon and Ampharos
  4. What do i do or where should i go after finding out Laura was fired from the E4 and talking to Cain and the others
  5. Oh okay thats fine ill just deal with Goth and Machamp when i feel like breeding
  6. Um I backup my file and put the copy in a different file but now when i start up my file is save file is gone did i do something wrong
  7. Okay i will consider these options BTW do u know where i would be able to find another Link and Dusk Stone if I am to breed a New Chandelure and Machamp
  8. This is my team Post Samson if it needs Revising feel free to post your thoughts. Rebellion the Torterra Lv.67 Naughty Nature/Shell Armor Earthquake Wood Hammer Crunch Curse Hits pretty hard and could take a hit or two.Usually use it for Curse Sweeping on Julia as a grotle Noel,Luna and Samson. Good thing is it cant be Critted. Hecate the Gothitelle Lv.66 Calm Nature Shadow Tag Psychic ShadowBall PsyShock ChargeBeam Helpful against Noel's Clefable with Charge beam+Psychic and against Aya along with Torterra Flex the Machamp Lv.65 Docile Nature No Guard Cross Chop Brick Break Strenght Seismic Toss Hits pretty hard and helped alot with Noel and Luna i just wish Ice Punch tutor was available right now Florence the Ampharos lv 68 Naive Nature with Plus Discharge Power Gem Dragon Pulse Thunder Wave Good for Supporting slower members of the team with TWave and could hold its own.Also was valuable team member in Radomus and Luna's gym when it had Signal beam. Striken the Granbull lv 68 Relaxed Nature with Intimidate Outrage BrickBreak PlayRough Crunch Pretty useful with Intimidate and was useful for Luna and Samson Shinigami the Chandelure Timid with Flash Fire FlameBurst ShadowBall WilloWisp Hex WilloWisp helped with Samson and Luna since their teams are mainly physical.Would Be good if i could get HeatWave or Flamethrower to replace FlameBurst.
  9. So is the dusk stone where luna is or in a different cave
  10. Alright so who should i replace in my team for camerupt My team Sceptile Level 37 Leaf Blade Night Slash X Scissor Quick Attack Vulpix 36 Flamethrower Flame Burst Hex Will o Wisp Crobat 36 Acrobatics Bite Wing Attack Confuse Ray Sandslash 31 Rock Smash Magnitude Dig Slash Pachirisu 32 Electro Ball Spark Charge Beam Cut Kirlia 33 Confusion Calm Mind Magical Leaf Double Team Also if you have any team suggestions please put them
  11. I am also having trouble with shade could someone help out
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