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Posts posted by WildFireKyurem

  1. Search around the forums, i think there's 4-6 link stones in Reborn. Dunno about Dusk Stones. On the other hand, Duskstones are buyable on the 7th floor of the Obsidia Dept. Store. The sticker system is supposed to be changed for E13 so that everyone has access to floor 9 and below, so waiting until E13 comes out oughta do it for ya.

    Okay thanks for the info

  2. If you're inexperienced with this game you may be asking, "exactly where is my save file and how does one post it to the site"? Well, go to the folder your current game of Pokemon Reborn is in. In this folder there should be three things titled "Game". One of them is a Pokeball and is a RGSS player (click on it to launch the game), one is a "Configuration Settings" and the one is an rxdata. That rxdata is your save file.

    So what I suggest you all do is make a separate folder and title it "Save Files" or something. Then, every once in a while, copy your current save file, paste it into that folder, and put a number after its name to distinguish itself from the others. Then, if your current save ever becomes corrupted, you can delete it, replace it with one of your extra save files, and take away the number at the end, leaving its name as simply "Game". Unless that save file ALSO suffers the same glitch as the previous one, loading the game with it should start you off normally, and you'll be able to continue the game from where that save left off. You'll lose whatever progress you've made between those two save files, but it will be much better than having to start the entire game over again. ESPECIALLY now that Magikarp was removed.

    Um I backup my file and put the copy in a different file but now when i start up my file is save file is gone did i do something wrong

  3. Before I say anything, your team is rather slow and Gothitelle can use that Trick Room TM. I think it would really benefit your team.

    Gothitelle can get Energy Ball. Breed a Lotad with Cacnea, then Cacnea with Gothitelle. Cacnea also learns Dark Pulse by TM, which you can then pass onto Gothitelle as well. Dark Pulse has the same power and coverage as Shadow Ball, but it's secondary effect is better and more likely to occur.

    With your team Trick Room would work really well. A set of Dark Pulse, Psychic/Psyshock, Energy Ball, Trick Room would be ideal.

    Hitmonchan is in the game. Trade a Dunsparce to the guy on the roof of the building in the top left corner of Route 1. By level-up, it learns the 3 Elemental Punches, Bullet Punch (not necessary with Trick Room) and Close Combat. Machamp can also have the ability No Guard. With it, Dynamic Punch is a 100% accurate, 100 base power move with a guarantee to confuse foes.

    Not really, sorry. Slugma does not learn Energy Ball via TM, so it cannot learn it through breeding. I also think Cottonee isn't around since E10. I think. You can still use Swirlix though. You have two options for it:

    Have Castform learn Energy Ball through breeding with Swirlix/Slurrpuff and Fire Blast through level-up and pass that onto Chandelure


    Wait for E13. Then, both parents will be able to pass on moves. Have Slugma/Magcargo pass Flamethrower to Litwick, Have Swirlix/Slurpuff pass EB to Castform then breed that female Litwick with Flamethrower and male Castform with EB and get a Litwick with both.

    Okay i will consider these options BTW do u know where i would be able to find another Link and Dusk Stone if I am to breed a New Chandelure and Machamp

  4. This is my team Post Samson if it needs Revising feel free to post your thoughts.

    Rebellion the Torterra Lv.67

    Naughty Nature/Shell Armor


    Wood Hammer



    Hits pretty hard and could take a hit or two.Usually use it for Curse Sweeping on Julia as a grotle Noel,Luna and Samson.

    Good thing is it cant be Critted.

    Hecate the Gothitelle Lv.66

    Calm Nature Shadow Tag





    Helpful against Noel's Clefable with Charge beam+Psychic and against Aya along with Torterra

    Flex the Machamp Lv.65

    Docile Nature No Guard

    Cross Chop

    Brick Break


    Seismic Toss

    Hits pretty hard and helped alot with Noel and Luna i just wish Ice Punch tutor was available right now

    Florence the Ampharos lv 68

    Naive Nature with Plus


    Power Gem

    Dragon Pulse

    Thunder Wave

    Good for Supporting slower members of the team with TWave and could hold its own.Also was valuable team member in Radomus and Luna's gym when it had Signal beam.

    Striken the Granbull lv 68

    Relaxed Nature with Intimidate





    Pretty useful with Intimidate and was useful for Luna and Samson

    Shinigami the Chandelure

    Timid with Flash Fire





    WilloWisp helped with Samson and Luna since their teams are mainly physical.Would Be good if i could get HeatWave or Flamethrower to replace FlameBurst.

  5. Moon Stone's In The Slums

    Leaf Stone Is In The Wasteland near Aya's House I think

    Fire stone = Pyrous Mountain

    Water stone = Aqua/Magma gang mission

    Thunderstone = only available through mining

    Dawn Stone = Bysbyxion Wasteland

    Dusk Stone = Railnet (after beating Shade) Or I The Crystal Caves Where Luna Is

    Shiny Stone = Azurine Island

    So is the dusk stone where luna is or in a different cave

  6. Alright so who should i replace in my team for camerupt

    My team

    Sceptile Level 37

    Leaf Blade

    Night Slash

    X Scissor

    Quick Attack

    Vulpix 36


    Flame Burst


    Will o Wisp

    Crobat 36



    Wing Attack

    Confuse Ray

    Sandslash 31

    Rock Smash




    Pachirisu 32

    Electro Ball


    Charge Beam


    Kirlia 33


    Calm Mind

    Magical Leaf

    Double Team

    Also if you have any team suggestions please put them

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