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Reborn Development Blog
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Everything posted by bohica
Fucking panda is amazing. LOVE IT!
Castform: All the weather patterns I want! Ditto: Transform everyone into something harmless. Gyarados: Induce rage in everyone, and let the region tear itself apart in chaos.
Garchomp... (Spoilers) tip for Nuzlocke Challengers
bohica replied to CrossXWind's topic in Reborn City
I almost beat it with my venusaur with 3 growths and sleep powder, but sadly full restore happened. grass knot at +6 and miracle seed was a sure 2hko -
I would like a Machamp at some point, and havent found a machop to save my life,I want escavelier and would like the method on how to obtain?
Crobat/Jolly/Infiltrator (Acrobatics/Bite/Confuse ray) lvl 33 Ninetails/Timid/Drought (Flamethrower/WoW/Hex/Confuse Ray) lvl 34 Venusaur/Timid/Chlorophyll (Sleep Powder/Growth/Double Edge/Grass Knot) lvl 34 Magmar/Hasty/Flame body (Flamethrower/Fire Punch/Faint attack/smokescreen) lvl 33 That the official team, Additions to be added: Escavelier Azumarill
So thought I would have a breeze with my sun team lol..........
bohica replied to bohica's topic in Team Showcase
I don't know! I am uber pissed though lol. I caught the 1rst and decimated the 2nd. -
A few restarts leads to this? Cowtao's Playthrough
bohica replied to Cowtao's topic in Team Showcase
Yay im not the only one who hates rini ! wait until 3rd growth fight -
So thought I would have a breeze with my sun team lol..........
bohica replied to bohica's topic in Team Showcase
And once removed from a fourth of july seista, im back at it. Very breifly mind you. Now after the great battle with Rini (lol yeah great for her, hell for me), I am off to Jasper Ward. I walk around after vacatng her gym, and I noticing more trainers and people out and about, I take this new change as a chance to explore and potentially grind. I make my way back to the pokemon center, but I remember the daycare people being quite short with me, I go to talk with them once more, and notice new dialogue. I continue to press them, and i am treated to a funny display of their description going from daycare couple, to not daycare couple, then to OBVIOUSLY NOT DAYCARE COUPLE! Then the little Team Rocketish display of an oath and we are treated to a double battle! Sadly for them, the recent acquisition of Flameburst is a little too much, but I was mad aware of the fact it doesnt hit both pokemon as it's description states. Bug or am I not quite understanding? Either way the go down quicker than a thai hook- errrrrrr never mind. The go on in great detail on how I won't be able to find my favorite egg pushers, and that looking is futile (Poor old people Q_Q!) With nothing left here I am off to my intended Jasper ward. Along the way I pick up potions and pokeballs, after all who know what we will find. I arrive in front of the guard, and he grants me access. Jasper Ward is certainly looking worse for ware, although I would love to shimmy up one of those long vines! looks so fun! I almost thought I was playing The Last Of Us! I notice a growlithe and Johnny Law, and I get all a twitter thinking this is a chance to get a new compainion, but of course the cop halts me (stinking 5-0) and we battle! After sun boosted flamebursts dispose of the double growlithe (i can't take him with me Q_Q) I enter the station. After a little banter the cop at the gate gives the captain the info that I am obviously their savior and they should shower me in praise, well after I find his 5 missing cops! I venture out into the ruins and come accross a gentleman who lost his azuril. I make a mental note to check extra hard in buildings later. I continue to go west, and am treated to more ild encounters than I can shake a stick at. Valuable exp for Ralts, who now has become a step closer to her namesake (rule 34) and has FINALLY evolved to kirla! I am through the assorted trainers, and meteor goons, and reach a dense area of green. I prepare myself to go into the lush plants, and hope I am not shown more depressing imagery of vines hanging people (ala titania/rini) (granted Rini could hang more, stinking cradily) and move foward! Along the way I am treated to a great sight, a LVL 21 zubat! If my pokebrain remembers anything, its that zubat evolves level 22! Also to add a physical poke with great resists to my team! I bring out my venus to sleep the unsuspecting bat, and capture it. I must bestow upon my new comrade a name that is both fun, and fitting! Sadly its early and I am in a 4th of july induced bbq coma, sooooooo BruceWayne it is! Also may it be stated my nature luck is absolutely AWESOME! Jolly Zubat thats alert to sounds! SWEET! Along the verdant path we go! I level my zubat immediately and get bruce into GOLBAT STATUS! and as I continue to hammer on poor sewaddle to curb Bruce's bloodlust I encounter my first shiny! A fucking sewaddle................ and to add insult to injury it is the next stepping stone to Bruce's lvl 25 status. I let out a sigh as I switch to My Venus to sleep the damn thing, and add my first shiny to my disappointing collection in the reborn region......... I crush team meteor baddies along the way, using the shinewaddle rage as fuel to my fire. I arrive at tangrowth and another green haired individual. I save, and keep my team as is, knowing Bruce is low health to avoid early sun to benefit tangrowth. I walk foward, but am halted! The mystery man talks to me, and educated me on the sad fate of pokemon trapped in this amplifying device. Then he attacks! Golbat proves to be an invaluable member early on. Confusing, and criting the lileep that was attempting to tank, and removes an other wise annoying poke from the equation! (Damn you rini). Next up is a tangrowth. I stay in knowing bruce isnt the hero I need, but the hero I desrve, as he confused tangrowth before going down to a thundershock. I bring in my iysaur in hopes of sleeping the growth to give free reign to vulpix, but i miss.......... of course. Tangrowth seizes the chance by paralyzing me, and after 3 turns of paralysis owning me, takes me out! I flip off my monitor as I bring in my vulpix, and destroy that tangrowths life with a flameburst! Things are looking up despite my star being dispatched. Next up is chatot! I laugh a little and switch to Kirla as a chance to improve her levels as I close into my gardy. I let out a chargebeam, and then am met with a nastyplot.................. O-o is the face I make as I made a gross mistake in that regard. I stay in for another chargebeam, but am met with a swift ko. I am panicing! I switch to vulpix an burn it with a wisp after narrowly surviving a hit. Now while it seems foolish to risk it, I am hoping I can stall to allow burn to do its job if magby can't KO it. I bring out magby and attempt to kill it with a flameburst, but Taka heals it up and survives my hit, only to retaliate with a chatter KO! I am down to my last pokemon! what is the hope for my team? A freaking glameow I got for snooping for the salon woman! Its ove- wait a sec! I have fakeout! and burn has taken its toll! I just need a turn! I fakeout on the chatot in hopes I am not met with a potion. If Taka pops a potion I am SO BONED! Thankfully the game realizes it loves me, and the burn is just enough to secure the win, and my lvl 15 cut slave goes to lvl 18 from the exp. Taka continues his monlogue, and I am told there is one more area to purge. I am half listening of course, because I need a freaking pokemon center ASAP! He hops off the ledge, and I follow, only to be met by a pink haired crybaby! I am hoping this girl with daddy issues doesnt want to battle, because I just have a freaking cat. Thankfully she leaves, but on the back of a freaking SALAMENCE? HELLO? 0_0 < is so thankful I didnt get destroyed! I rush back to the center to heal, and decide some mild exploration is in order! First to check my shiny sewadd-poop. Naughty nature? not bad, and chlorophyll? Not bad at all! I regret naming it POOP! I check my cash, and come to the realization I have enough to maximize Bruce's happiness to get an early Crobat! I am sooooooo pumped for that ! I walk around the ward, and recover one cop, then notice a house. I enter and see a spaztastic azuril mouse! I save before talking to it. Turns out I can just add it to my team! Also after a single reset I notice I can reset for nature, and ability! *evil thoughts a brewin* :feelsgd: muhahahahaha! Thats all for now. till I get a shiny with huge power, or adamant huge power! The team! My Venus (lvl 27 Female Ivysaur) Timid/Chlorophyll Grass Knot Leech Seed Sleep Powder Take down My Fire (Lvl 27 Female Magby) Hasty/Flame Body Flame Burst Faint Attack Clear Smog Confuse Ray YourDesire (Lvl 27 Female Vulpix) Timid/Drought Flame Burst Faint Attack WoW Confuse Ray Rule 34 (Lvl 27 Female Kirla) Quiet/Trace Confusion Charge Beam Grass knot Magical Leaf annnnnnnnd our new addition! BruceWayne (Lvl 26 Male Golbat) Jolly/Infiltrator WingAttack Bite Confuse Ray Astonish Weeeeeee!!!! Wow, adamant huge power 3rd reset. wooooooo! .................. another shiny sewaddle............ i don't even............ ugh. so much to type up. lol -
So thought I would have a breeze with my sun team lol..........
bohica replied to bohica's topic in Team Showcase
derailed hahahaha -
@ # 3 She was obviously getting tips from Lance.
Wrong hahaha. I started out pretty good. Got bulbasaur, and checked it and found that it was Timid, and had cholorphyll! Now thats lucky. In addition to it being female. I get ralts and it has a quiet nature, Also female. so thats two good natures off the bat. I continue on, and find magby, and to further continue my streak, magby was Naive, and female! So I Had the makings of a great sun team, just missing vulpix........... but not for long! Make it to the next area, and I get my ivysaur's happiness at the right level, then i get suzy's vulpix. Check to see stats, and oh my gosh, would ya look at that........ Timid with drought! The team gets more and more whole. Then the realization sets in that all the good attacks arent learned until level 24 and beyond, and I am still without my second badge. Tangrowth was a strategically intense battle! Making sure ivysaur put it to sleep before going out to boost the fire attacks with vulpix, but the game being the cruel mistress she is makes tangrowth wake up immediately, and crit on thundershock to ko my vulpix. I go to magby, and am met with a similar crit thundershock after failing to ko with ember! Ivysaur was on weak legs and ralts was underleveled, and sadly highly ineffective against growth's natural bulk. Ivysaur fought well, but fell to a magnet bomb. Then enter ralts, charge beam, confusion, and double team. Double team saved me. I was able to cheaply dodge, and charge-fusion my way to victory! I progress, but I was made very aware that I needed to level more, I just had to. Thankfully I found a great spot in the tunnel with mawile. I strut to the gym sporting lvl 23 pokes with the exception of ralts who sadly had her share of issues in the leveling dept. So frail, and weak. Then fern rears his illogical head. Forces me to go through a whole slew of trainers, who conveinently have an abundance of grass and fire pokes. Making my trek an unenjoyable one. Then putting me dangerously close to my pokes disobeying me! I finally beat the puzzles, and am met by a far more aggressive fern. I steamroll his team with vulpix, and magby who finally have learned the 70bp Flame burst! Sun as my guide I layed it on thick, and made my way to his sister. My sun brigade were all members of the 24 and over club, and my starter was lvl 25 and on the cusp of becoming a huge liability. I engaged the grass gym leader, and dispaired as I saw she had SIX pokemon. I knew I needed sun, so I hoped vulpix would be able to at least take out three pokes on its own before cradily. The start taught me that Carnivine is a bulky, bulky pokemon, or vulpix is pathetically weak lol. A sun boosted flame burst failed to KO the flytrap, and I was met with a leech seed, but thankfully my foxy fox dodges and delivered a KO with flame burst. Then was rewarded with 1000 exp. I cringed at the sight knowing that i would need to switch to avoid lvl 26 shennanigans. Which was fine consiering I knew that magby was a superior atttacker and would hopefully net a KO on the incoming foongus. I attack, and received the KO I so desperately wanted. As well as only 400exp, but that also placed magby on the cusp. My determination waned as I saw my next foe. Cradily was incoming. The rock/grass tank. I had NO super effective hit, and sincerely doubted the ability of vulpix, or magby to 2hko this beast. It'd have to be ivysaur....... but with it's moves consisting of take down, and razorleaf it would be a battle of endurance!. I needed to hit a sleep powder in hopes luck was on my side. I missed the first, and was met with a STAB smackdown that took a third of my go to tank's health. I kne right then and there if I did not hit a sleep powder it was over. I clicked the space bar and closed my eyes....... IT CONNECTS! Now we begin a dangerous game of fishing for razor leaf crits! So many close calls, and me stupidly potionless left me in situations I nearly lost hope. But salvation came in the form of 2 back to back razor leaf crits, and after 5 minutes of cursing the RNG for wakes, and applications of super potions, I had finally broken through. My ivsaur had sadly however solo'd the cradily, and received the great reward of 1700 exp! She now became an issue! Then next pokemon out was breloom to boot. Once again I needed a sleep powder hit, or I was done!. Once again I click the sleep powder, and close my eyes............. she ignored my commands! I fall into a pit of dread as I watch breloom mach punch for the resisted KO! Only to be met with an activation of toxic orb! I needed a miracle. Magby was sent out, and boy did she deliver! A crit from flame burst, which otherwise would have left me ripe for the mach punch 2HKO saved me, and lead my team to punch through the grotle standing before my sun soaked warriors! Now I retire till my next run, satisfied, and happy to have a sun team I am proud of. Intense. TEAM: My Venus (lvl.26 Ivysaur F) Timid/Chlorophyll Grass Knot Take Down Leech Seed Sleep Powder My Fire ( Lvl 25 Magby F) Naive/Flame body Flame Burst Faint Attack Clear Smog SmokeScreen YourDesire(Lvl 26 Vulpix F) Timid/Drought Flame Burst Faint Attack Roar Confuse Ray Rule 34 (lvl 19 Ralts F) Charge Beam Confusion Grass knot Double Team HM SLave (lvl 3 pachirisu M) Cut Bide Growl Woo.
Florina or (w/e) is the most obnoxious gym leader.............. ever. of all time. I hate her soooo much. I also hate the fact that the creator thought cradily was an okay poke to put in that gym. WIth recover lol. In addition to the super potions. I started with bulbasuar, and had to play a dangerous game of keeping my magby, and vulpix alive and below level 25. while avoiding smackdown. While abusing the sun boosted fire burst attacks to ko the ones weak to fire. just rawr. Fern is a dick though. I would never have been on the verge of overleveling if not for him keeping me out like a douche.