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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CaptainNikolai

  1. Alright, I'm registered. I'll send the request, what is your user name?
  2. Kewl beanz. Also, how do we trade? Never traded through this game before, been kinda struggling through everything on my own.
  3. Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to look for a Pokemon I have with a good Special Attack then, since I have the TM.
  4. That would be great! Also, I'm not sure I have any Pokemon that know or can learn Nature Power. What effect does it have on the terrain?
  5. I just reached Spinel Town, and I want to build a team around beating her Ice types. I have an Alolan Sandshrew I've been raising, and figured it'd be a perfect counter, since it quad-resists Ice moves. But I cannot find an Ice Stone for the life of me. Someone here told me where to find an Ice Stone, but I don't think I've reached that point in the game. Anyone have an Ice Stone they can trade me? I can offer (ironically) a shiny Alolan Sandshrew I accidentally bred. Also, any advice for facing Serra? Once prepped, I plan for my team to be a Turtonator, Alolan Sandslash, Pyroar, Sawk, Togedemaru, and Camerupt. Also have a Mawile as a substitute for resistance, it doesn't have any Steel type moves.
  6. Needing help versus Aya. Here's my team. Also got a few possibly useful Pokemon in the reserve squad, mostly Klink (untrained), Pallosand (lvl 44), Swanna (lvl. 44) and Alolan Sandshrew (lv. 40). My Ground type attacks are being nerfed hard by the arena effect, Nidoqueen's Stomping Tantrum are taking out my Ground-weak attacks, Seaking can't OHKO Nidoqueen, then gets ganged up on for being a threat, and Raichu can't carry the load by himself. Any tips or useful 'Mons?
  7. I can go catch the Phanpy from that cave south of the Abandoned Power Plant myself (where I caught Sandshrew), but an Ice Stone would be really great! I don't really have much, if anything, of value in exchange though.
  8. I reached Kiki on Apophyll Island, and her Lucario is absolutely destroying me. I can't scumbag it with my Venusaur as I normally do, and it seems to cover all the bases. Takes out Raichu with HP Ghost, annihilates Venusaur with Psychic, and wrecks everything else with a field-strengthened Aura Sphere. Nothing I have outspeeds it except Raichu, but because of Lucario's half Steel typing, I can barely scratch it. Here's my in-game team. I also have a Camerupt and Unfezant on standby, but they haven't proven to be much help. Any tips or Pokemon I should be using?
  9. Damn, that's a bit of a ways away, I should think. I just got to the Team Meteor raid in the old factory, and ZEL's Espeon is kicking my ass because I have nothing on my team to tank it.
  10. Looking for an Ice Stone, recently caught an Alolan Sandshrew I wish to evolve. I checked the In-Game Item Guide on this forum, and it makes no mention of Ice Stones under the Evolutionary Items category. How can I find one?
  11. I did A LOT of grinding with the Kricketot I got from an in-game trade. Grinded it to 16 to have it learn Bug Bite, then evolved it, grinded to 24. Also, while grinding, I came across a Litleo in a Hide-And-Seek event, so I got the Fire type I also needed (Dartrix 2HKO'd Kricketune, so I was able to have Litleo clean up). Battle was still somewhat difficult because my Kricketune has a negative Speed nature. But Fern was a lot harder than Florinia herself.
  12. I made it through the Onyx Trainer's School, and I reached a point where Fern blocks my path to face Florinina. I don't have a full party, as everything I've encountered is duplicating my Typing situation pretty badly (mainly with Poison), and I doubled up anyway just for Type advantage, which isn't really working. How can I get past Fern and his insanely strong Dartrix? It's a struggle just to make it to the Dartrix, my party is horribly crippled by the time I get to it. Any valuable Pokemon I'm missing out on catching? My team so far is:
  13. Is Pangoro any good? I managed to get a positive Defense natured Pancham from a Quest I did in Sheridan Village. And I'll definitely replace Noibat. Damn thing can't even OHKO a level 16 Pidgeotto with Air Cutter. Probably replace it with a good Rock type. Which is the better candidate: Graveler or Boldore? Also, as far as Poison types go, I'm replacing Toxicroak with Pancham, and I do have a Shiny Gulpin I caught in the beginning of the game...
  14. I'm getting absolutely DESTROYED by this Gym Leader time and time again. Any tips or useful Pokemon for me here? I can't progress, this Gym is way too hard. My team: Leavanny Lv 34 Chlorophyll Adamant Protect, Will o Wisp, Fell Stinger, Bug Bite Noibat Lv 31 Frisk Timid Cut, Roost, Bite, Air Cutter Granbull Lv 35 Intimidate Bashful Bulk Up, Rock Smash, Bite, Headbutt Litleo Lv 32 Rivalry Serious Fire Fang, Work Up, Headbutt, Noble Roar Toxicroak Lv 33 Poison Touch Adamant Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch, Revenge, Mud Bomb Dewott Lv 33 Torrent Quirky Revenge, Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Focus Energy
  15. Inside of a cave. Also, didn't know there was a Rejuvenation thread, sorry.
  16. Is this a bug? Playing through Rejuvenation, and my Noibat was successfully Arena Trapped by a Diglett, and Magnitude connected as well. No Roosting was involved.
  17. There's no one in the building. I watched shofu's episode where he was at this point, and I did everything he did. But I cannot get the Magma leader to talk. I don't know what to do. =/
  18. I've talked to everyone in the Magma Hideout, but still nothing. The Aqua Hideout is completely abandoned. Nothing but the Starly on the raptors.
  19. I did finish the storyline though. Every time I talk to him, he keeps saying: "Now what do we do, with now Aqua Gang? No matter, you ever need us for anything Nikolai, just give the say so. We're family and we got your back". Seems like I finished it anyway.
  20. So I finally decided to get back into Reborn, and I'm lost as all get out. I remember defeating the Gym Leader in the castle, then everything went dark. I talked to an NPC (this was after I downloaded the update, of course), and I was told to look for 7th Street, or for someone who knows about it, in Reborn City. Watching shofu's playthrough for a bit of guidance (but mostly entertainment), I learned that I had to talk to the Aqua Gang leader. However, I sided with Magma (because I love Houndour), so Aqua isn't there. I tried talking to the Magma leader, and I get nothing (unlike shofu, who was able to get him to talk). How can I get him to talk? I'm assuming I need the respective leader of the Gang I helped in order to get to 7th Street, but I talked to him multiple times with no revealing answers about 7th Street...
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