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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CaptainNikolai

  1. Trying to install episode 11, but I am unsure how. Do I simply extract the .rar file to the old Reborn folder, because this hasn't worked for me. Any help would be appreciated. =)
  2. My Butterfree SWEPT this Gym! It was able to live a Psychic from Alakazam, so from there, I used Sleep Powder, set up two Quiver Dances, then proceeded to Bug Buzz/Shadow Ball his entire team. =D
  3. You were right. I had to choose El's side to continue. WHEW! That is a lot of avoided work. xD
  4. Well, I chose Radomus' side, and when I lost, El took 5500 Pokedollars from me and I was sent back to the Nature Center on Route 1 to try again.
  5. So...did not see that one coming. My team as of now cannot take this thing down, but I do have a plan. I have a Spiritomb on back up that I can level grind a bit, reteach it Curse, and try to survive from there. I was also looking for the TM Toxic, is it available yet? As well, can I even backtrack from this point? I can't seem to find my way out of Route 1. =(
  6. Toughest Gym Leader for me by far was Noel. I was able to find a pattern in his team and adjust accordingly, but his Clefable's defenses far outclassed the strength of my hyper offensive team. Because I wasn't prepared, I literally had to PP stall him with a combination of Butterfree's Sleep Powder and Honchkrow's Haze + Brave Bird + Foul Play. He began predicting me after a while (I would switch in Butterfree as he buffed his Defenses, put him to sleep, then switch back to Honchkrow and use Haze to reset the stats, then Brave Bird [after he began PP stalling my Brave Bird, I had to switch to Foul Play]), and hit my Butterfree with a Psychic. It lived a critical hit, but by then, he ran out of Cosmic Power and Softboiled, and was forced to waste his Psychic PP on Honchkrow, as I outpredicted him and did not send Butterfree in for the rest of the match, and his HP Fighting did neutral damage, which I easily Roosted off. Once he began to use Struggle, then I just kept hitting him with Foul Play. But yeah. It was a 20 minute stall fest. Second toughest Gym Leader was Serra. I had to reset 7 times and figure out my attack pattern (her Mamoswine wrecks my entire team). Once I figured that I could OHKO the Abomasnow then aim for it again with Scrafty's Scary Face (Magmar is faster than Scrafty), Mamoswine would've gotten hit with the Scary Face, then Scrafty and Magmar could outspeed and double team the Mamoswine. After that, it was a bit of a challenge, as I continued to reset for my exact attack structure (didn't want to lose my money in spite of my in battle level ups).
  7. Mauna Loa : A shiny female Camerupt named after the largest active volcano in the world, located in Hawaii U.F.O. : Self explanatory Don Poe : Edgar Allan Poe as a mob boss Sir Kibble : Named after the helmeted creature that performs the Final Cutter attack in the Kirby franchise Pinkberry : Because of its pink wings in its shiny form, I named it after a popular dessert. Cthulu : Who wouldn't name a tentacle monster after the most legendary of all tentacle monsters?
  8. I definitely recommend doing this. My hyper offensive team struggled quite hard against Noel and his Clefable. Without Toxic stalling, it took me 20 minutes to take it down with a switch combo between Butterfree and Honchkrow. Long story short, I PP stalled it, and it KOed itself with Struggle (Honchkrow's Foul Play attack helped speed that process up). Honestly, I would like Toxic to teach to my Camerupt, but I don't know if the TM is actually available in the game yet.
  9. I'm unsure of the encounter rate, but Amethyst, the game's creator, had make the occurrence a LOT more common than in the original games. Mind you, the chances are still rare, just a lot less rare. I've got at least 4 shinies in my PC box, and two shinies on my main team.
  10. I decided to go with Butterfree, the near-never miss Sleep Powder was too good to pass up. It helped me defeat Noel. So Serperior's on back up, especially now since I used a Heart Scale to teach Gallade Leaf Blade.
  11. My first shiny was a Slugma, back when 4th gen was the main generation, and Platinum was released. However, I accidentally KOed it. But my first successful capture was a shiny Golbat during a SoulSilver Nuzlocke run. I immediately quit the Nuzlocke challenge so that I could break the rules and capture it. To this day, my shiny female Crobat, appropriately nicknamed "Lilith" (Morrigan Aensland's "sister") is one of my strongest Pokemon on my Black 2 file. Adamant natured too, it was an extremely lucky capture!
  12. Just finished Episode 9, and after a headache-inducing bout of my willpower versus his Clefable, my team has definitely grown. Here is the end result: U.F.O. the Magnezone Level 51 Nature: Relaxed Ability: Sturdy Moveset: Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Discharge Cthulu the Omastar Level 52 (abandoned my level 55 goal for various reasons) Nature: Modest Ability: Shell Armor Item: Mystic Water Moveset: Mud Shot, Ancient Power, Shell Smash, Brine Don Poe the Honchkrow Level 51 Nature: Jolly Ability: Insomnia Moveset: Haze, Brave Bird, Roost, Foul Play Pinkberry the Shiny Butterfree Level 52 Nature: Modest Ability: Compoundeyes Moveset: Sleep Powder, Shadow Ball, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz Sir Kibble the Gallade Level 51 Nature: Lonely Ability: Steadfast Moveset: Rock Smash, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut Mauna Loa the Shiny Camerupt Level 53 Nature: Rash Ability: Solid Rock Item: Leftovers Moveset: Flamethrower, Earth Power, Earthquake, Eruption
  13. I'm trying to figure out which Pokemon will fit the last spot on my team. I have a soft spot for Serperior, as it is my favorite 5th Gen starter, but with the Contrary Ability not working and with a low Special Attack stat anyway (my plan was Leaf Storm sweeping), I'm thinking of ditching it. However, it's current moveset and its decent Attack stat does warrant it as a physical sweeper. But my Butterfree is only a few levels from learning Quiver Dance, and that'll definitely make it a force to be reckoned with. So, based on my team, who supports them better: Serperior or Butterfree? Main Team Cthulu the Omanyte @Everstone (evolution on hold until level 55) Level 40 (currently in training) Modest Nature Shell Armor Mud Shot Ancient Power Protect Brine Mauna Loa the Camerupt (Shiny) Level 48 Rash Nature Solid Rock Flamethrower Earth Power Earthquake Yawn Don Poe the Honchkrow @Leftovers Level 42 (currently in training) Jolly Nature Insomnia Haze Brave Bird Roost Faint Attack Sir Kibble the Gallade @Silk Scarf Level 48 Lonely Nature Steadfast Rock Smash Swords Dance Slash Psycho Cut U.F.O. the Magnezone Level 48 Relaxed Nature Sturdy Charge Beam Metal Sound Flash Cannon Discharge Fight for the Last Spot Walter the Serperior Level 47 Serious Nature Contrary (currently not working) Slam Coil Leaf Blade Leech Seed Pinkberry the Butterfree (Shiny) Level 43 (am willing to train) Modest Nature Compoundeyes Sleep Powder Shadow Ball Psybeam Bug Buzz
  14. Hmmmm. I don't know how to do any of those fancy HTML scripts showing sprites and whatnot, but here is my current team (not finished with Episode 9, taking time out to train). Cthulu the Omanyte @Everstone (evolution on hold until level 55) Level 40 (currently in training) Modest Nature Shell Armor Mud Shot Ancient Power Protect Brine Mauna Loa the Camerupt (Shiny) Level 48 Rash Nature Solid Rock Flamethrower Earth Power Earthquake Yawn Don Poe the Honchkrow @Leftovers Level 42 (currently in training) Jolly Nature Insomnia Haze Brave Bird Roost Faint Attack Sir Kibble the Gallade @Silk Scarf Level 48 Lonely Nature Steadfast Rock Smash Swords Dance Slash Psycho Cut U.F.O. the Magnezone Level 48 Relaxed Nature Sturdy Charge Beam Metal Sound Flash Cannon Discharge Walter the Serperior Level 47 Serious Nature Contrary (currently not working) Slam Coil Leaf Blade Leech Seed
  15. I've been headbutting the same tree for a flipping hour. Not a single Munchlax was found. X_X EDIT: Just found and caught a shiny Unown. Still no Munchlax. >_<
  16. I got one, thanks everyone! It's a Jolly Nature too, so now it's time for some Crow on Duck action to get Brave Bird!
  17. Am I far enough in the game to obtain Dusk Stones? I just defeated Serra of the Spinel Town Gym, and I need to find the PokeMart that disappeared. However, I'm taking a break for Pokemon catching/stone hunting. My objective is Murkrow and two Dusk Stones. I've already gotten the Murkrow, but I need two Dusk Stones in order to evolve it and the Misdreavus on my team. Where can I find them?
  18. Any way to manipulate the weather? Seems like the only weather I ever get is heavy rain.
  19. Been wanting it for sometime now. Is it available at the point where I'm at? I've just defeated Dr. Connal, and I have to solve the Underground Railnet puzzle, but I'm taking a break from that to hunt for Pokemon. I'm currently looking for Murkrow, where can I obtain one?
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