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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Trisaac

  1. I need help with the under ground Railnet puzzle to save the kids and how do i do it and also I would like screenshots please
  2. never mind it was an april fools wahhh I was excited
  3. Why is it that when I click the download link I get taken to youtube and also aww man a Nuzlocke but what if I die of the sadness and the feels
  4. Does it Have to be a Nuzlocke

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      Download it and find out

    3. Trisaac


      oh yea i found that out lol

  5. I finally beat Shade and evolved my Growlithe

    1. Vinny


      But... but... wasn't it too soon to evolve it? :o

    2. Trisaac


      no i wanted to get extreme speed so it was actually too late

  6. MIners Kit where do I find it

    1. Notus


      Beneath the Grand Stairway, you need to find a karate guy.

  7. So where do you get the mining kit because i need a fire stone for my growlithe
  8. How do i evolve my Growlithe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cowtao


      Whatever you use, use a Firestone.

    3. Trisaac


      yea but i cant find one im stuck on shade

    4. Cowtao


      Usually you can find Fire Stones mining rocks. It usually is spread out from the cave under the Grand Stairway to the Byxbysion Wasteland.

  9. my team

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      "Ugh, *this* team." - my brother, every time he plays ARAM league of legends

      "What tier am I in, everyone I play against/with is awful."

  10. I need a good place to train my pokemon

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