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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tannom

  1. My favorite is Crobat I love the design of crobat, and Crobat and i have a bit of history... It all started at the My very first game (leaf green) and i had just bested Brock, and was entering MT. Moon for the first time; 1st poke zubat, 2nd zubat, 3rd geodude, 4th zubat, and the fifth; was a shiny zubat! Of course i caught it, and it stuck by my side for the longest time. I leveled it to 100, along with my other Pokemon on my team and even moved it to newer games like Diamond. (where like all the other Pokemon in the game died) game broke) And during my first playthrough of PokeMMO the fifth poke (at MT. Moon) was a zubat, and i caught it for good times sake; and I later found that this was a competitive zubat. with adamant nature. So yeah when i catch zubat's for actual use; i name them Yogurt, in memory of the shiny Crobat i had when i was a kid.
  2. What if shards are the ingredient to dark balls? you need a high amount and multi-colored shards* because to create black (with pigments) you have to combine all the colors.
  3. and how much was it of anime and computer? (doing shit you like doing w/e) if it's like 30%+ plus then you've lived a good life
  4. XD your luck is almost as bad as mine
  5. If i'm not mistaken, you still have a 1/700 chance that the egg will be shiny (if they developed the same way as they did in gen 5) so i would keep trying and cross your fingers (and hope it's a boy!)
  6. ^^ your signature is absolutely terrifying ^^
  7. sounds like my kind of party, and quit hating on garbodor! he's amazing!! toxic spikes at lvl 7 and all base stats (that count) at all around 80
  8. you stole a ditto, best to forget about those Pokemon > they have no more value to you now! mwhahaha (cough) ahahahaha....
  9. sooo I don't think this goes under any of the sub forums... so i placed it here.... But anyways why I created this post was I was thinking on how ferns a idiot, and that got me thinking on how team Meteor are idiots too... Then i was thinking on how i would be a better leader (with my terror attempts) and take advantage of their machine and try to push the citizens of reborn out. (feels like scooby doo plot) So yeah how would you terrorize the citizens of reborn if you had their device? Rules - no legendaries are to be hooked up to the machine (please ) -only post like one or two times? so that other people would have a chance to post. but yeah... I would hook up a Unown to the machine, since unown have ability to rip holes of the fabric of space to another dimension! and have the unown flood into the city! mwhahahahahahahaha! so yeah i'm doing this for fun and it's kinda like why not
  10. you ever play fallout ame? when you're hacking into the computers you have to find all the password and what not (i know it would be extensive to code for just one Pokemon.... but that would be a sweet event ) (not going to hold my breath on this, but it would be cool)
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