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Everything posted by pervyninjaturtle

  1. awesome thank you so much it would have taken me forever to figure that out i probably would have given up before i even did thanks a bunch.
  2. heres my save file im not entirely sure if spinel town is the last thing if thats the case the last gym i did i believe was the psychic gym which makes sense that i wouldnt bother using skrelp against him and probably wait to beat him then get my dragalge hope the file helps 498 - Maelstrom - 59h 55m - 8 badges.rxdata
  3. no i did not get the medicine or serra but thanks for telling me about spinel town im currently on route 1 its a straight shot there right?
  4. so ive been away from the game for awhile now and i cant remember what i have to do next from what i can gathered ive obtained the good rod after which i promptly went out for a skrelp bred it and now have what i want i can say for sure that i as soon as a good rod was available i got it and im curently using ep. 15 if that changes anything thanks for the assistance
  5. so i just beat charlotte and I'm in ametrine city and i can't find what i have to do i went into every building i possibly could and talk to the townspeople and still bupkis nvm found the last person i had to talk to
  6. thats the thing i can't get to that part i can't figure out how to go through the ice skating puzzle to go back its like its one way only i figured it out thanks for the help
  7. thanks for letting me know about that thread i just decided to move forward and hopefully it will all work out and yes i entered from where titania lived
  8. i didn't solve that part so i can't go through and i do have surf i only got to where i am cuz of surf
  9. I just went past the first ice puzzle in ametrine mountain got myself a handful of horseas and i want to go back to a pc to check them out but i can't for the love of god go back down the stairs is there another way around?
  10. i haven't played since october and just started playing again yesterday and well my drought nine tails became flash fire and all of my hi leveled pick up pokemon lost their ability so now i need lots of red shards for the ability capsule but can't remember if i did mine all of the rocks available which i doubt. the only place i can remember that had them was the grand stairway is their any other places i am forgetting?
  11. oh damn it all all of the leftovers i could of gotten if i had known sooner oh well honchkrow is still good for the psychic and ground immunities.
  12. in ep10 do you still keep the item that you stole from a trainer using thief/covet or does it return cuz i just did it with my honchkrow which i got for this sole purpose and it didn't keep the item
  13. oh wow thought this was the search function

    1. Maelstrom


      Most everybody does when they first get here.

    2. anethia


      i dont understand how though... it says "What's on your mind?" not "Search" like the other box above Member Info D:

  14. now i am trying to get misdreavus i am just wondering how many times i have to find it cuz i think i found it twice i just dont know if i decided not to bother it or if i defeated it or what i did
  15. yeah i know that my problem is that he is not there so i am asking what are the conditions i need to meet to get the guy there
  16. ive just gotten ass handed to me by that garchomp and beaten cain to gain access to the wastelands but before i continue i would really like bulbasaur so ive checked where the guy is suppose to be to trade the chimecho for the bulbasaur but he is not even there thx in advance
  17. oh yeah i can finally go in it just wasnt late enough anyway thx for the assist and can i get houndour before shade
  18. im having difficulty finding the old shack for the aqua gang is it the house to the left of the pokemart in lapis ward b/c if so then it is lock or should i be going to the magma gangs hideout and beat them? and also for joining team magma u get a chinchou and another pokemon what is that other pokemon?
  19. my pachirisu is 11 im pretty sure one of the kings rock was his the other two im not too sure but yeah low levels around the teens is when you can get kings rock pretty rare though and i have three lol just next time you grind have the three i mentioned in the team and dont get your hopes up youll find one eventually
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