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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by pervyninjaturtle

  1. ok well i like lanturn a lot, i use it in my mono electric team and i could use more water types so magma is the gang for me thx for the info
  2. i highly suggest having some pokemon with pick up handy for those times when a new pokemon needs to play a game of catch up the pick up ability gives so many useful items like hyper potions and full heals in fact today on of my pokes picked up my first ultra ball and a couple of king's rocks, its a ability i highly recommend resetting for if need be pokemon with pick up early game are pachirisu, zigzagoon and lillipup too sort off
  3. i am just wondering as towards the difference between joining the two gangs like what pokemon you get vs the other and items if any thanks for the info
  4. the aipom is from headbutting trees in jasper and beryl ward however i cannot find a headbuttable tree only fully grown trees that i cannot headbutt can someone tell me where the tree is does it has to be done before defeating the tan growth?
  5. i cant find it all i want is to find it and get an aipom can anyone tell me where the tree is the only trees i see are the big fully grown ones help is greatly appreciated
  6. where can i catch aipom i know from tv that its in the jasper and beryl ward but is it in the streets or in a tree that i have to headbutt is the gossip gardevior said it went back up to tree but im having difficulty finding a tree i can headbutt can anyone give me some pointers
  7. oh wow thanks a bunch the video on the second page helped a lot
  8. i was wondering if there is an amulet coin in the game and also when the side quest to get the sticker that grants access to the fourth floor which i think lets u buy friendship berries becomes accessible.
  9. when do shiny stones become available in the game?
  10. ugh the reason why i want a snubbull is what i need to get it such is the way of life i will try and get that zigzagoon as for bidoof i traded mine for abra already
  11. yeah i tried to get snubull but she just says i dont know what to do and doesnt give me the snubull i dont know why i have the first badge about to get the second i would have gotten it but i am afraid my pokes will go past 25 and will make the battle difficult
  12. really i just want a pokemon that can use headbutt so that i can find other pokemon but zigzagoon learns it really fast i currently really use only three pokemon and now im on the look out for number 4 or 5 hopefully since they are dangerously close to the lvl cap thanks for the help
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