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  1. Zer0

    Gen 6 Sprites

    @ 3:38 ▶ IGN Reviews - Pokemon X and Y - Review - YouTube It seems like Mega-evolutions do have party sprites.
  2. Zer0


    I know I found one in the part of the slums where the box runs off to and it says something about it just being an ordinary box. Not sure if this helps at all but yeah, found one there.
  3. Zer0

    Episode 9

    It seems that Ame's already decided on what Pokemon are being added (and probably everything else since I hear it's super soon 'til ep 9 comes out? =D) and has updated the obtainable list for ep 9 already so no litwick it seems. :x Source:
  4. Actually I think Ladios is dead on so Technician Breloom isn't available (unfortunately D=). From another thread:
  5. I don't think beating the Garchomp would be a requirement given that the dialogue contines as if you had lost to him but it'd be awesome to aim for that anyway. Also, does anyone know how you would even go about battling El?
  6. I found Azurine Island at night to be a good way to find Glooms. I'm not sure if it's just as easy during the day but when I did try in the day I think I found it more difficult but can't remember 100%.
  7. I feel like such an idiot! xD I read on here that some people had aerodactyl and spent hours reseting... Paha. I'm so glad to have seen this now though so I don't try that again.
  8. Ah ok! Thanks, so now I can leave my shroomish box alone without having to add too much to the second box.
  9. I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky (or maybe regularly lucky and just thought it'd be easier =p) but I can't seem to breed dream world abilities from parents with their natural abilities. I've had pokemon with dream world abilities breed both natural and dream world abilities but from experience (though not all that much so I'll continue on as I am and hope for the best) I can't get dream world abilities from pokemon with natural abilities. To be fair the only thing I have as examples are: - 5 Sandiles from a Moxie Sandile mother; 2 have Moxie and 3 have Intimidate - Anger Point being the DW ability. (The Arbok father had Shed Skin, a natural ability) - 3 Magikarps from a Moxie Gyarados (DW) father; 2 have Rattled (DW) and 1 has Swift Swim. (The Ditto 'mother' also had its DW ability in Imposter) - 20 Shroomishes from an Effect Spore Shroomish mother; 7 have Poison Heal and 13 have Effect Spore - Quick Feet being the DW ability. (The Sunflora father had Solar Power, a natural ability) So I guess my main question is: is Quick Feet Shroomish/Technician Breloom in the game? And if so, can I breed to get one :B I'm guessing the answer's going to be a yes and I just need to persevere >:B
  10. Zer0

    Quick Question

    OK, thanks! Now I just need to work out when this all went wrong and set it a week forward from that? :L *dies* Have been doing a lot of date switching so this should be fun =p
  11. Does anyone know if there's anything we do in-game to decide which path is chosen and if so what it is? My two playthroughs had both the different ones and I don't remember doing anything different really so I'm just curious is all. ^^
  12. Zer0

    Quick Question

    Sorry if this is hijacking the thread but I seem to be stuck with only the weather that my forecast tells me, so I'm currently only able to make it have rainstorms, windy and normal weather. Is there a way I can change the time and date to give me sun even though everytime I check the forecast it only mentions the same thing?
  13. Not sure if this is the right place to post and if not, sorry in advance, but is anything supposed to be said between all of these: "Hello! Gossip Gardvoir here in Interview Intermission, bring YOU the inside scoop on Reborn's celebrity figures!" and "That's all on today's Interview Intermission. Until next time!"? "And now a special news report from... The Investigation Squad!" and "And that's all for now! Tune in next time to... The Investigation Squad!" "Need to spice up your roster? Looking for new Pokemon? Welcome to Reborn's Pokemon Watch!" and "Happy hunting, trainers! And may the RNG be ever in your favor!" "Hello, everyone~ It's me, everyone's favorite Gardevoir here with the latest and greatest in breaking news!" and "Stay tuned to find out! ~XOXO ~Gossip Gardevoir~" I find it weird that these just follow each other and was wondering if that's just the way it is or is my file being strange? Thanks to anyone who can help. ^^
  14. Thanks so much! I thought there was a group of people there for some helpful reason and thought I had spoken to everyone there before but apparently not aha. You have to go back to his mother after rescuing him from the drifloon first and then he'll be where the vine trapped the police officer. I was confused by this for a while too.
  15. I tried searching and I couldn't find anything but can anyone tell me where the first link stone is? If it's already been said and I've missed it, I apologise. I've read that it costs 10,000 dollars but that's it. Edit: lol, I just accidentally found the second one but I'm still intersted to find the first. ^^
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