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    Green Bit
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    One Piece

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  1. I feel like too many people are doing black and red. It's probably the best combo, but I'm sure we don't want all the sprites to be the same color.
  2. Where's the best place to train Sp. Atk ONLY? I've tried the Arc de whatever, but there are way too many unowns and I don't want any attack EVs.
  3. Thirdbird


    Breed as in train it?
  4. I tried... @codelancelot I think they're all pretty good. I especially like the color of the 2nd one, but it isn't shaded that well.
  5. http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php Have fun
  6. I just went ahead and got all the moves lol.
  7. Finally done with Venomoth. And I tried Graphics Gale, but it was too hard. I roll with #TeamMSPaint
  8. I want a #2300+ on the SAT

    1. RoseTheBlackMonster


      Thats a good goal! Last time I took the SAT's was in 7th grade when they were still out of 1800

    2. RoseTheBlackMonster
    3. Thirdbird
  9. I've got one heart scale. Should I teach Noivern a new move (Boomburst/Dragon Pulse) or Gardevoir a new move (Moonblast)? Current Moves (Noivern) Tailwind Roost Shadow Ball Air Slash Current Moves (Gardevoir) Calm Mind Psychic Magical Leaf Charge Beam
  10. @codelancelot - I like the shade of black, but I think the underside should be changed from yellow to light blue. Like the color of gyarados in your sig. And maybe you could color the flame on Charizard's tail like the flames on typhlosion's back. Also, did I fix it?
  11. Behold: Bidoof Origin Forme This should be a thing.
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