Hello, I have trained many pokemons to be rotated in and out of my team, but since it takes so much time and effort. Id like to limit this to 6 max 7 pokes. Ill list what I have.
I hope some help to build this team because to be honest im a terrible team builder and thats why I tend to keep so many pokemons leveled. Also I got enough ability capsules(8) and hearth scales(20) to make the current ability and moveset not madder just dont wait for me to breed anything. Also I wont start resetting evs but Im up to ev training the ones that I have resetted before or havent used yet. Also all tm, hm and hold items that are obtainable in the game are usable (outcluding the ones that needs lottery luck, pickup luck or thief usage), just be ready to tell me where to find them. All of these are over level 60 so dont worry about the levels either. I have finished the current episode 14.
T:L:D:R Help me build a team with these pokemon without breeding and only using items, tms, hms etc that are obtainable in game.
Pawniard - (can be ev trained)
Gastrodon - (evs mostly in hp(90) and defense(120))
Victreebell - (evs all around, mostly in speed)
Lucario - (ev trained in speed(180), rest mostly in attack(100))
Rotom - (currently wash, evs mostly in sp attack and sp defense(90+), some in speed and hp(50+))
Bronzong - (evs mostly in defense and hp)
Mamoswine - (ev trained in attack(180) some in hp(60) or speed(80) rest unused, also knows icicle crash as a breeded move)
Charizard - (evs all around)
Gardevoir - (evs all around but mostly in special attack)
Porygon2 - (can be ev trained, are there an eviolite in game yet?)
Flygon - (evs mostly in attack(120) and speed(170), but some all around)
Togekiss - (evs all around)
Gengar - (ev trained in speed(180), rest mostly in special attack(120) rest all around)
Eevee - (can be ev trained and I got most stones, only lvl 52 so I prefer not to choose it for this but its an option)
So who would you choose, with what movesets and why?