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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Noir

  1. Kino and Enma Enma attacks the Onyro, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino casts Debilitate onto the Onyro, dealing 3d6 + INT + INT/2 + 2 (3d6 + 15) damage. This consumes Entente of Malice, and causes the Onyro to deal 10% less damage for two turns. Kino and her summons' attacks maintain the debuff, and the debuff can stack up to thrice when used consecutively. 3 turn cooldown.
  2. Kino and Enma Their initially civil, if mostly ominous, introduction to the inn had ended up culminated common deception heard in youkai folktales and even other stories meant to scare and teach children back in the twins' youth. Their company (both spiritual and non-spiritual) aside, the feral host's ravenous remark bore no threat, for Kino and her kin no longer had blood to give, even if her frail, withered body were to be torn apart like rags for her adversaries' leisure. Despite Enma's initial fear, the masked figure and what remained of the demons seemed to scare her less than the haunting memories that filled the place, and a day's worth of reaping and claiming would largely offset what remained of her apprehension. Bad service, Enma pouted. Perhaps you'd like to file a complaint. In a rare moment, Kino found it in herself to make that amusing remark, earning a giggle from her sister: it was quickly replaced by a wave of undying excitement that was roaring within her and her kin even as it ate away at her sister with each waking moment. And it would be them who could claim payment for their poor reception. Kino (75/100) Enma (70/70) Kino unleashes her Revelation of spirits, the feedback of the incantation stripping her of 25% of her maximum health. Enma attacks Ubume 2, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it.
  3. Venus His weapon was fully loaded. More than necessary, but well enough -- it paid to be prepared. There was still a wicked irony with the first shot being the last, though, as some would say -- every ending gives way to another new beginning. Venus tilted his masked head to the side like a snake would open eyeing prey; the whimsicality of the gesture was perhaps more akin to a curious child, and he brandished his weapon of choice as he eyed the final movements of the doll that was the hooked corpse. The red glow it emitted reminded him of the backdrop that complemented grim, at times romantic sceneries depicted in operas, though in this case, what would transpire next was much more inclined to the former. Having largely ignored the beating Navin had given to what would be his final segment for this performance (though he appreciated the merit that came with what was otherwise crude, unrefined handiwork) he blocked off all sound, wanting to hear only the thumping of his own wild, excited heart that rang, deaf to even the final gunshot that fired the next moment. There was a shimmering light and a splattering sound, but what sprung forth from what remained of the corpse was neither red nor any meaty color typical expected from its dismemberment. After all, blood was far more alluring to the eye when it came in more colors.
  4. Venus Magnificent. Those were the only words that popped into Venus' mind as the hooks around him bloomed and scattered amidst his flurry of petals; no more needed to be said as nearly all adversaries were down except the largest puppet. That said, the show was not over yet: despite the approaching climax; even so, Venus had exhausted his current reserve of tools despite the thrilling work he'd created, and he needed to prepare swiftly before the finale approached. Venus is unable to take any other actions this turn due to Preparation.
  5. Venus (36/65) All was set. The largest of the hookers itself seemed to prepare for the inevitable that was to come -- a minor setback, but it was only natural to resist. There were the faint of heart all over, and this next strike would be one to invigorate them. Venus casts an amplified Artful Flourish against the Giant Hooker, dealing [4d4 + INT (10) + INT/4 x 3(Total 6) + INT (10) +5 + DEX/4 (1) . Total: 4d4 + 32) x 30% damage to it with a guaranteed chance for a critical strike. This attack will trigger the Lotus armed on it, adding a further 50% bonus damage of the final attack's damage (mulitplicatively) toward the Hooker, and dealing 50% of its total damage to all surrounding enemies, rounded down.
  6. Venus (58/65) Venus casts Curtain against Mini Meathook 2, dealing [2d4 + INT + INT/4 x 2 (Total 4)] x 30% damage (with 30% crit chance for double damage) to it. Mini Meathook 2's attacks have a DEX (5) + SYN/2 (3) + INT/2 (5) = 13% chance of missing Venus for two turns.
  7. Venus (58/65) Venus arms Lotus onto the Giant Hooker. The bomb does nothing this turn, but the next time Venus targets the Giant Hooker, the Lotus will explode, causing Venus' next attack to deal 150% bonus damage to the Giant Hooker and 50% of the attack's damage to all surrounding enemies.
  8. Venus (65/65) Whatever it was that had presented itself before Venus at present, the sight proved intriguing to the artist despite its evident repugnance to the average person; the sight reminded him of a puppet, if a puppet was itself a puppeteer of gory, sanguine hooks that hung like stage props. There was a certain appeal to the presentation, even in the predatory, dull face of the corpse crudely bound to sharp metal -- perhaps his fascination came from the unexpected sighting, let alone the resemblance the situation held to what the artist was quite used to. There was the thrill that came surging through Venus -- thrill that came with the grim connotation the surrounding atmosphere was giving out, only adding to the unexpected interest of what he was seeing at present. It was like walking into a living horror opera, except he was not the one that directed it --not for the exposition, anyway. Grinning and brandishing his weapon, he was ready to make full use of the circumstances at play. Venus uses Petal Hail on Mini Meathook 4, dealing [4d4 + INT (10) + INT/4 (2) ] x 130% damage and marking it. The next time Mini Meathook 4 takes damage from Venus, Venus' attack deals level bonus damage and ignores damage reduction.
  9. Kino (56/98) Enma (68/68) Enma attacks the Red Imp 3 dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino attacks the same Red Imp 3 with Burial Rites, dealing 2d6 + INT (9) + INT/2 (4) +2 damage to it, and restoring Kino and Enma's health by SYN/2, respectively, triggering Entente of Malice. If Kino's target dies during the turn after being damaged by this ability, Kino restores health equal to the damage this attack dealt to them.
  10. Kino and Enma Familiarity was a double-edged sword; as much as Kino could take a good guess as to what targets she should attack and their potential resistances and capabilities, they too, may also have some preparation toward Kino and her kin. While the Imps seemed meek, Kino's attention was more fixated on the avian that was eyeing the group--was it the bird that made the Inn's ominous name? Part of Kino resisted to attack given that fact, and even Enma felt less eager about the battle even with their numbers. Only the goddess appeared to dare attack it at present, though she seemed to possess an idiosyncratic position and familiarity to the world that surpassed Kino's herself; she decided she needed more information, and chose to attack the less intimidating targets at present. Are you scared? I'm with you. And our brothers and sisters. There's little to fear. Kino (73/98) Enma (68/68) Kino unleashes her Revelation of spirits, the incantation causing wear that costs 25% of her maximum health. Enma attacks the Black Imp, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it.
  11. Kino and Enma The receiving Imps seemed to provide a polite, if not the most warm reception, to the sisters and her band of otherworlders. Kino's dispassionate expression remained on her pale face, though she sensed that her ghost sister was feeling tensed as the Imp mentioned the name of the inn. Vultures were known to the siblings back in their times as nuns, for their were ominous harbingers of death and preyed on the decayed...part of the thin divide that Kino walked on. Enma in particular feared the idea of vultures preying on corpses in the past, for it was their former duty to put the unfortunate deceased to rest, and though the younger twin now had no flesh to speak of, she found herself fearful over the suggestive name. Kino and Enma were perhaps the only ones amongst their group--their massive kin of spirits aside- to have any semblance of...being dead. And though the idea remained that the group could very well be walking into a butcher's haven, there seemed to be no immediate cause for alarm given how timid the Imps were, or perhaps it was the particular strength of the Goddess, that seemed to be more familiar with this area than most of the other groups members. Kino could not tell which of these was the more accurate guess of the two. The aching wails of the kin continued eating away at the ominous atmosphere, something that did not seem to fade even as Kino followed the others through the gates, though they also did not intensify due to alarm or hunger for the moment, another suggestion that nothing seemed to be too immediately threatening. We're not offering ourselves as main courses for birds, are we? It's just a name, Kino assured her, in a voice only she could hear. You needn't worry, though I suppose we'll find out why it's named as such if we decide to get in.
  12. Venus "Three to one. Very well," Venus said, plainly, deciding to respect the merit of moving together as a group. The startled reactions his colleagues had made at his appearance were a satisfactory consolation, the merest hint of an icy smile creeping up his unseen mouth. "We shall proceed with the initially proposed path, then."
  13. Venus Venus had followed the trio quietly behind them as they ventured deeper into the abandoned warehouse, stopping a short distance away as discussed their next course of action. The warehouse housed a variety of unpleasant scents, the foremost of which he expected to be blood given the rumors of underground organ trade, but he could not make the scent out easily from the other factors that contributed to the stench in the air. As Heidrun appeared to conjure a light well enough to illuminate their path, he thought of the idea that as much as light would illuminate their way, it put the bearer as much at risk of being easily detected and vulnerable, should there truly be anything sentient existing within the area. Sound as their reasons were to opt for the left path, Venus preferred to see the big picture, the greater scope of possibilities. A contrasting situation of the two paths, one with a maze and one without, seemed too cliche. Too convenient. Or perhaps it was merely his own thrill of the unknown that spurred his contrarian ideas. "Perhaps we can access more ground if we divide ourselves for a moment?" The artist suddenly spoke up. He knew that he had wax and some materials that he could make a candle's light out of. "I can conjure a source of light myself, albeit...only temporary. Given your light," He addressed Heidrun, "I doubt it would be fairly difficult to rejoin later on. And while what you said is true," He then turned to Navin, "I would assume that should there be...any adversary within this dull setting, they would be more likely to strike from the more accomodating route for us. I propose we diverge into each route in groups of two, though I'm a fair man--I'm no stranger to a...democratic arrangement." His inscrutable gaze from beneath his mask then eyed Solomon, knowing that he had the final say in their course of action given that Navin and Heidrun had opted for the left path.
  14. Kino (55/97) Enma (60/67) Enma attacks the Gashadokuro, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino attacks the same Gashadokuro with Burial Rites, dealing 2d6 + INT (9) + INT/2 (4) +2 damage to it, and restoring Kino and Enma's health by SYN/2, respectively, triggering Entente of Malice. If Kino's target dies during the turn after being damaged by this ability, Kino restores health equal to the damage this attack dealt to them.
  15. Kino (71/97) Enma (55/67) Enma attacks the Gashadokuro, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino attacks the same Gashadokuro with Burial Rites, dealing 2d6 + INT (9) + INT/2 (4) +2 damage to it, and restoring Kino and Enma's health by SYN/2, respectively, triggering Entente of Malice. If Kino's target dies during the turn after being damaged by this ability, Kino restores health equal to the damage this attack dealt to them.
  16. Kino (61/96) Enma (48/66) The battle seemed to be growing more comfortable as the group as enemies began to fall and the most fearsome of their foes was already somewhat enfeebled. Regardless, it seemed to be preparing another wave of powerful attack, as Kino and Enma swiftly tended to withering said foe as best they could for the inevitable. Enma attacks the Gashadokuro dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino attacks the same Gashadokuro with Debilitate, dealing 3d6 + INT (9) + INT/2 (4) +2 damage to it, and restoring Kino and Enma's health by SYN/2, respectively, triggering Entente of Malice. The Gashadokuro deals 10% less damage for two turns, and this can be refreshed by attacks and stacked with repeated casts.
  17. Kino (39/95) Enma (10/65) The excitement in Enma that came from the familiar land and the battle immediately vanished following the Gashadokuro's overwhelming attack; though the two felt little pain from the impact, they knew that the attack would take a terrible toll on their strength. Immediately after being summoned, the two smaller remnants of her kin immediately returned to her, restoring Enma's strength as their final service before amalgamating with Enma once more. They could only hope they could hold out as the others did not appear to be faring as well as they were, for once their lack of sense being a luxury over a curse. Enma attacks the Green Imp 4 dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino attacks the same Green Imp 4 with Burial Rites, dealing 2d6 + INT (9) + INT/2 (4) +2 damage to it, and restoring Kino and Enma's health by SYN/2, respectively, triggering Entente of Malice. If Kino's target dies during the turn after being damaged by this ability, Kino restores health equal to the damage this attack dealt to them.
  18. Kino (81/95) Enma (60/60) Wraith Howler (9/9) Wraith Howler (9/9) Kino casts Voices of Resentment, dealing 5 health to herself as she summons two Wraith Howlers to fight for her. Enma attacks the Green Imp 4 dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. The two Wraith Howlers follow suit, dealing 1d6 damage each to the same Green Imp 4. Stats: Strength: 0Dexterity: 0Intelligence: 9Constitution: 12Synergy: 9Cooldown/Ability usage:Relevant combat perks:
  19. Kino and Enma Look familiar, sister? Enma asked as she scanned the simian-esque creatures that swarmed before the group, and the music made them out as if they were a marching band of the animal kingdom; the very thought amused her. I think not, she answered telepathically. She had yet to see any beasts in her lifetime like that of which had now gathered before them, but that did not mean she would let her guard down. Nonetheless, perhaps you would enjoy yourself for this instance. You bet! And the two sisters prepared themselves for a battle amidst the familiar land. Kino (71/95) Enma (65/65) Kino unleashes the Debarred Eulogy, splitting Enma from her in a ghostly apparition to fight by her side, costing 1/4th of Kino's maximum health. Enma attacks the Yellow Imp, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it.
  20. Kino and Enma After (eventually) calming down, Kino arose from her daze of instability to find that her colleagues were already in conversation with a man smoking a pipe. Enma had gave her some worry despite understanding why in particular she had been affected previously, but decided not to spur her once she recovered. Kino's thoughts returned to the familiarity of her somewhat homely surroundings that helped relieve her slightly despite the previous reminder. Unsure if it would be rude to intrude on the currently ensuing conversation, Enma then told her that the piped man did address all of them for pleasantries, although as to whether or not Kino in particular was noticed , due to how distracted she was, was questionable. She eventually decided that it wouldn't hurt, inching toward the conversing group. It was Enma who spoke first. "Konnichiwa!" The spiritual, ghastly form of a girl said, a mischievous smile on her face as she twirled around in mid-air, going across the group above them as if they were smoke. Kino then followed with her own introduction. "I too, bid you good day. I am Kino, a former nun. And that would be my sister, Enma." She presumed the others could see her and found little need to explain the circumstances unless questioned, unlike with her previous encounters. She struggled to scramble for a topic of interest before her thoughts fell on the bell. "I was admiring the bell of this shrine previously," she managed, finding it rather difficult to brush off the acerbic taste that the memory of her previous state was leaving in her mouth. "I take it it is used for ceremonial purposes? The shrine I once called home possessed such a similar bell."
  21. Venus Venus didn't say much as he followed his allies through the somewhat familiar town, musing over his surroundings before being interrupted by a sudden confrontation amidst an alleyway. Although Alexandria's shield was a proactive measure of protection -- a wise move, as most would consider it so -- part of him doubted the action, if only to what he could comprehend was that it was an act of altruism, the defense of a little girl against a group of armed, pushy street rats...dressed uniformly. Bland, lacking in idiosyncracy. Regardless, he decided to simply observe and not intervene. The young woman, a healer, as she described, was now the centre of attention, but there was doubt in him still despite the circumstances, knowing that women could be as charming as they were dangerous, as with every rose came its thorn, the bite of an attractive red and black of a widow spider enough to kill with a single bite. Or perhaps there was truly no veil to the girl, and it was likely that the group would know more from her later. Somewhat irritated over the charade, he attempted to convince himself to be ruly, knowing that there was no attracting unwanted attention as per the previous briefing, as Venus' fingers resisted the urge to reach for his paintbrush and withdraw it then and there. His time for art would come, but now wasn't such a time.
  22. Kino and Enma The surroundings seemed familiar as Kino and Enma gently floated to the ground-- or perhaps comforting was the better word. Enma's attention immediately became fixated on the distant, abandoned ship atop a sea without water, evidently excited over the sight. The two seemed to have yet to pay attention to Sorina as of yet, even though she did appear to be someone that the two would likely get along with. "Oh look, sister! A giant ship! Oh, can I go over and check it out! Please! C'mon, sister, let me-" She abruptly silenced herself as if someone else had forcefully done so, as her eyes turned to Kino, whose gaze seemed to be fixated on the bell and the diverging paths close to it. It had been so long since Kino last saw something like it. Even Enma felt something stir within her, a mix of joy, sadness and anger at the sight that once graced their home that was the isolated shrine that housed the aiding waters, before being ransacked by the pillagers. But what stirred most was the countless kin of spirits tucked within Kino -- her eye twitched slightly as the stirring of emotions of the ghouls within her tore at her mind like impatient, shrill screams begging for release. She had to do all that she could to keep restraint -- it wouldn't do to let them take over and run wild, especially not in such a familiar, yet so foreign land.
  23. Venus What fool had quilled the script of their exchange? It would not appease even that which would be so easily amused, especially from one ruler so feeble even against a seemingly inorganic subject....not even a father to his daughter. It was evident that he hadn't fed his powers well...something which the artist was all too familiar with, of tepid nobles in their lust for influence and power, in this case one enfeebled even in the face of a seemingly inorganic subject, now pleading for aid against another organization-- he conjectured that much even from the reprehensible dialogue. There seemed to be no benevolence in the administrative hold of power, not one Venus had seen; a perpetual clash of ideals rewarding the strong and cunning, and even the means to end or replaced it involved... Usurpation. Or was it abolition? Would returning such a man to power be best for the given land or subjects, or was the current administration they were asked to go against the more sound option? Better to be nonexistent than incompetent. Perhaps he was in no position to judge. "Are we dealing with a man or otherwise?" He finally spoke, a rather unsubtle tone of disdain tinged in his voice. "Perhaps it is due to my lack of exposure to the modern, but you describe our primary adversary as...obscure. Be it whatever answer, it would help to know what precisely we're after. Appearance, traits, clues and all."
  24. Venus "May I implore on what busies you so?" He asked, unnecessarily grandiloquent in the manner of which one would simply ask 'What are you doing?'. "What such yield belies within the mesh of what we had faced earlier that prompts you to examine it so discreetly? I admit, I myself am in possession such remains, and yet...time demands that I have yet to properly investigate myself. Perhaps you could do me the favour of sparing me the effort of discovering what you yourself have found as of yet?"
  25. Venus Venus had spent much of the remaining time after returning to the main building, knowing that he wouldn't be here if he were not narrowly spared from death back then. He'd knew that he'd let his passion get the better of him; he ventured into the unknown recklessly, though even that was part and parcel of why he enjoyed it so much; it was unpredictable. Venus knew that he had stared death in the face, dealt more than enough of his artistic share of it and had till thus far ran away, yet to be captured by its unfeeling talons; it was a continuous cycle of cat and mouse, except the mouse ran not out of fear, but through the thrill of a fleeing life. He knew best that those who shot were vulnerable to dying just as easily, and that the many deaths he had dealt would bite him in the back one day; it was a natural, logical reaction that every action that its reactive outcome, and he was ready for that -- was it guilt or sentimentality he felt, over something that he'd done so long and went so far in, even in a road of art, one of no return? He eventually realized that he wasn't alone in the quarters; someone else were present, and Venus noticed that the figure seemed to be busy at work. It was unlike him to muse around while others were productive; and while great art required great planning, there was things even he himself could improve from, and the refurnishing of his gun further meant that his need for inspiration had arose. He said nothing, however, merely inching closer toward Walmond, who seemed to be attentively examining a substance presumably from one of the encounters they had earlier. It was of a dull color, but the meticulousness Walmond placed in his work prompted Venus to believe that it would be of at least some particular value.
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