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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Noir

  1. Venus ...Again? The artist thought, though it seemed there was no exceptional target unlike the previous battle, with newer swarms of fanged beasts in its place. Grotesque all the same -- but Venus was to rectify that soon. Very soon. Our performance begins. Venus composes his introductory entrance to the fight, unleashing Curtain Call at Officer A (ignores 4 + 1 per 4 SYN RES = 4 +3, deals Basic Attack Damage + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 2d4 + 13 + 4 + 3= 2d4 +20. If Venus kills the target, be gains 1 + 1 per 4 SYN bonus damage for the remainder of the match.) Every Moment Matters: A perceptive and fastidious marksman, Venus ignores his enemies’ resistance by his INT divided by 4. Artistic Precision: Venus gains a 2*INT chance for all of his abilities to critically strike for *2 damage.
  2. Venus Incompetence. Insufficiency. Inadequacy. Those had been what Venus saw as the root of Aurora's disdain, things that he derided himself as a perfectionist artist, qualities that he knew he was opposite of, be it in art or that of battle. Things he saw in most if not all of his other subordinates, much like the spider had lamented. It was the privilege of the talented -- the useful -- to look down upon those that were not. And yet Aurora catered herself to a cause most noble, leaving Venus to wonder if her efforts came from obligation or a real kindness masked by the irritation she had just displayed to him. Human, he thought, much so for a carnivore otherwise seen as....rather voracious. More human that Venus now was, at least. Though perhaps it was the package deal that came with being half human and half spider, dulling what was otherwise a black widow's foremost predatory instinct. Beyond entertaining such thoughts he also considered himself lucky that Aurora herself had asked a favor of him -- as much as she expressed her need as a price -- for Venus' previous offer. "Perhaps I should be flattered to be the first to utilize your...invention, if you will?" It was Venus' turn to give his rhetoric question as he extended a gloved hand, gesturing for either a handshake or for Aurora to deliver one of the orbs with her for him to inspect. "Good opportunity, nonetheless. They appear suitable for decoration, at least, so unless they're fragile, perhaps they will suffice over the gold I require of you. I prefer greater variety of color, if anything. Of course I will assent to your request, and I trust I possess the capabilities you require to appraise it. Though I should inspect them beforehand instead of evaluating them at face value, of course. And to return to your....qualm of maintaining the health of our teammates, yes?" Venus continued, as he withdrew the staff and displayed it to Aurora, informed beforehand in Rio of its healing capabilities. Decorating it from its dull exterior took precedent, however. "Perhaps with this in my repertoire you'll no longer be alone in your....clerical dedication? Use what you have, as they say, so I see we are committed for...a mutual cause, perhaps. I require a size that befits the end of the handle, but I trust you're plenty capable of it."
  3. Venus Venus had spent much time idling in the War Room after the battle was over -- partly out of exhaustion, but primarily out of skepticism. While his experience here had exposed the artist to many otherworldly prospects and presented itself a fine canvas for his many productions, he couldn't help but wonder -- when would such balter be over? Was he to continue neverendingly performing in such a dimension, a stage with many a canvas but neither an audience that applauded nor gave their smiles or screams? Or was there an end goal that he and the team were to accomplish before they would be permitted to return to their own worlds? What would the people in his town and fame make of his disappearance? How long was he to stay there? Such thoughts circled in his mind for quite some while, and it admittedly suffocated him to question underlying motives of his forced presence here. He decided to pay it little heed -- work would come sooner or later, enough to distract and indulge him in the art he ever so adored and cherished. A glint of white caught Venus' eye as he turned to the direction of what seemed like white orbs that shone like the gumusservi of a full-moon evening, almost as large as the nugget the spider had made for him previously. True enough, Aurora was nearby, adorning the orbs around her like a woman would with jewelry, as he raised a brow in curiosity. Venus couldn't deduce her intentions with neither the orbs nor her presence here, but he could notice that her eyes contained a gaze almost predatory, though they defied her need of something beyond food to quell what was a carnivore's otherwise insatiable hunger. Reaching for his bag, he found it containing the remains of gold he had collected from the draconic creature earlier, the staff he had collected, and, to what was a mix of slight relief and disappointment -- the remains of potatoes his servants had additionally packed for him, aside from his usual artistic tools and ammunition. He would have to find a way to reuse and recycle, or find materials to replace his slowly waning resources. Meanwhile, the staff he had collected was too dull for his liking, nor did it seem like it would be aesthetic enough to sell or to alter it for another purpose, nor would breaking it down be of the essence at the current time. If he had to keep such an item, he would at least want it beautiful enough to be presentable. The leftover gold, potatoes, the staff and the spider linked in together to form a relatively satisfying picture, except for one thing -- he no longer had anything to compensate or to offer for what the spider would do for him, and he doubted that she would consent if he were empty-handed. Perhaps he could rely on his negotiation alone for this -- better to try than to give up, as they say. He approached Aurora and gracing her with a second courteous bow, withdrawing the gold and potatoes. However, perhaps she didn't need such resources to make such adornments, as the orbs she held fascinated him more. "I see you've made yourself orbs of your own? Why, I must admit they do seem a sight for sore eyes," His attempt at flattery would likely come across as as sphallolalia, but he paid it no heed. "I'll cut to the chase -- I require another golden orb such as the one you made previously. Though of course, perhaps you no longer need such resources to produce one? I'm admittedly interested in how and why you've made these," He said, addressing the orbs with her.
  4. Kino and Enma The enemy numbers dwindled very quickly and heavily, as the two sisters finally found their respite in the long-lasting endurance of fighting. Nonetheless, there was no slacking off in defeating the final remains of the horde, as Kino pressed her sister to enjoy her last moments as fun as they would clean up. Kino: 38/64Enma: 22/23 Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Warrior Battalion A with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion A with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) This attack will also trigger United We Stand. (Kino's attack heals Enma for INT health)
  5. Kino and Enma Despite their heavy bruises due to them attracting quite the bit of attention, there seemed to be no more, or at least delayed reinforcements to the existing horde, which was respite enough for the two siblings as they continued enduring their way against the masses. Kino: 17/64Enma: 13/23 Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Soldier Battalion A with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion A with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) This attack will also trigger United We Stand. (Kino's Basic Attack heals Enma for a INT health = 9).
  6. Akemi Akemi surveyed his considerably accommodating surroundings, facilities, albeit not for their use due to the lack of currency now brought before them in comparison to the dull hall they had first gathered before. One of the members had proposed a truce or cooperation of sorts, to which Akemi took no heed at present -- it was unsure yet if they were to fight together or each other, or both, and to that Akemi wanted to minimize any acquaintanceship-esque obligations. He had to admit, however, that he was getting thirsty, and hesitated to order a drink from the bar, knowing that he lacked the required resource to pay, would likely end up in vain to swindle himself a drink, more or less know if there was anything appealing to his tastes in this unfamiliar realm to begin with. That was until what was a slightly clawed -- if her talons at her fingertips were not mere aesthetic, of which the artist himself found...unfashionable -- offered something in her gourd, of what he presumed to be wine or alcohol. A dry mouth wasn't something Akemi would settle with at the moment, nor did the woman seem any hostile at a glance. No longer able to ignore the pestering feeling of thirst waiting to the nourished at the back of this throat, he raised his gloved hand and waved at the girl in signalling to grab her attention. "I guess I wouldn't mind a drink," He shrugged, trying to hide the fact that he desired the drink in any way, appearing as though he wanted to do it merely on a whim. "There's always time for good wine, perhaps."
  7. Deb "Hey -- Tesla! What's wrong?! Hey, c'mon! Get a hold of yourself -- Hey!" All he could do was yell in bewilderment, his tone rising to what was consternation, as he inched closer to her at one moment, hesitating and staggering backwards at the next. What was to him a person he respected as a consummate fighter was now huddled in a corner giving off such a vulnerable form of trepidation, as if Debronee were the manifestation of her greatest fear incarnated and poised to strike before her cowering form. Damn it, he thought. Damn it! What was he supposed to do? Her unstable state at present he undoubtedly thought back to their previous collogue, that had likely reminded her of something traumatizing that would elicit such a violent reaction. His feet moving before he could process his next move, Debronee bolted out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar as he stormed through the innards of the train halls looking for the higher ups to aid. The search took several minutes before he finally found a room where Tobias was in, whereby he quickly announced Tesla's panicked state between breaths -- "It's Tesla...i-in her room. You... you have to help her -- now."
  8. Debronee "You had the benefit of people caring for you, of course," Debronee, even despite his tutelage as a warrior and student, had been independent and self-serviced, always doing things on his own and given errands, orders. Tesla seemed to have experienced much the same, but was her superior's care for her in her dire hours out of love or pragmatism? And of course she had someone akin to a sibling, never hitting the mark, but close nonetheless. A simple existence as it was -- emotionless, if she wanted to believe that -- it certainly possessed the minimal familial zest Debronee was so alienated of. Did she find said bonds a vulnerability by virtue, or was her nonchalance in divulging it meaning to express that it wasn't of real significance to her? He felt a mix of what was confusion and slight relief; confusion of her stance on her presumed "family", and relief in that she had something he did not have, something that was perhaps...precious and homely, if he could express it best, which he justified himself as something that alleviated his previous insensitivity of asking a rather personal question. "I never really had anyone close to that, even before I was brought here," He began. His tone held no longing; no lamenting feelings were existent. He spoke rather indifferently, with the formal and stern tone he always used in conversation, even as he began to elaborate on his own in exchange for Tesla revealing her own. "All I ever did was trained. I listened, I learned, I did what I had to do. My master really never had things beyond that. It was a bond of obligation, less so than anything else. I guess you're lucky to have found people like that, as much as I myself fail to comprehend it..."
  9. Akemi Akemi swore he was in the middle of a performance -- of which, signature to his craft, all else would call a killing -- yet how did he end up there? After being briefed by a single female head -- peculiar as it was -- he pondered on his current situation, deciding to acquiesce and make the most of it, despite his previous frustration of being interrupted. Brought here Akemi was, apparently, for combative use of weaponry again -- excessively so, if to be like gladiators, fighting to the death. If he was to fight to appease, however, he would evince it as an art, not a sport. Was there any reward that would come to this? Would he be performing for a single face or a wider audience? Pride told him he had been chosen for good reason, but the artist was not one to give service without cost or compensation. Putting the reasoning behind momentarily, he eyed from his mask the group of others -- five or six -- he estimated -- that appeared squabbling before him, a mix of chatter, noise and effort that ended in naught, for the most part. Gauche, as many a being from the vulgar, common crowd would be. Most of their attention seemed to be focused on a woman lying on the ground...dressed quite unfashionably in papery ribbons of any sort. Unfitting for a sleeping damsel, perhaps -- was she asleep or dead, or was she never alive in the first place, a doll or replica? He certainly wasn't interested in fighting his future adversaries before the appropriately allocated time. A men with a western-styled hat seemed to be attempting to wake the girl up...albeit in a manner that was quite uncivilized. He wasn't going to get an answer in the quickest way, he knew that much. "Excuse me, but there are ways to awaken a lady without being so...rough," He regarded the Sheriff as approached the white-haired girl, apparently yet to show any signs of reaction, as he reached his gloved hand towards her neck in search of a pulse, "Or to determine if she's even alive to begin with."
  10. Debronee As Tesla recounted her story, Debronee knew he'd reawakened memories she was not that fond of. At the same time, despite knowing that she did have to compensate for her wrongdoing, he found himself relating to the frustration of fixing the watch, even if imperfectly done. "...Sorry." He didn't know what spurred his inclination; was it gratitude? Empathy? Pity? Come what may it came from something he did not comprehend, and to that he felt as if he had wronged her. Curiosity, however, bit deep into him like a ravenous mosquito into flesh, the aftermath an itch, an urge to question more -- hurtful or not -- of her own origins. Debronee was taught to maintain the will of only acquiesce without questioning why he wielded his sword, why he ran across battlefields swinging his blade for triumph, but for once, Debronee was tired of not having answers. Of being ignorant. Even as he breathed in battle, having a mind only with such a purpose made him no different than the inanimate weapon firm in his grasp, rarely apart from his fingers. There was a throbbing inclination within him, telling him that he was not sent there to hone his body in exchange for the mind; perhaps it was the meditative, unproductive stance that had resulted in his curiosity becoming this insatiable. He likely wouldn't have such thoughts if he interacted with someone else -- particularly Wallace -- and even if he did, he'd likely brush them off without a second thought. He perceived Tesla's current state as what was vulnerability, recollection, that ultimately spread to him. An opening prompted a quick finish, but at that moment he felt more opened than opportunistic. "I take it you weren't here by choice." He muttered, after dwelling in silence for who knew how long, "Probably none of us were, I don't know. Do you see David as...a parent? A guardian? A superior? Anything close?"
  11. Kino and Enma Kino: 25/64Enma: 23/23 Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Archer Battalion D with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion D with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) This attack will also trigger Last Rites. (Kino heals for 4 + INT/2 health. (Total 8) If Kino kills her target, she heals herself and Enma equal to the damage she dealt instead.)
  12. Venus Already weakened and feeble beyond recovery of one's normal assumption and comprehension, the battle was almost a close. The woman before the group however began a ritual of sorts, an act of desperation that would prove futile; withdrawing a special, enchanted bullet and replacing the current round that held in his excited paintbrush, he would at least begin -- if not end -- the coda, not a moment sooner or later. "Your final scene begins." Venus intends to orchestrate the denouement of the battle, unleashing his rare Curtain Call at Assassin (ignores 4 + 1 per 4 SYN RES = 4 +2, Basic Attack Damage + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 2d4 + 10 + 6 + 2 = 2d4 +18. If Venus kills the target, be gains 1 + 1 per 4 SYN bonus damage for the remainder of the match.)
  13. Venus Venus unleashes At An Arm's Length at Assassin (heals for 4 + 1 per 4 SYN health, = 4 +2, Basic Attack Damage + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 2d4 + 10 + 3 +2 = 2d4 +15)
  14. Orin and Debronee Obeying as he were told, he felt the putrid stench waver from within the sewers as he shut the door behind him, jumping off and landing safely. Attempting to peer into his surroundings amidst the darkness, he discovered that the sewers possessed a path leading somewhere -- an underground tunnel-esque structure as if may, the best form of mobility that could afford thus far. His injured arm wouldn't bother his speed overall, but given his Master's impediment, and the complaint he had gave earlier in that he couldn't walk that far, how plausible would the idea be? "Can you not manage even a little movement?" He asked, rather bluntly. "Staying here won't progress. If you allow me to rest for a bit, I can carry you with my other arm and move through this...area, whatever it is you would call it." Eleonore and the Twins "What's wrong?" She asked the pair of Berserkers, finding it surprising that a trail of irritation had been made obvious in her tone, "I realize it's a threat, but obviously if a cannon went off they're already in the middle of a fight. Unless someone decided to incompetent enough to fall first," She pondered, "...Or if you're saying you're quite confident you're not match for what we're going to be up against." Eleonore had presumed the Berserkers to be at least amongst the stronger of the Servants in the war -- she would settle for that, but to think they would chicken out of a threat of such a scale...what manner of adversary would they be up against? Not wanting to doubt their instinct, she decided to cut them some slack. "Fine, then, however. If you have any better suggestions apart from that conspicuous place of clues," She surmised, "I'm all ears. We could always check that place out tommorrow morning, though I doubt we'll know as much as we will now, provided you provide a better place for us to search."
  15. Venus Having exhausted his final bullet, albeit very pleased with the reception, Venus hastened his efforts in reloading his paintbrush for his next act. There was a mild fear, however, upon examining the team's condition and that of his own, despite the decent progress they had made as he quickened his efforts moreso than usual in preparing... Venus requires time to reprepare himself from his performance, becoming under duress under the effects of Preparation, but casts Dance For Me on Nessie. (Reduces the cooldown of most recently used ability by INT/4. Excalibur Reflect's cooldown is reduced by 10/4, rounded down = 2)
  16. Kino and Enma Kino: 9/64Enma: 23/23 Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Archer Battalion B with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) In response to their mistress' imminent danger and distress, Host Protection activates, healing Kino for CON/2 (2) and shielding her for CON (4) for the turn. Kino follows up on the same Battalion B with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22).
  17. Venus 25/42 HP Satisfied that he had eliminated the remains of one batch of adversaries, he would assume that the threat of attack would be neutered slightly, and that it was time to do some work on the main target. While by no means easy to hit or likely to fall immediately, the Assassin didn't appear the type to sponge a bullet or other attack without much feedback either -- and it was inspiring to spar against a figure such as hers, a assassin like he was, with the blood of many on her hands, as much if not more than his. The anticipation that came with what would come from the bullet was enticing, as he raised his paintbrush poised for attack, preparing himself for another idiosyncratic outcome. You...inspire me. Venus fires his powerful fourth shot onto Assassin. (Basic Attack Damage that critically strikes + Quaternary Art, Four Times the Charm and Bauble bonus damage, = (2d4 + 10 + 12 +2 + 12)*2 =(2d4 +36)*2)
  18. Kino and Enma Nee-san! These guys are too tough! Stay close, dear sister. And be grateful of whatever strength you have left. Stick with me and our brethren, and you shall be safe. I take it our other allies will also come to aid if necessary. Kino (48/64) Enma (6/23) Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Archer Battalion C with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion C with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) This attack will also trigger United we Stand (Kino's Basic Attack heals Enma for a INT health = 9). Stat and Action Effects:
  19. Orin and Debronee "...I am unfamiliar with our surroundings at this rate," He muttered, "But the furthest we can get from here the better. Little time we have at this rate," He stopped as the pain in his arm festered, but at least managed to get some footing up."We can start by exiting the city, if possible. I doubt they'll chase beyond it, anyway. Perhaps we'll decide along the way, should we chance upon any respite upon any slightest hint of luck," The helpless situation the two were in led the Assassin to lament of what he otherwise thought as meaningless -- as much as he remembered himself never believing in luck as he had ever, luck was likely the best thing they could have at the moment. Eleonore and the Twins "Something going on on the other side of the city?" She couldn't resist her curiosity, but she gained too an odd premonition that approaching the area might be hazardous...but if it aroused the notice of a Servant such as the two, there should be something important in those parts. She trusted the two, however, hoping to get at least some information on the occurrence there, if possible. "Take me to where you heard that noise," She decided, "I have a feeling it's important that we check it out, but at the same time, don't go too far. Safety is our utmost priority, and no fighting unless I say so. Got it?"
  20. Venus (42/42) The flower he had set burst sublimely as he was satisfied by the outcome of archers it had managed to take with it, smiling in inspiration under his mask. One of the last of the archers group remained, and Venus would want to promptly dispose of it... Venus strikes the same Archer Battalion with At An Arm's Length to Archer Battalion B, attempting to eliminate the remains of it. (Basic Attack Damage + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 2d4 + 10 + 9 +2 =2d4 +18)
  21. Kino and Enma Ruffled by the burn of her adversaries, her ghoulish spirits fill her garbs, providing her with ample protection and making the assaults more comfortable. Kino and Enma are satisifed by their condition thus far and continue their assault. Kino (52/64) Enma (23/23) Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Archer Battalion A with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion A with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) This attack will also trigger Last Rites. (Kino heals for 4 + INT/2 health. (Total 8) If Kino kills her target, she heals herself and Enma equal to the damage she dealt instead.) Stat and Action Effects:
  22. Venus (29/42) As the mist began to shroud Venus, there was a feeling of unease. A feeling of...betrayal, for lack of a better word. It did not pose as much harm yet, but Venus knew he had to be careful. But he would not let this minor setback distract the greatness that was to come from his next shot, timing it accurately so that it would go off the same instant his flower would bloom... Venus' previously placed Captive Audience will detonate this turn before his next attack, dealing damage calculated based on number of enemies times base damage of the Dragon Tooth Archer B. (SYN + INT + DEX + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 10 + 9 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 29) Venus strikes the same Archer Battalion with At An Arm's Length to the same Archer B. (Basic Attack Damage + Quaternary Art and Bauble bonus damage, = 2d4 + 10 + 6 +2 =2d4 +18)
  23. Venus Upon the realization that Venus was to partake in a fight with the same enemies again, his face riddled itself with discontentment from beneath the mask, unsatisfied with the lack of discord and idiosyncratic aspects for his current performance. And yet even using the same quality, the same brand of a canvas, there were ways in which to make each work of art unique. Venus tosses a Captive Audience at Dragon Tooth Archer B, simultaneously building up Quaternary Art's bonus damage for his subsequent attacks. [Arms/does nothing this turn, but explodes next turn, dealing SYN + DEX + INT damage. This AoE damage will apply based on damage multiplied by the number of enemies in the group.] Stat and Action Effects:
  24. Kino and Enma Enma frowned upon noticing the skeletal hordes, similar to those of which she had fought and had been subsequently defeated before, rushing towards her and her sister. There was the shame of the failure from her previous assault and the fact that she had to fight the same beings again. It was unappealing. The same Dragon Tooth things again? Boring! Be wary, as I said. Kino pressed her, The same beings of which you faltered the last time, yes? Play, if you must, but be careful. Kino (64/64) Enma (23/23) Kino unleashes The Debarred Eulogy, summoning Enma to fight by her side for the remainder of the match. Enma will always attack before Kino, having +1 in INIT order. (OOC: Add her into the INIT List.) Enma attacks Dragon Tooth Archer Battalion A with a Basic Attack, marking them with Entente of Malice. (Deals Kino's level + INT damage, 3 + 9 = 12) Kino follows up on the same Battalion A with her own Basic Attack, triggering Entente of Malice and Necromantic Pact's (weapon effect's) bonus damage. {Total damage: 2d4 + INT + INT + INT/2, = 2d4 +22) Stat and Action Effects:
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