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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Noir

  1. Kino Kino blankly answers that Samantha's presumption was correct. Apart from her sister, the rest of her brethren's souls had diminished into hollow, almost singular-purposed existences, hinging on an almost dull existence that despite the many souls she carries in her burden, few would manage to sense them unless she deliberately released them. Enma, come. It's time we investigated this castle together. I'm pretty sure you can hear the noise in the south. Sounds interesting -- I'll be right there! Kino acquiesces to Samantha's suggestion and follows her to the Engineering Bay, admittedly as intrigued by the disturbances in the Bay as she was.
  2. Kino Kino wasn't entirely familiar with the slang of which Samantha had given her -- "Swear to me that you can't turn into a giant green rage monster when you get peeved, please" implied that she was afraid of Kino having a bad temper of sorts, however, that much she managed to make out. It seemed that it would be of no use deceiving the woman before her, and she now had the curiosity regarding Samatha's discovery hammering within her. She decided to relent. "...Very well. I'm admittedly interested to know how you detected my sister's presence, but to illustrate better," With a simple wave of her hand, a spectre, taking on the vague, but recognizable figure of a human head and torso appeared from her back and swirled around her monotonously, as if to await command. "You're right in that I am not a single presence. My presence is but my own, but I also carry the presence of many others behind me." Kino waved her hand dismissively before the spectre diminished into nothingness, to an origin that only Kino knew of, where she could summon and retreat them at will. "If you can sense my sister," Her voice took on an almost lamenting tone, "Who is roaming around the castle -- without threat or harm, of course -- perhaps you can sense my brethren with me as well? Though perhaps my sister's more of a live wire, and she keeps her less concealed than the rest of our kin. It is best if you didn't ask how many a soul is bound to me thus far. Many a year it has been since they have been kindling together, to where even I lose count..."
  3. Venus The object that LOTUS wore on her wrist was one of unknown origin to Venus -- it didn't look particularly flashy for a piece of jewelry or accessory of any sort, and that alone was enough for the artist to find the craft contemptible in appearance, though perhaps the item had a more practical use behind it. He doubted that the Orc that she had mentioned would be able to construct a bar -- at least one of respectable aesthetic, though perhaps enough for a solid foundation -- as much as he doubted that Aurora, who he thought of as the subject of craftsman was brought onto the table, could do so as well. Despite his newfound respect for her intelligence, he too did not believe that the spider was capable of producing something of the scale the three accomplices were discussing as of present. "Perhaps I should have retained my remaining bottle of wine," He continued. "Had I known fine gentlemen such as yourselves on an earlier note, perhaps a glass or two over such conversation would have made better use of the beverage. It is to our misfortune that I had bartered it for a certain errand from a certain spider...Though in itself the past cannot be rewritten as if a dream." Venus returned his attentions to Wyvis and cut to the chase with his primary motivations in approaching him. "Enlighten me," He addressed him. "Of what origins does your craft stem from? Confess, I must, that whatever explanation you would provide for the magic you had proffered during our battle back there was...fascinating, really. It gives but a sensation even I knew not would manage to exist between our plethora of bizarre worlds..." He extended and clenched the fingers on his right fist, perhaps in an attempt to comprehend or grasp that feeling again. Kino The nun's phlegmatic countenance did not reveal her inevitable surprise upon hearing Samantha's presumption. Could she have sensed her sister's presence before she had split up with her? She entertained the thought of Enma's surprise upon knowing that someone had sensed her. Few had managed so -- she knew not if Mitsurugi had managed to detect her as well, but it was quite probable. It gave a slight wariness as much as it did comfort, knowing that in a sea of many idiosyncratic, odd individuals, she and her brethren would perhaps be just one more person up for the ride -- she would not be sidelined as a freak or a monster, away from civilization that she was never truly exposed to, as much as she would have been in her human world. She dwelt in silence for a few seconds, appreciating the sentiment as a bit of a blessing, perhaps wondering when she had since come to be this hopeful, before returning to answer Samantha. "Perhaps you are mistaken, miss..." She decided to keep her reservations at present, even if she knew that hiding her authenticity would affect Samantha's trust on her, and thus the information she could get from her. Perhaps it would be best to act immediately, before Enma would return from her playful skirmish and affect their conversation. She would know if someone had sensed her existence. "Though it's not exactly a question I don't receive every once in a while. I do seem as if I carry the air of more than a person around me. It would be my turn for a question, if I may. Are you aware of why you're here? Why I am here? Why we are all here?" She turned to address the various others present in the hall, seemingly disinterested in getting to know them as of present.
  4. Venus Venus adjourned to the castle after his engagements in Rio. Admittedly, despite a rocky start, the end, much like any well-established play in theater, was what mattered most above all things, and he was admittedly pleased with his performance that day, despite the travail he had to endure previously. Much of his previous discontentment had thus since dissipated, and what the artist required was a moment to retire after the admittedly tiring performance he had tended to. A putrescent smell wafted around the room as the artist made his presence in the Throne Hall, earning the unpleasant receptions from most present in the vicinity, as Venus shrouded his cloak over the lower half of his face, attempting to block out the irksome smell. He raised a brow as he joined the others in their attentions to the source of the odor -- a misshapen arachnid skittering its way without regard for the others present, contained in a glass device of sorts, presumably to aid its movement. The image spurred disgust as much as it inspired in Venus the possibility if Aurora, who had aided him with the gold nugget long before they had dispersed to their own missions, had anything to do with the eldritch deformity before him. Had she bred herself a crippled progeny and modified the wine bottle he had given her in exchange to compensate for its disability? Nonetheless, however, apart from its discomforting presence, the spider-like creature seemed to forebode no significant harm otherwise, and Venus decided to entertain such abhorrent thoughts no longer. His attentions then returned to Wyvis, whom at the moment was in conversation with Isobel and LOTUS -- from the distance he was at, he could only gather that they were speaking of...fine drinking? Perhaps he should have spared his last bottle of wine. His was an individual whose face Venus had seen most throughout his work in Rio, having trained with him in the same room in shooting, and also having fought with him during the rescue mission in which they partook in together. For the first time, Venus found himself admitting to his credit especially so out of all the other members who had participated in the same mission with him -- his presence was admittedly vital to Venus' own contributions during the battle, but for a reason other than the fact that Wyvis had given ample support to the team. It was the sensation of when he had cast his blood magic on him, and how it had maintained for quite a period during that battle. It was not art, but it certainly pertained to something that Venus genuinely enjoyed -- that made him feel good. The sensation of blood rushing -- it felt different, different from what the excitement and euphoria of any suspenseful performance had managed to give him thus far. Akin to a drug, it had the effect that was almost addicting, one that he could not comprehend, but that in itself was what made it more powerful -- more fascinating. More inspiring. A moment of hesitation stopped him, knowing that he wasn't one to interrupt two people in conversation, even if they had at least familiarized with each other to a degree, having engaged in the same mission together. In the end, however, he relented to his curiosity and approached his two previous teammates. "A bar would amount to a splendiferous proposition, yes." He began, taking a bow. "Unknotting oneself in leisure with a glass of fine wine does pertain to quite the pastime. A surprise it is to see the both of you here again, though. It was a fine performance we made, you two and I, and the others previously. And how are you two faring this salubrious day, pray tell?"
  5. Kino and Enma Kino's attentions turned to the woman who had addressed her, and in the distance, undetected by her, Enma watched the exchange between the mysterious newcomer and her sister unfold, sidling closer, swirling from pillar to pillar to reach her sister as she interacted with the newcomer. She seemed...odd, in a way, in that her features, while human, hinted to something...more. Something stronger than the average human. Nevertheless, Kino relented to the admittedly comforting idea of having altruistic conversation given to her, as she straightened herself and replied to Samantha. "New to this castle may w-", She quickly corrected herself, "I may be or not, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Kino." Now who's this face of freckles? Doesn't look fully human, though. Hush, sister. Search the castle more, why don't you? It would seem a fine playground for you. Really? You don't think I'm going to have fun while you hang out with some weirdo though, do you? If you want to have fun, have it before we must regroup again. That's all there is. Enma then promptly wandered around to continue her enjoyment as Kino continued her conversation with Samantha. Enma's presence often posed as a distraction for her conversations, even when they were both once still alive. Having decided to ask of something important of this new person before her, she would spare a bit of her mischievous sister's freedom while she gained answers on why she -- they -- were here.
  6. Kino and Enma After leaving the Grassweed Forest, the spiritual duo of sisters enters the Throne Hall of the castle, the first they had ever been in, piquing their interest in their individual ways. Enma excitedly roams about the castle hall in excitement and jubilee of their new surroundings, as Kino surveys the architecture of the room, admittedly impressed by its structure.
  7. Heya. I'm looking for Choice Items (Choice Band, Choice Specs), Assault Vest, and Life Orb. I'll willing to offer 5-6 x 31 mons with egg moves, or some shinies, for them. Am willing to offer multiple pokes for one item if you can pass it soon enough, the more the better. What I have at the moment: * indicates 6 x 31 available
  8. Venus One more bullet, and an almost complete canvas. The buildup for this performance was nothing short of divine; and this time, there would be no interference. "Prepare...for your finale." Venus unleashes the final shot writhing excitedly within the gun, striking the Meka with a (hopefully fatal) Basic Attack. (always critically strikes, deals 4 + B2 bonus damage, Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 4, B: = 2, B2: 4) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN) B2 = Four Times the Charm bonus damage (2 per 4 SYN)
  9. Venus Venus fires his third shot with an empowered At An Arm's Length towards the Meka once again, satisfied of the previous outcome. (heals for 4 +B, chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 3, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)
  10. Kino and Enma "That I agree," Kino agreed to Jade's statement. "Return we shall, then." Eeehhh? We're going back already? There isn't much time. We must return. But why must we follow the rest of them? We can work fine on our own! Following them means one step closer to our quest, sister. Come, don't be spoiled. Begrudgingly, Enma acquiesces to her sister's decision and the two return to the Castle.
  11. Debronee In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Debronee knew not when the continuum of inhalations and exhlations would cease, though he tried his best not to question it. To the well-made young man, excellence and acceptance, even of something as boresome as this, came with repetition, much like his training. The more one did something, the more one would come to excel and learn from it, and perhaps even enjoy and relish it. The breathing exercise gave Debronee ample release from his previous battle -- he appreciated moments where he was allowed to calm down, something that the exercise seemingly managed to provide. As much as Debronee did not mind what they were doing, the stagnancy of what was occurring after the events was consuming him on the inside. Debronee still could not comprehend even the gist of the aforementioned occurrences that had been set out -- he only knew that that frail, windy flyboy had been kidnapped, and as much as the contempt for him started to surface, who was he to say that he would be able to hold his own had whoever that had tried to take Wallace away targeted him, instead? Several others, perhaps equally as impatient and tired of waiting as he was, spoke up on the matter, but Debronee remained acquiescent. Perhaps the answers would be divulged soon.
  12. Venus Having taken mortal damage by the Bastion he alone targeted without dealing anything close to significant in return, Venus in irritation backs for cover and scrambles for his second shot with an empowered At An Arm's Length towards the Meka. (heals for 4 +B, chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)
  13. Kino and Enma "A pleasure to meet you, Jade." Kino nodded in response. "It appears we both share the same goal. Perhaps we can proceed here together -- if you have any hint of which course is best to go from here, of course." I wanna explore this place some more! C'mon, let me go free for a little while! Do you really want to go ahead? What if something happens to me? I'll come running, of course. We all will. You're so sweet as always, Nee-san. I'm letting you roam only to find what's new in here. Tell me when you do -- and be safe. With her sister's approval, Enma happily and briskly hovered into the deeper regions of the cave, her spiritual form waving at Gray before floating off in search for anything particularly interesting. Kino then addressed Gary again, "Perhaps that should narrow our destination a little bit."
  14. Venus Venus initiates combat with an introductory Artful Flourish at Bastion 861. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 1, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)
  15. Kino and Enma Kino seemed to have presumed correctly that someone else had been inside -- noticing hints of torchlight, the two sisters followed the source to find Jade, the gunner, within the labyrinth of combs as well. This is amazing, Nee-san! Enma's previous pique immediately sprang back to fervency as she noticed the mass of corpses laid in the walls. You were right, Nee-san! We can definitely find some friends here! Kino wasn't very impressed, though. It became clear to her that this maze of combs was a trap -- a hunting ground. The festered scatter of weathered bones was proof that anyone unsuspecting or greedy enough to walk in were either eaten alive by whatever inhabitants that dwelt here, or were trapped and ended up starving as a result of lack of necessities. The strange way they were allocated into the holes in the walls reminded her of her ceremonial memorial room back at her home, where urns of beloved remains of her once benevolent clan were take care of and each remembered and arranged on a sacred set of shelves. This place, certainly, with the eerie way they tended to the dead, certainly was not a place that respected them, either. Nor would whatever soul that would remain here part in peace of their gauche form of death. She needed to be careful. They needed to be careful, rather. Predators thrived best in this darkness, giving their victims even the faintest sense of peace, that moment of vulnerability, before they attacked, much like how the accursed litter of plunderers invaded Kino's home by storm. Curious of the other man's presence here, Kino decided to introduce herself. "I see I have yet to make your acquaintance, sir." She nodded curtly in greeting. "My name is Kino. Might I ask what you are doing here?" I guess you're only interested in live people, Nee-san? And you say I'm more bloodthirsty than you are. Hush.
  16. Kino and Enma Despite Enma's initial excitement of having fun in the graveyard, it shifted into disappointment upon learning that it was infested with the same bee-like essences and Catacombs. It was more a place for a home of bees than a party of souls. ...The bees spare not even this place, so it would seem. Kino mumbled, as Enma continued whining. One of the Catacombs remained ajar, which piqued her interest. Perhaps that other person had ventured into it as well, as she did not see any other place of notable interest or proceeding, though it was also possible that they left after seeing the mess that was laid before them. Let's leave. I don't like this place. No. We go into that Catacomb. There might be something useful there. You're not getting me in there! Afraid of the dark? Of course not! You know I love the dark, don't you, Nee-san? Then come -- I doubt we're the only ones here, in a good way. Having won the exchange easily, Kino and Enma enter the open Catacomb carefully.
  17. Kino and Enma Kino and Enma had fallen back from the others due to the latter's constant whining of her experience of being exposed to a massive about of the Vespiquen's mire, which the two sisters had taken some time to wipe off. Even as they ventured on their way to group up with the others and find something to do, Enma had yet to cease her words, tinted with irritation of her unpleasant experience. As per that experience, Kino had also reluctantly acquiesced to her request of not taking any of the battle's leftovers. That was terrible! Let's get out of here. Anywhere but here. The graveyard! You promised me you'd take me to the graveyard. Perhaps I can comply with that, she answered, remembering that another had proceeded there as well. But if nothing comes to serve, we will return to the town. Kino and Enma head towards the Graveyard.
  18. Venus As Venus and his group attempt to regroup with the Overwatch squad, they discover the native group being bombarded by a group of new enemies. Peering closely at their assailants, Venus noticed their unorthodox forms for a moment, but his surge of inspiration immediately dissipated as he came to the logical presumption that the creatures attacking them were indeed akin to the many hordes of monsters he had fought with his team previously. Knowing they were life similar to the blackish essence of the beings Venus and his accomplices had already endeavored much to destroy previously, Venus frowned, uninterested at the prospect of fighting against the same hollow Tresspassers, despite their newfound forms. His toes twisted within his set of now dust-ridden heels, a hidden reaction signifying his impatience. His fingers tapped on the surface of Whisper's sleek, decorated body, a sound unheard amidst the commotion. Only Wyvis, whom he had shared a considerable period of time training in the same room with him, although unacquainted, seemed to have initiated some form of impromptu planning, determining that the beast with the innumerable amount of eyes was at present the greatest threat. No one had said anything yet, but given the strength of the adversary, Venus relented to the inevitable idea that the team needed to work together and focus on one target, rather than split up. Flourishing Whisper in hand while reloading the empty shells that he had expended during his previous scuffle, he nodded acquiescently to Wyvis suggestion; hopefully the others, too, would agree to the straightforward plan without fuss, and his performance could begin.
  19. Kino and Enma UGH! Even her sister could not fault Enma for her tantrum. Shambled as she already was, even Kino would not acquiesce to the prospect of being drenched in a substance that vile. I don't want to fight this thing anymore! The sooner we end it, the lesser you have to deal with it, Kino answered, with amusement that for once, Enma did not want to enjoy the fun that she always did with their kin of spiritual brethren. Kino half begrudgingly, half-vengefully assaults the Vespiquen with her basic attack, as Enma summons yet another swarm of Death's Breath.
  20. Kino and Enma Noticing that the Hives had been destroyed before she could assist, Enma rejoins her slightly damaged sister's side, as Kino and Enma attack the Dark Vespiquen with their respective Basic Attacks. (Bond with the Dead, Last Rites)
  21. Kino and Enma Ugh! Enma shrieked, frantically wiping off the filthy mire that had come from her attack on the insect with her hands. Bug goo! I hate bug goo! If you don't want to get messy, you can work on the Hives. I can't guarantee your safety, but you can at least avoid getting dirty. Kino herself was thankful that she had subdued the giant bee at the right time, or it would be a face of venom for her. Grateful for her sister's suggestion, Enma keeps distance from the Vespiquen while staying in considerable proximity within her sister's location as they now attack separately. Enma attacks the Combee Wall with a basic attack. Kino unleashes her Basic Attack onto the Vespiquen.
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