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Everything posted by Noir
Kino and Enma A giant Bee, nee-san! Enma exclaimed, almost startled. Even in her spiritual form, Enma was more timid than her sister when it come to grotesque insects like the one that presented itself before her. Get rid of it! Get it away from me! Calm down, Enma. We have our allies with us. We have our brethren. You have me. Feeling slightly relieved at her sister's reassurance, Enma composed herself as she begins to assault the Vespiquen cooperatively with her sister and her band of spirits. Enma attacks the Vespiquen with a Basic Attack. Kino casts Death's Breath on Vespiquen (cannot crit, procs her passives)
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus The only remote thing that had enraptured the artist's interest was the thick, wooly jacket complemented with a rather...odd metallic device of sorts. For whatever purpose such an unfashionable garb would serve Venus failed to comprehend -- as an artiste and an assassin, the jacket was too impractical, conspicuous, and above all unstylish. He seemed slightly thankful that someone else had chosen it before him, lest he be relegated to the limited choices of gear set out before him. Venus didn't even manage a moment of the twin shotguns that were proposed to the group -- any gun other than his own paled in comparison. Only Whisper, signature to his name and craft, and his art, belonged in his hand. Hers was the only song he would hear sing, the only brush Venus would paint with. He would take no less than perfection. Venus then turned his attentions on the staff the group had collected before the previous mission. Fastidious as the artist was, he decided it was best not to leave the place empty-handed. It seemed to the lightest object available, not taking excessive space in his sack now packed with belongings throughout his journey. No one else had also seemed to show any relevant attention to it as well -- without a word or resistance, Venus collected the staff, examining its distinct surface meticulously. Little the wand in his hand did to appeal to him, but he concluded that it would suffice. Venus takes the Caduceus Staff. -
Kino and Enma Mitsurugi seemed to have done the liberty of tending to the fracture physically -- in part with Gary's block-like anatomy, it would be difficult to discern and treat the injured accomplice even if Kino had been trained to tend to the wounded all her life. The rest of the group also seemed to lack the capability to heal the spell magically -- and the corruption that came from her clan's death and attacks had since made her spirits vengeful and unkempt, with the glow of blue hidden beneath her robes the last she possessed of her original bearing. Kino was once experienced with tending to the wounded with her staff with her ceremonial rites and customs -- it was her family's duty to tend to the wounded and feeble, and to tend to the dead when they departed from the world. They believed that every life, if possible, could and must be saved, and it was their well of life that made that possible. It could not revive the dead, but it was capable of treating all forms of illness or injury, much like the predicament the group landed himself in. Kino clutched the single bottle of water that hung on her chest, its contents glowing a luminescent blue of power and life -- they were what sustained her, what allowed her to sustain her human form and perform feats and rites that her brethren could not. Only with it could she sit at the helm as the last -- and barely surviving -- of her clan. With every drop split from her bauble a fraction of what remained of her human form would wither. Would it be a suitable sacrifice to save this unfortunate man, to relinquish apart of what she was, what she needed for her own cause, in order to save him? He will go, or you will. Chants from the spiritual pool of what once made her family echoed in her mind. We could be truly forever together, Enma continued. That bottle is the only thing stopping us. The combination of their words, encouraging her to release her chains hammered within her from the inside. It was clear what they wanted her to do -- and it would work for them either way regardless of outcome. "QUIET!" Kino took a moment before she realized she'd yelled these words out loud, placing a hand to her lips in realization. Calming herself down, she reached into her robes, not knowing if her body had carried anything with her before the time of her corruption. If she had been a dutiful follower and had prepared a supply of...any sort of medicine that she could not remember as per her customs in the past-- something would come from beneath the shambling mess of robes that she wore. It had been quite a long time since a situation like this had come to her -- she remembered not the last time whence it had happened, or if she had the supplies to tend to whatever victim it was at the time. She chanced upon something...cold and metallic, and found an old, rusted cylindrical container barely the size of her foot, within it a few herbal leaves, the faintest luminescent glow that shared the color of what she wore on her neck outlining them. They were fresh and lush, as if they were new, as if they had grown just yesterday, still donning a rich green on their papery forms. She then remembered the custom of her family drenching the holy water in these leaves to use as multipurpose healing tools, although the effects would take a considerable amount of time before they would take effect. It was the only thing that she could offer Gary at the moment. She could feel the taste of disappointment her band of spirits shared as she sighed in slight relief of her discovered possession, as she approached the group of colleagues tending to Gary. "I can try a method signature to my clan, but this is the best that I can do." She then placed two leaves upon the wound of Gary's leg that took the appearance of a shattered pillar, and said a customary prayer, in hopes that he could manage to heal better with it.
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus Venus was grateful that he had managed to maintain considerable injury during the scuffle with the mechanized lunatic as before despite the prior injury that might have proved to be a hassle before. Now guided by the team to an odd elevator, Venus follows Friedhold down to where he had landed. -
What's your take on talking to people you've first met or trying to get to know you, be it out of your own, theirs, or mutual interest? "Depends" is to me the most likely answer that is also understandable, but do elaborate.
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus Battered by the force of the adversary's massive hammer, Venus grunted in a mix of irritation and pain as he steadied himself for the attack. Clutching the lotus-shaped accessory of metal he had prepared begrudgingly as he noticed TILT's previous injury, he knew that he could not let his personal ego put his life at stake, and instead backed away from TILT (though remaining within considerable vicinity of the team) and loaded into a Whisper an orb of magical enchantment of a luminescent blue glow as he released his third bullet. Venus fires from a distance with At an Arm's Length. (chance to crit (INT/2), heals for (4+1 per 4 SYN health) Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2) -
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus continues with his second Artful Flourish, attempting to aim for the same spot. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN) -
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus A woman clad in metal had come before the group after an exchange of incomprehensible jiving, now poised to attack before them, confident of her strength despite the numerical odds quite far from her own favour. Even for Venus’ own standards, Venus believed that hers was an eccentricity that even the artist’s own could not find comparable. Sensing his surroundings, he first caught notice of Kagari, who was singing in a language foreign to Venus, such that it was in support of the team’s defensive capabilities, he surmised, as she underwent a transformation unknown to the artist as his ears collected the first tunes of her song. Venus had profound appreciation for the new and undiscovered; a rarity it was to see another performer show her stuff in battle. Yet as much as display was intriguing, it resumed in a way that, in the end, caused him to wince, rather than impress. Recollecting what action he had bothered to remember of the slime many days before this, when it came to offense, hers was third-rate compared to the grace and appeal his work possessed, as much credit he could give him from her current state and her useful support. And he knew and understood that as much as he did appreciate the fresh, it would last for only a moment and never more – and that was made it so coveted, and so meaningful. Only my song has place in battle. Yet now he felt it all simmer within him. Going through many a day with little engagement in his art had the effect of…inspiring him in an especial way when he escaped his via dolorosa; the distance he endured before today, and with how the thrill of orchestrating the art built up slowly – satisfyingly – meant pure ecstasy to Venus, such that he dismissed his previous disappointment of failing to make a masterpiece out of the previous adversarial aircraft. Eyeing the purplish substance – close to poorly made clay or mire – of whence the armored being was now conjuring weapons to attack from, Venus primed his deadly weapon of a paintbrush in hand, ready to illustrate the canvas before him. Venus begins with his Artful Flourish at one of TILT’s oozing runes. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 1, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN) -
What is it that gives you better satisfaction/motivated your mentioning of wanting to GM more than play in RP? What's the most amazing plot you've ever known about?
Are you willing to breed for 6 x 31s?
Kino and Enma "This is fun, Nee-san!" Enma exclaimed excitedly, as their combined efforts managed to bring down two monsters, who leave behind malevolent skulls brimming with morbid energy. Enma collects the items with interest and presents them to her sister, "Can I keep them? Pleeeease?" "No. Whatever such things may be, they rest better still in the hands of that researcher." Kino points to the researcher behind her before she extends her hands, gesturing for her sister to hand the skulls over. She had examined the actions of her colleagues along as she fought, realizing the common act of handing such collectibles to the researcher holding on the back line. Curious as she was of the contents of the skulls of her own, it was the best course of action she could take. Reluctantly and childishly, Enma pouted in disapproval as she tossed the skulls over to her sister, before Kino gave her consent to play alone without her supervision, with her band of spiritual friends in tow. That seemed enough to make up for taking the skulls away, though, and thus Enma continued to revel in the jubilee of her freedom. Kino returns to the researcher, and, as per what the others have done, hands over the Metal Skulls to report her findings -- she takes note, however, to keep a certain leash on Enma despite giving her such freedom, relieved that she and her army of spirits were only attacking the hostilities, which was a welcome deed from her usual mischievous tendencies.
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus Even after a series of attacks, the Helicopter still maintains its functionality; Venus reprimanded himself into the arrogant thought that destroying the motors would be an easy task, but glances in intrigue at the essence of the weapon Ana was using in particular, while preparing his next attack. It was not damaged enough to his liking to prepare his coup de grace yet. Venus fires his second Artful Flourish at the Helicopter. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN) -
TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus The active, airborne craft before Venus was a first for his eyes, exciting him as easily as it startled his attention. It's mechanism, at a glance, seemed simple enough, however -- two sets of rotating blades, on top and on the rear end, were what kept the mass of metal aloft. It was a practical invention for flight, no doubt -- yet with such a conspicuous weak spot, too. An enticed smile emerged, hidden from the hem of his mask, as he withdrew Whisper and allowed the vorfruede of the performance to spread within him. No longer was the novaturient artist subject to the bored, dull days of acquiescent silence when the group was in panning of the mission; images of the beauty that would come from his art on the imminent destruction of the helicopter inspired his action -- action that he would see to only being perfect, no more and no less. Venus fires a Basic Attack at the helicopter's main Rotor Mast. -
Kino chants an ancient incantation before a ghastly figure of her very close liking, shrouded with heavy amounts of souls behind her, conjures before her -- Kino, knowing that they now needed to fight, releases Enma and her kindred of souls bound to her. "Go -- do what you will." "At last -- come, brothers and sisters! Revel in our time for adventure!" Ecstatic with her rare moment of freedom, Enma baltered as she floated about swiftly, enjoying the sensation of being able to move, and have fun, and to take all that she desired, albeit knowing that her sister would keep a close watch in case she went overboard. Kino and Enma command their kindred souls to search for adversaries and attack them in unison with their respective basic attacks -- Kino and Enma consistently coordinate on the same target. ((OOC: You might want to put a separate health bar for Enma, lawl))
Kino Kino, having been distracted to appease to Enma's sensing of various lost souls in the vicinity -- partially out of need for the two siblings to spend some alone time -- wanders around and rejoins Mitsu; with the aid of her brethren of souls she barely manages to endure the obstacle course (her souls can meld with her grant her a relatively powerful resistance/amnesia-esque reaction to pain, but does not protect against physical injury; consider her having sprained a limb or two in the process), sensing the increased heat in the room as she arrives. "What's going on, Mitsurugi-san?" She asked. Nee-san, is it me, or is it really hot here? That's what I'm trying to find out.
I'll take one of either Karrablast, Jellicent or Zangoose. Zangoose as priority, particularly, but listing these just in case its already taken
With online play and high IV mons all the rage, and with battles getting (in my humble opinion) increasingly popular. Besides, what's a high IV mon good for if not for real battles against other human trainers? The main question for all of you is, though -- would it be proper for a competitive Reborn metagame to be established? If your answer is yes, please give input on the following questions below, or add some other insightful questions of your own; my personal answers for these will be addressed in spoilers.
[OOC] The Pride of Sheep Insta-Reboot
Noir replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Repost of old TPOS character Speed: 2 [Debronee prefers to settle matters as quickly as possible, personal capabilities notwithstanding. Alas, he can only run and move on par of that of a normal human though his wings provide enhanced manuverability in the air.] Melee: 6 (Doubled from 3) [Debronee’s most distinct trait is his strength; the boy is as skilled a swordsman as he is a hand-to-hand combatant. Preferring close-up, hard hitting offense as a means for a quick finishing, Debronee’s mech provides him with enhanced physical strength, enabling his strikes and attacks to dent through durable matter such as refined steel, and cause mild tremors with powerful punches and kicks. He has enough strength in his feet to propel him into high altitudes into the air and kick projectiles towards substantial distances, and the force attained through his limbs also allows him to travel at relatively high speeds as well as having strong stamina before being worn out.] Firepower: 0 [Debronee incorporates no use of any firearms resembling of complex, technological weapons, deeming them rudimentary and unbefitting of his style.] Armor: 1 [Prioritizing free movement and as less drag as possible, Debronee prefers practical, light armor as opposed to more powerful defensive armor to optimize his speed in tandem with his superior strength. This, of course, results in compromise of his overall durability, which is somewhat offset courtesy of his special ability.] Signature Attack: Fate Altered [Debronee attempts to roundhouse kick his opponent from below them, knocking the target up into the air before leaping into the air at a higher distance than his aloft target with his sword in hand, impaling and crushing them as they descend together to the ground, causing a massive tremor in their wake. This requires Debronee to flick the target's forehead with his right index finger, however.] Special Ability: Warpath [Debronee is at his best in the heat of battle, where his Body mech reacts to increased adrenaline, endorphin and heart rate at peak levels to further amplify his abilities, granting him further increased strength and speed. It also reacts to damage and pain to enchance his durability, albeit only at critical levels. However, exhaustion and calmness nullify these abilities, and Debronee cannot sustain these bonuses for an extended period of time.] Personal Trait: Infighter: Debronee is not limited to attacking with his sword, and is resourceful enough to fight with his fists, or, if available, knifes, other swords, or pole arms. Character Specialization: Learning Other: Despite being heavily trained in battle, Debronee is a pacifist and tries to avoid as much fighting as possible. He attained his scar through an accident when he was five years old, one that to this day stays a reminder that inspires him to become strong.- 21 replies
- tpos
- now with twice the copypasta!
(and 1 more)
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TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)
Noir replied to DragonRage's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Venus Bang. Bang. Bang. The sound of three trainers firing at targets befuddled Venus’ mind like a disorientated orchestra. It took practice to shoot well, but Venus could not resist the umpteenth tinge of contempt he had throughout his journey between these mysterious realms. Perhaps his fame had garnered arrogance with what it was due – he knew and cared not. Beside those who trained, a young man near his age of silver hair trained with an instructor in tow. Wyvis, he presumed, if he have had the inclination to remember that name, was practicing with an eye-patched woman donned in grey armor. Bang. Bang. Bang. Eyeing each shot from the leather of his mask, he found each dull, gauche, unappealing shot, launching themselves one after the other. Those present in the room then did not notice his presence, or at least were too focused on training to pay notice even to Venus’ juxtaposed appearance. Having remained disinterestedly tight-lipped throughout the intel briefing session before the group of participants diverged to their own ways (albeit taking note of everything he deemed significant to the mission), Venus had idled time away with his back on a wall before he decided to head to the training room. Venus had spoken his first words in the dimension to several of the facilities’ familiars as he was directed there -- partially out of boredom, but primarily out of the fact that he recognized that the given mission was not one of which he could partake in alone. This was no matter of private assassination or infiltration, of which even the artistic assassin’s outre tastes would find suitable. Venus had arrived here with the hunch that someone would at least be here, knowing that Hikari and the others had ventured elsewhere -- and it seemed that his presumptions had not gone to waste. The best form of strategy now, even he had to wait, was to act as a group, even when preparing. Venus preferred to work alone, but he certainly wasn't one to disrespect his own limits. Yet the boredom and uninviting scene before him grew increasingly painful to watch. They needed to bear witness to the shooting of a real star. “Is your training system against firearms that are not of that of your own realm? I guess it wouldn’t hurt that I’d have a little practice.” Venus said, approaching Ana and unfolding the long drapes of his cloak to reveal Whisper intricately hanging at the side of a jewel-inlaid belt. “…Oh. I’m with him – one of the few newcomers that is to help with your mission. Venus Tireur. And don’t worry, you needn’t demonstrate to me the art of shooting a gun – unless, of course, your answer to my foremost question would be no.” -
Kino Kino assumed that the activation of the pressure plate triggered the sudden rise of green matter in the pool -- yet it seemed that there was little to attend to that Jade and Mitsu had not, and, mildly lamenting on her being late, quickly but carefully crossed over the pool with the aid of her spirits, and followed the two near the other diverged path. A series of conveyor belts and a pit with an unseen end presented itself before her -- a prospect of which piqued Kino's curiosity somewhat, not knowing what laid there. Even for Kino, it all seemed so ominous. Afraid of the unknown, Kino justified that sometimes sacrifice was necessary. With that, she released a spirit from her vessel, but a ghastly, humanoid form of a faint, blue-grayish glow, devoid of lower limbs -- almost that of a young child, silent and acquiescent. "See what lies there -- but don't tread too far." She said, ironically, enough for the other two girls to hear. Kino was accustomed to talking with her spirits, her sisters and brothers, telepathically, but perhaps he wanted to present her communication to spirits to Mitsu, perhaps finally finding some comfort in her to demonstrate how. Following Kino's request, the wraith treaded into the dark pit, its faint glow giving the smallest source of light as it traveled alone in the darkness. Perhaps I could've sent a companion, she wondered. You could've sent me, you know. Enma pouted. You only gave me three minutes to be free. I keep my sister close, Kino answered, feigning an embarrassed, bashful tone. I don't want you hurt and lost now, do I? How sweet of you, Kino-nee. but you should learn to trust in me more. In time, dear Enma. In time.
Kino As Mitsurugi decides to return to the temple to regroup with Kino's yet-to-be-seen future acquaintances and colleges, Kino was about to follow suit when Enma pestered her slightly. Kino-nee, you're getting attached to this girl, aren't you? It's been a while since I've had interaction with a real person. A pout of jealousy escaped Enma's disembodied figure. Nee-san, you're not telling me you prefer taking to live people over us? Of course not. Don't you miss our olden days when we were all still alive? I do, but the past as it is -- dead and gone. What's important is now. For you and I to be together.... We have nothing but time, sister. It matters not if some of it is wasted idly. You have me. You have us. Don't you remember that? You always come first in my heart, dear sister. Hush now -- I must follow. With that answer, Kino follows her companion to the temple, countless souls hidden within her in tow.
Kino Noticing Mitsu's actions, Kino follows suit by seating herself in the pillar near the temple, then pointing the lens to the nearest tower, before searching for other towers, perhaps hidden somewhere. Kino notices several others, hidden beneath the veil of lush green forestry, and points toward their location.