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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Noir

  1. Do you have any 6 x 31s left? Is the Skiddo still there/do you have anything else?
  2. Venus You imprecated imbecile.....Venus was displeased that Visrii had stolen his show, having destroyed the work of art that he had prepared so fastidiously. He had also received too much damage in the trade utilizing his final shot, which, to his mild compensation, had struck the, reminiscent of the countless, atypical heartless he had originally destroyed. He sighed in exasperation that his plans had went out terribly -- nothing in his current state went right, all because of that stupid redhead underhandedly taking away what was rightfully his. To make matters worse, he had exhausted all his current bullets in his magazine, and Whisper was an instrument that took time to prepare. Horrible, he whispered to himself. Just horrible. Perhaps it could've ended up a lot worse, but he knew he didn't deserve this. Venus, struggling with his injuries and panting for breath, begins to reload and prepare Whisper to be able to participate in the next turn. [Flaw, Preparation; Venus cannot take action this turn. Due to being able to kill any target within four turns (thanks for the dumb KS Visrii), Quaternary Art is also disabled for the rest of the fight.]
  3. I'm interested in the 6 x 31s -- all of the available ones, (Totodile, Torchic, and Mudkip) in particular. I have 5 x 31 of all of these, and am willing to do say, a 3 for 1 trade for each: Porygon, Baltoy, Bronzor, Rotom, Togepi (Nasty Plot), Cincinno (Knock Off), Flabebe, Growlithe (Close Combat/Morning Sun), Houndour (Sucker Punch), Eevee, Klink, Ralts, Duskull, Litwick, Petilil, and Poliwag. As for as Shinies go, I have Shiny Luvdisc, Shiny Cubchoo, Shiny Darumaka, Shiny Misdreavus, Shiny Zigzagoon, and Shiny Scraggy. PM me to discuss details and for us to work out a trade.
  4. Noir


    I have some 5 x 31 Poliwags. I'm only interested in Capsules though.
  5. Yay for having Satanic 666 post count


    1. Dypatome


      Next goal: 666 community reputation

  6. Venus One bullet left. His previous shot had failed to hit its deadly mark, but Venus was satisfied with the bullet's reception, nonetheless. It was a precise, critical hit, alas, if not fatal. Two strikes he had spent on the same being of armor. Initially, he had not wanted to waste his resources on something so....unembellished. It wasn't until he noticed the....divine display of the violet-black essence leaking out as his work of art impaled through the armor's helmet. Like blood from a wound, except...of a more unusual, unseen, and idiosyncratic color. It was too much of a gas to associate it with blood, perhaps. Whatever it was that served as the plated sentience's sustenance, it was beautiful -- a sight to see for sore eyes, a scene alien, if magnificently so, to the artist's eyes ablaze with passion and furor, much like the magical essence that boiled in his gun as it struggled impatiently for its anticipated release. "Places, everyone, places!" He called, readying the finale. This was a target he wanted no interference in killing, and he had already spent two of his precious bullets on it. He wanted no more than the best for this, if it had withstood two streaks of art and would succumb only to one more. "This one will be one of my finest works." The unliving piece of metal would be privileged to be part of something beautiful, to transcend the boundaries of its dull ugliness as its final moments drew ever closer. If he had to spend another bullet on that, he would do so with a bang. He would want to see only the best as the art from his bullet would escalate with the current display of the armor's writhing, inspiring liberation. And this final shot would be.... Transcendent. Venus fires his fourth Basic Attack onto Armor B (always critically strikes and deals 4 + B bonus damage, Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 4, B= 1)
  7. I'm interested in Frillish, Feebas, Cacnea, Druddigon, Marill, Hippopotas and Roost Swablu. I can offer Baltoy, Klink, Tepig (Superpower/Sucker Punch), Togepi (Nasty Plot), Flabebe, Growlithe (Close Combat/Morning Sun), Piplup (Agility/Icy Wind), Knock Off Mincinno, Heat Wave Chimchar, and Petilil. All are 5 x 31, but will only accept 2 mons for a female starter mon of mine.
  8. Venus With a piece of armor destroyed and all other adversarial bodies damaged, the battle progressed further to its inevitable conclusion as the minutes ticked back, albeit with the previous exchange being rather grave, as the team had taken quite a beating from the enemy's assault. Being one of the fortunate members to be unharmed, he knew that several members needed to recuperate, and thus their firepower would be limited for this turn. Noting the damaged state of the armor he had previous targeted, it seemed vulnerable enough for Venus to land a resplendent, killing blow. He had two bullets left -- he had to spend both wisely. The situation did not favor his fastidiousness at the time of wanting to finish with a fourth, precise shot. A mix of excitement and reluctance entered him as he tinkered with the features of his weapon, reinforcing his third, coup de grace shot, counting again: Three. Venus fires Curtain Call onto Armor B ( Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 3, B= 1, chance to crit, ignores 4 + 1 + B RES, grants Venus 1 + B damage when killing a target). T: Turns Elapsed B: Current SYN bonus = 1
  9. Venus Tireur By virtue of the team's combined efforts, the armor that Venus had attacked was now substantially damaged. Venus had the choice of continue his assault until it withered and ceased to be a nuisance, but the fervent swirling of magic in his bullets made him hesitate. He had only three bullets left, each ever stronger than the other, and he had every intention of spending them wisely. Surveying the battlefield, there was the reactor, and a total of two mechanical limb-like structures and two bodies of armor -- one undamaged and the other vitiated. He had little time for entertaining the choice of which target to beautify next. The moment before the shot...is painful. Forced to make a quick decision, Venus decided that his augmented, increasingly powerful bullets of art would be better spent on the more durable targets, as he selected the unscathed piece of armor as his newest target. Venus fires his second Basic Attack onto Armour B (chance to crit, Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 1) *T = Turns Elapsed B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)
  10. I don't really understand how this would work; like Murdoc said, it lacks a bit of information. My question would be that is this more of a descriptive writing RP rather that a more fluid plot one, and, from what I can currently gauge one mostly involving lamentations and stuff-ish, with a lot of "restriction" in the setting. You definitely got my interest though.
  11. Added Scraggy and Bronzor to list of available Pokes, and will be breeding Porygons soon. Also added Life Orb to the wanted list, so please keep them coming!
  12. I will PM you for details. I'll trade you for the Bulbasaur. I'll send you a PM.
  13. Double posting in my thread to say that Piplup has been added to the available list.
  14. Yes, any Choice item, as long as it is a Choice item, works. I won't give these pokes for just a plate, you'd have to give a couple of them.
  15. Welcome to my shop/trading corner. What I have: Newly available: Will breed for 6 x 31s on Request but with not guaranteed time. My Shinies if anyone is interested: Take note that Shinies do have not have significant value for me, but I'll put these here in case anyone wants them What I'm looking for in order:
  16. If I'm not too late, I'll offer 5 x 31 Female Togepi and another event mon for the Turtwig, need to clear my box as well. PM me for details.
  17. Are you currently a bit busy with trades that I have to put off my business with you momentarily? Not to be rude but you haven't been answering my PMs :V
  18. Venus Having remained uninterestedly taciturn throughout the journey, the time to act had come as Venus met eyes with the complex machine that began to produce more Heartless, with a sentient being of full plate committing to defend the machine with shield in hand. How plain. How dull and mechanical. Venus had little inclination to allocate his attentions on the falsely active anatomy of metal; even his puppets brimmed with more life than such an uncouth casing of mail. He urged more to attack more of the shadowy fiends that the machine continued to produce even as the last wave faded away, but the living armor was by far the biggest impediment as the others tried to destroy the machine. It seemed illogical to assault the ward while the machine remained active, but noting the larger amount of members focusing on it, the artist surmised his principal choice to minimize all cumbers to their objective. Raising Whisper, Venus fires an Artful Flourish at the Sentient Armor (and hoping to critically strike)
  19. I'll give you 3 5 x 31 mons for a 6 x 31 Vulpix. PM me for details, specifics are welcome as well.
  20. Merry Christmas for everyone who is celebrating the day now

  21. Ahh, it seems you are looking for a Sandile in the Especially section. For sake of helping out a generous adoption center host, I guess I'll offer a nice one. UserID: Noir Species: Dwebble Gender: Female Which stat gets the x: I can take anything so long as it's 5 x 31. Special Requests: Spikes as an egg move, perhaps? Again, I'm doing this to help you out with the Sandile, mostly, but well, it'd be great if this were possible. Demonstration of loving home: The poor thing isn't something that people would usually use, not to mention how the Crustle near Agate were abused with powder for jumping purposes out of their tender caves and homes. I'm leading a "save our Bug/Rock crabs" movement to counteract the abuse and show people the true power of the glorious crab. Offering: 5 x 31 Sandile with Thunder Fang as an egg move.
  22. Cloud from FF7. Don't ask me why, I guess I just like him fsr.
  23. Got my training license YAY

  24. The Unnoticed Girl Drat, she thought, not so easy again, is it? While she was now sure that the wraith had a set pattern of approach, it also wasn't mindless; it knew the darkness was there and had the liberty to avoid it. She needed better timing, perhaps; as the wraith neared her Latens attempted another assault with her hind limbs as it came close enough, anticipating it to reappear before her just as it did the previous time.
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