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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Saki

  1. Such a long time since I seen this place.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarc


      I'm not sure to understand your question , but if you didn't change your nickname since a while you can do it. If you changed it recently , you need to wait 3 months i think 

    3. Saki


      I see what they did now. Good, Back some time ago you had to buy name change tickets using a site currency that you built up by being active on the forums/ect. They shifted from that.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the rupee system has been retired some time back, now title changes and the like are free, while namechanges can happen once every while, aka like 90 days after the last namechange for regular members I believe.

  2. Saki


    Looks like i get my Salabae <3
  3. Not sure i will adopt the changes to Reborn shiny Yena, Mm.
    Prolly will in time, Not sure why it was changed though. Seems odd.

  4. Rebornyena is bae

  5. Reviving long dead post, Because the question still stands. ._.
  6. This sounds like a winner, i'll try it once i get home~
  7. I'm currently in Ametrine, Wandering around aimlessly o.o
  8. Is there anything i'm directly looking for? I haven't been able to find how to progress.
  9. Hmm, Disable the pulse? ^^; Oops, seems i already did that also, if that was the goal.
  10. I honestly haven't a clue wherei need to go, and it feels like its been a year or more since i last opened the game. Can anyone shed some light on where this lost soul needs to go~? Currently i just beat the gym, and meteor still has the barrier up.
  11. -Skitters in for a few moments, then retreats to cave-

  12. -Skitters in for a few moments-

  13. -Absol noises-

    1. Tomy


      *Lucario killed Absol*

  14. Wassup o3o

  15. So I'll find what lies beneath Your sick twisted smile As I lie underneath Your cold jaded eyes Now you turn the tide on me 'Cause you're so unkind I will always be here For the rest of my life~

  16. I had been meaning that RP is dying in most other places, er, well the place i've normally frequented. EDIT: Oh, and i should probably mention, Toxsis does not like humans much at all, granted he won't attack on sight. I won't state the reason for this, unless someone wishes to hear.
  17. Eventually, i will work towards a title change >w<

  18. Does this take place on the forum, or in some type of IM placement~? Just a curious question, i've never been interested in forum RP until recently. (Since its dying out in most other places.)
  19. Now i see what happens if i don't appear for a few days, i get a good giggle from reading.
  20. Dark Pulse can come at a later time. So i'll need to think of a fourth move, i assume. Won't be hard~
  21. I had assumed that i would start as a Vulpix, And this is alright with me, miss~ I'm still deciding between Tail/Fang, have been for a really long time, the other three moves are set in stone though. I said 24 simply because that matches up with when said moves can/would be avalible.
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