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About Shadow-God

  • Birthday 12/24/1996

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    no where of concern
  • Interests
    Pokemon,anime, and video games.

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  1. it's a shame siding with el was made an easy way out, I one shot ditto-arceus with bide but there should have been a easier way for people who aren't skilled like me but still wanted to side with radomous.
  2. title self explanatory, what do I feed crazy pikachu man
  3. but when does the guy getting attacked by aron appear?
  4. it's clear and the guy still won't show. am I cursed?
  5. the medicine reset but the girl did not. why does this game hate me?
  6. when and where does this guy get ganged up on by aron, I've heard about it but never seen him
  7. now that I've finished the whole ditto god thing and before I move on I want to take the time to get more key items and pokemon because I'm severely underleveled and unprepared. so if you'd be so kind to help me find these things. -second link stone -the day the man falls into the shaft with the aron -any bonus starters (I hear you can find bulbasaur) -any added stickers -riolu -eevee
  8. for me trumping his porygon Z and staraptor meant smooth sailing. of course I made him waste his potions on cinccino.
  9. fucking serra and her hail team. I had to train a random numel, reteach my magmar sunny day, and couldn't use my strongest more than once because he was teetering on the lvl cap. but I worked out a strategy and destroyed her. it was so satisfying
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