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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by hyzenthlay

  1. Here's the one I'm currently working on. A couple years ago I used to be really into spriting. There's still a lot of work to be done, but I like what I've come up with so far. Is there anything special you have to do to to tinker with the sprite code? Or do you just delete the old sprite file, and replace it with the same name?
  2. Welcome Jay. c: Ah, you nailed three of my favorites too. Loved Flygon & Latios since my first game (Pokemon Ruby), and Amphie because it's a friggen electric giraffe that doubles as a lighthouse.
  3. I grinded up a Raticate because they can learn Sucker Punch, Pursuit, and Crunch (I believe?). Anyways, I had three Dark moves on a level 34 Raticate and watched Shade cry. For Chandelure, I had my Pachirisu Thunder Wave it to make it slow as balls then switched between my Samurott (Water Pulse) and Vulpix (Hex). Gengar, too, was a matter of crippling with T Wave so you can outspeed, then destroying with Raticate.
  4. Mua thankies. Thanks Aaron!
  5. I use a PC. Once I'm done drawing up a character I'll attemmpt to overwrite the originals, and if I have any questions I'll post here. c:
  6. I'm gunna try this out & I'll let ya know what I come up with. After I delete the original, all I have to do is resave the new sprite sheet with the same name correct?
  7. That's super neat! How did you get your sprite into the game? Just delete the old male sprite and replace it?
  8. Ah, thanks Ame & Dragoon! Spade, it was shofu who started the playthrough. Then I started following Nickaboo's too. Bogarrison, sorry but this is the wrong thread to ask that. >,< But, you don't need an emulator to play Reborn because it's an RPG. All you need to do is download Episode 8, unzip the files, and start playing!
  9. Thank you! I'll let ya knowif it works, because knowing me it won't aha,
  10. I'm struggling with Zorua a bit. I watched the Youtube video and it helped, a little. But I still have a couple questions if that's okay. Are there only 5 alleyways it can be found in (Magma gang, aqua gang, obsidia, west peridot, and lower peridot)? Does it have to be nighttime and windy? I've found it once, then after checking the other four alleys twice I still couldn't fiind it again.
  11. UGH I've been toggling with these stupid rails for house and still no progress. Help anyone? /ragemode.
  12. I don't know how far in-game you have to go to activate the Bulbasaur event, but I think you can do it as soon as you finish Azurine Island. Go back to the house where you fought Team Meteor and rescued Cain, and there should be a creepy man wanting to see a Chimecho. Just have it in the first slot of your party, and he'll say you can downstairs and have this disobediant Pokemon he locked in a cage. Bulbasaur will automatically join you. c:
  13. Hey everybody hehe, and thanks so much. I just have a question abut how the Sprite Ship works. It says I can only create a base sprite. How do I purchase more clothes, hair etc.? How do you earn money here? Ah, it has me confused.
  14. No problem! I made sure to subscribe too. c: Best of luck with your channel! I literally watched your subscribers go from like 74 to 200 aha.
  15. If embarrassing yourself is standard around here, I'm sure I'll fit right in aha. I'll definitely enjoy my stay, and I'm sure it'll be a long one. So far, so good. c: Thank you both for the welcomes!
  16. Thanks Nickaboo! I've been poking around these forums for the last week or so, and I'm surprised I never came across anyone else who had this problem. Oh well. I was gunna use Heatmor as an HM slave anyways. I'm a huuge fan of your LP on Youtube, by the way. Been following it closely. c:
  17. Soo I've been playing Reborn for about a week straight, and I've just beat Aya (only took me two tries ) and freed Heather & friends from Sigmund. Before I battled Sigmund, I decided to ditch the Chingling I was training to get its happiness up for the Bulbasaur event. So I dilly dallied my way back to the Pokemon Center and was messing around with my team line up on the PC. I had my Heatmor selected in the computer's little hand, then accidentally pressed X, but when I re-opened the PC, my Heatmor was gone. This is what I mean when I have a Pokemon selected (Glameow). Then from here, if you press X, Glameow will completely disappear. Completely boggled me. (Don't mind Raticate. Couldn't find a better HM slave. >.<)
  18. Thank you. Shouldn't be too hard, everyone here seems so nice already. c:
  19. Yo yo, nice to meet ya! Thanks for the welcome!
  20. Hello. c: I'm Onyx, pleased to meet all of you. I'm completely obsessed with Pokemon Reborn. I discovered it when one of my favorite Youtubers started a playthrough, and I've been playing non-stop for about a week. Eventually I'd love to challenge the Reborn league but I've never competitive battled before, so I'll do some research before diving in nose-first and making a fool of myself aha. Anyways, I look forward to interacting with all of you and hopefully making some new friends.
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