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About RaKooN

  • Birthday 12/23/1992

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  • Interests
    Geology, martial arts, videogames

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. You're the best! Thanks a lot! I need the metalcoat only! are you online now?
  3. Yeah I already know it but I'm far from there and I appreciate to have steelix before that ^^''
  4. Nono, I haven't fight Noel yet! I meant I'm fighting Kiki now!
  5. Sorry but i'm searching for a metalcoat for steelix 'cause i love it but i'm too early in the game to find one. Can someone trade it to me?
  6. Oh ok sorry for the wrong section ^^'', however, in the game i'm at the fight gym. Can i already have it?
  7. I need urgently a metal coat for steelix! Can someone trade it to me please? ^^'''
  8. Abra's sprite is fucking awsome :Q___
  9. This is how you can catch Beldum!
  10. I've the same problem, probably @Vinni953 has right
  11. I don't know in 10.5 but in 10.0 i found him in wasteland however you're right, in the obtainable pokemon list munchlax is anavailable :/ About drowzee i didn't see the location in the list of first gen pokemons so i thought that you didn't know that XD sorry
  12. Drowzee is in the grass before the "Ditto-Arceus" Snorlax evolves from munchlax (wasteland)
  13. eeeeeeeehm ciao XD Suppongo tu mi conosca da youtube, comunque qui si parla solo in inglese ricordatelo!
  14. RaKooN


    wait... i don't understand... when i solved the puzzle nothing happend, so i pressed every key on the keyboard... and nothing happend, so i pressed ESC, and in this way she told me that I could re-try when i'm ready... so WTF I have to do when i solved the puzzle? T.T Please...
  15. RaKooN


    so is it impossible to do for now?
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