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About Soysauce

  • Birthday October 7

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    Gaming!! And sleeping. *yawn*

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  1. A good replacement for Gyarados? Well, this little guy may just do the job, I'm sure he will be Adamant about that soon. (hi there forum , just passing by :3 )
  2. 2 weeks before my first day in a great engineer school. Competitve exams already look like a distant past!

  3. Classes préparatoires are over, I got into one of the best engineering schools, yessssss

  4. Assuming I can improve some stuff to the maximum level, I'd need Teleportation to complete the circle. For the laziest to the most romantic reasons.
  5. Remember one thing: you can breed Earthquake easily with a wild Geodude (acquired at lvl 39). Then you can pass to other egg groups via Pokemon such as Dwebble, that's how I got a Trapinch with EQ at lvl 1! Good luck for your challenge.
  6. A lot of reasons for botrk : he scales well with it, the bonus damage is extremely good with the penetration from his ultimate and it allows him to splitpush efficiently (sustain? check, 1 v 1 prowess? check, turrets eater? check!). The active also allows you to melee-kite... something extremely big with his Q having decent range.
  7. Don't hurt yourself in confusion! Damn, I had the Ditto idea too but it's impossible. ;_;
  8. Sooo, they want Lucian to be "focus down a dude, kill that dude with one target burst, use E to do matrix-like dodges". Sounds good if you're even or ahead, sounds difficult if you want to catch up when you're behind. Quinn is """"""bad"""""" because her ult makes her melee range and her E can be suicidal versus people on their main champions with crowd control.
  9. Back on my main computer, broken screen got solved, thx daddy :3

  10. I'm a really recent player, so I average 5 wins per run. But yeah sometimes you just have to choose between 3 bad or terrible picks.It also seems that mage is somewhat common and pretty strong in this mode, flamestrike and fireball behind immediate effect cards that can wipe out threats. The only reason why I won so much is because how I abuse those immediate effects mechanics.
  11. Pretty much. There is also a lot of information scattered along the forums, I also find it fun to add our individual pieces of strategy; it feels good when you beat the gym leader with some of your own tricks.
  12. Soysauce


    I don't see what is so surprising here... So please enlighten me if I missed something crucial because I really see nothing.
  13. Do you ARGHHHHHHHHH when your pencil falls from your desk? Welcome!
  14. This is actually purgatory: from the hell of your sanity, you'll get to the bliss and the heaven of craziness.
  15. This looks promising! Keep it up!
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