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Shiro No Kishidan

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Everything posted by Shiro No Kishidan

  1. Just a warning. If your computer is slow you might end up crashing the game. It might be the same if you're speedhacking it but I'm not sure.
  2. Luck is a large part of any trainer's game. (At least it is for me.) I can totally understand you. Congrats on your win.
  3. I will definitely look into Staraptor. Also, I have a Lvl 32 Magnemite and can throw that into the party (w/ a little training). Is there any way to get magnezone at this point? (Facepalming right now because Magnemite can resist like everything Aya can throw at me pretty much). About Typhlosion, yes I like Cyndaquil a lot as it was my first ever starter for any pokemon game I played.
  4. I picked Cynaquil as my starter and it has done a good job for me so far. I would like to point out that Fire starters are pretty much nerfed about a 1/2 week, every week because it rains and doesn't stop unless you move inside (Sadly, it'll start again when you exit the building you're in.). You have no way to counteract this until you can pick up a drought Vulpix so just be careful. Fire is useful though as it allows up to carve up Fern which is always a plus in my book. (If you don't know who he is, You'll see I promise.)
  5. Team got a major update (Now on Aya) and for the better or worse *shrugs* Here it is! Gardevoir Lvl 42 Calm Mind Psychic Magical Leaf Confusion Unfezant Lvl 40 (Thinking of replacing it something, At this point probably Drapion) Razor Wind Detect Air Cutter Air Slash Mightyena Lvl 42 (Other Pokemon who will probably get the cut soon. I don't know what to choose though...) Rock Smash Assurance Bite Odor Sleuth Typhlosion Lvl 42 Flame Charge Flame Wheel Ember Cut Golem Lvl 42 Magnitude Bulldoze Stealth Rock Selfdestruct Scrafty Lvl 45 Brick Break Payback Crunch Hi Jump Kick Difficulty was lowered for me when I refought Corey. Shade gave me some issues but I got lucky. I swept Cal with Golem. Kiki was also rough and Idon't even want to talk about that lvl 75 Garchomp (or what happened afterwards.) Anyways advice is always appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello all, So I've just beat the ZEL-Taka team battle and after facing Corey one, decided, (As usual), that I needed to change my team for this Gym. So with out further ado, here's my team Pachirisu lvl 26 -Electro Ball -Swift -Cut -Spark Quilava lvl 28 -Flame Wheel -Ember -Tackle -Quick Attack Kirlia lvl 22 -Lucky Chant -Teleport (It works almost as well as fly...Sorta) -Confusion -Magical Leaf Mightyena lvl 25 -Odor Sleuth -Sand Attack -Bite -Roar Tranquill lvl 27 -Detect -Air Cutter -Quick Attack -Roost Carnivine lvl 24 -Bite -Vine Whip -Ingrain -Sweet Scent Yeah...If you're wondering how I beat ZEL and Taka with this team, I'm going with pure dumb luck. Anyways, It's obvious that I need to lose Carnivine. (I mean the gym's poison...and Skuntank knows Flame Cannon) but any other advice besides level grinding. Thanks in advance.
  7. Okay, Another thing I noticed about FERN!!! So when you get trapped by the Nuzleafs, Fern comes up to, makes fun of you, says that the first two Gym leaders were easy, and then offers to unlock your cage...wait a second, What! The first two gym leaders, easy! What is he thinking? I mean with his monotype grass party, Flobot woulda whoop his pathetic behind to kingdom come! Cradily would have owned him. I swear, how did he do that!
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