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About mcspankie

  • Birthday 10/26/1990

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    skateboarding, cats! and POKEMON!!!


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  1. Nickaboo92 im checking there now just tying to get through it is a challenge itself
  2. i beat the ice gym leader and when i left her gym she told me i could go to the pokemart but the pokemart did NOT teleport back where it should be! does anyone know where it is?
  3. just finished ep. 1-8!!! I need ep. 9!!

  4. i am stuck in the chrysolia forest can anyone help/ give advice to get through the forest for myself and other players please?
  5. Aaron idk if i should be flattered or offended by that but i like it hahahah
  6. well if everyone is as crazy and weird as i am then welcome home! ahhaha Cpt.DanaKS
  7. Blade Dancer Mash Pockythanks! ahhaha
  8. please ignore the fighting gym part of my post just beat her! took forever but it finally did it!! woot!!!
  9. thanks! and i likes too!!!
  10. Hey I am new to the site! But not new to pokemon! been playing pokemon since i was 6! this game is a new fav. i got! also im stuck on the fighting type gym leader any ideas how to beat her? anyone care to chat or anything let me know! always up to meet new people!!! thanks!
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