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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by jjm239

  1. So much for streaming Reborn... too buggy on the Mac.

  2. just finished streaming some Pokémon Reborn on my YT channel, but I'm on a Mac so it isn't the best.

  3. Long time no see, Reborn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing


      Yeah, who are YOU????

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      You guys are being rude ._.

    4. Shing


      Well apoligize to jim.

      Just say welcome back.

  4. I don't remember what I got last, but this is what I got now...
  5. When one of the NPCs says "all of the sudden", you're going to have a bad time.

  6. It's WELL, not WELP. And I'm with Yami on waiting for 10. Ame, check some of your spellings for some of the NPC speak.
  7. I just hope all the bugs are fixed.
  8. jjm239


    That doesn't tell me much in terms of what I could/should do.
  9. jjm239


    I don't know if I should keep it in my team (since it's early) or store it.
  10. But sometimes it's more fun to be depressing, and sometimes you can't help that your life is like a turd rolling down from a mountain top, no matter who's nice to you or not... True story.
  11. jjm239


    I just caught my first shiny ever. Yes, I have shinies but it's an event Suicune and Red Gyarados from the Lake of Rage. But this time, I actually have my own shiny. Even though it's a Spinarak...
  12. First shiny ever caught was while playing this game, literally within minutes of this post...

    1. Ringabel


      There's a thread for that.

    2. jjm239


      What? I can't be happy?

  13. So if anyone cares, the stats of Akio the Torchic are as follows: Adamant Nature Speed Boost HP: 20 Atk: 13 Def: 10 SpAtk: 10 SpDef: 11 Spd: 9
  14. jjm239


    Sarcasm. You know what that is, right? And I know a lot of people that pair fire and lightning abilities, not counting Pokemon at all.
  15. Um... I never would have guessed, with the whole story being post-apocalyptic.
  16. Hear that, kids? You can learn him something!
  17. jjm239


    I never would have guessed that your favourite typing is the Electric type, with your secondary being fire. Too many people pair fire and lightning together, especially when all you'd need is a team with Steelix, Excadrill and Golem to flush your team.
  18. If I wanted to play Minesweeper, I would play MINESWEEPER!
  19. Cowman, not very many would. If they wanted to ask, they would either start their own thread OR watch Shofu's playthrough of Reborn.
  20. Nothing like being frustrated with Ep 9 of Reborn... I wanted to start the game today...

  21. Not really... And then the sequel was just against you...
  22. Did you see the poll? I don't see Mudkip there. EDIT: And now to figure out how to fix the game, because I can't play until I figure out how to fix the Frame error...
  23. Khayoz, you're biased because you have Infernape
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