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    The Netherlands
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    Video games, watching series, honing my bilangual skills and developing social skills.

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  1. To think some have waited half their lifetime to see this game reach its final release... it's crazy. Just wanted to hop in and thank all the developers that have worked on the game over the last decade so that it could see the light of day this weekend. I'm hyped!
  2. Oh my, this is awesome! Keep up the good work :3.
  3. Do you maybe know when is E3 going to take place? (:
  4. Oh guys, this might be a bit OT but; Can you give Looker his memory back or sometin' in ORAS? Cause I exhausted his dialogue and my attempts to make him continue his dialogue were proven to be futile.
  5. My oh my, well, Pokemon Z incoming!
  6. Well, on a variety of other online fora I actually found out people didn't like the D/P/PT series. System lags, boring plot, worst evil team and some other complainments.
  7. If this topic isn't in the right place, sorry! Hey guys! Last couple of days I've been wondering about the upcoming title. Is there going to be a gen 7? Gen 4 remake? Pokemon Z? Who knows?! I'd like a gen 4 remake though. I know most of the pokemon fan community don't like Gen 4 all that much, but it was my childhood and I feel the most nostalgia when I hear (remixed) tracks of the D/P/PT series! What do you guys think will come or what you prefer to see as the upcoming game?
  8. If I were to be you, I would choose the most versatile and most available (the reason why you shouldn't choose Dragon ) type. I haven't got a clue of which type that'd be though!
  9. Enlightment, balance and disarray.
  10. Both make sense to me, however the fact that xe actually stated that he saw a girl makes it more likely. Wonder when she'll return, or when we'll return to her,
  11. As of yet, there is 1 pseudo-legendary available to catch. There aren't any legendary pokemon available though, if that was what you're looking for. But note, there are many, and put the emphasis on many, good pokemon in reborn. You've just gotta look closely for them.
  12. Welcome Really cool Loser (sounds like a nickname for Fern, huh?). Embrace the darkness of the Reborn Region, but make sure to enjoy it as well.
  13. Team Meteor is the best evil organisation I've met until now in pokemon games. With well designed characters and an actual realistic goal instead of the usual ''world dominance'', they really intrigue me.
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