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Everything posted by Kripz

  1. Kripz

    Yureyu HQ

    So I'm trying to find the Yureyu HQ for the linkstone and I cannot find it for the life of me. I check my map to find it and start heading in that general direction and can't seem to get near it whatsoever. Can anyone send me in the right direction.
  2. Alright cool! thanks a lot
  3. So I was just walking around Peridot Ward looking for things to do, since I was extremely bored, and I go into this house next to the alley where you find zangoose and discover these two meteor grunts talking about blah and then they tell me to get lost and disappear.... I was just wondering if anyone else has done this and knows where they went or is it something saved for later on or what?(granted I have beaten episode 9, so it can't be story progression as of now).
  4. Just wondering if these items are in the game yet, and if they are, where i can get them.
  5. Kripz

    Sun stone?

    You can get some while mining the glowy rocks, and I think I picked one up somewhere along the story but I can't remember exactly where.
  6. grinding spots

    1. Manes


      Dood, wrong field.

  7. Anyone know the exact location of the shiny stone because I've searched the island like 3 times checking every bush/rock/flower patch and with no luck...
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