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The Radiant Aeon

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by The Radiant Aeon

  1. ame the type of person to eat raw chicken nuggets

    1. Dreamy


      that is very unhealthy 


      don't do that 


      cook your nuggets please 


      ame must be a healthy

    2. Wolfox


      i believe @Amethystis also vegaterian 

    3. Amethyst


      yea, but to be fair, i'd eat raw non-meat chicken nuggets if they weren't frozen or some shit

  2. tfw you manga reader and you know every anime only will cry their eyes out when the jimmy gets fucking rekt

  3. There are times where I wished I knew more people who read and are caught up to Gintama because holy shit that last chapter

    1. Chickens


      Kagura got the final fantasy disease and puked kagura v2

      And SHITmyzaki become mobocop

      Also donald zurump for president

      Nothing strange



      Great chapter. Quite funny



  4. Who else but me and godot has dbfz?

  5. dl'd fgo to get mordred and been trying to reroll but i'm being stalked by the fox girls five times already. help

  6. fuck im back here again help

  7. i woke up to the smell of cat shit :(

    1. Zargerth


      Cat shit woke up to the smell of me

  8. Fighting games are great.

  9. haven't played heroes in forever

    >gets reinhardt first roll


    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      it's heros way of saying welcome back


  10. real shit i said i wanted to be more active in reborn but i already forgot my password 3 times

    1. Alex


      you'll get there someday, we all believe in you

  11. okay drop those likes down below to support your lord and savior so he earn some rep points to do shenanigans and be motivated to post actually things in this hell hole. also go ahead and drop some spiders and burnt cereal in ame's inbox okay bye :] edit: but nah for real just saying that I may stay here for longer this time to hang with you nerds but no promises. but still drop dem spiders in ame's box edit2: okay this is probs for sure gettin taken down so I repeat drop some likes and donate ame some burnt ass cereal for the lelz of course edit3: oh shit I forgot there was the wasteland section of this forum this post this rancid ass post, now I feel like a n0b
  12. praise lord buckethead


  14. okay but db fighters z is making me feeling something

    1. Wolfox


      just hope it's not as bad as the anime. note: I don't mean to say that the dragon ball series is bad, I'm only saying that for all the hype and praise DBZ get's, it really shits the bed on most of it. the general theme is "fight me or the world will be destroyed!", there's not as much of the quirky humor from the original DB, THE FILLER AND THE PACE (Having a battle that lasts as long as the Frieza battle NOT something to be proud of in meaning of the word, that;s a BAD thing) and the villains... well the theme tends to be "fight me or I destroy the world", so you can guess what I think about that. the last thing I take issues with is the dragon balls itself. "O shit Goku's dead! Someone contact Namek to wish him back again!" just the notion of being able to be reviving the whole world population when you're a few seconds late kinda get's old really fast.


      but that was my rant about dbz. if you like it, you like it. just don't tell me that because I like anime I should like it or stop watching anime (I legit spoke to someone like that once, and they call attack on titan fans bad :/)

    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      dude i could care less on what anime you like cuz I myself am not a "major" fan of dbz (I like it and have nostalgia and all but I wouldn't be an ass about it) but real shit this is an arcsys game that I'm excited about. Coulda been a juju's bombastic journey game and I would still act the same (actually a lie since I've been a fan for 7 years now I would p*** blood from my pants if arcsys and araki paired up)

      p.s. is there any need to censor stuff on posts on this site now? I've been on and off this forum for 2 years now so idk if there was a change in forum rules that I can't say super explicit stuff cuz otherwise fuck all

      p.s.s. bow down to your one year superior nerd


    3. Wolfox


      I got on the devencive because usually when I say I dislike dbzI get more hate than people ask me if I like gardevoir because it's "fap-food" when I say that's my favorite mon, and you don't wanna know how much the latter is the case

  15. Is there a problem?

  16. I guess i can now brag on how I graduated at the same stadium as the super bowl this year

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Though I could've done it a week a ago cuz it was like a week ago

  17. First status post in a while but can we just appreciate the ice cream sandwich

    1. Dreamy


      Yea @Ice Cream Sand Witch does some great work and is an upstanding member of this community.

  18. too blazed for a joke

  19. I remembered I had a professional email and it had like 3 colleges accepting me like weeks ago lmao

  20. yo but botw is making me wet. almost literally. damn stone monster

  21. what the shit i got the rare tiki first try

  22. Thanks for that. That definitely piqued interest for Black Foxes; just the right amount of cryptic with enough info to understand the general goal. Most certainly would side with Foxes over Crescent. oh and the part where her "powerful Umbreon" beat the police? lel I suspect foul play No problems, just wanted to speak my mind on the game. In fact your clarifications did clear up some of my issues. And if all of these are intentional, then please, continue because it really intrigues me (still don't like Scarlett though :0). And a lot of this comes from memory, so things like Baron which I may or may not have noticed might have been skipped over entire (again not willing to play version 3 again; Silver Rise was too traumatic). Though I do recall repeating my understanding of this game being very early in development. Then again what do I know I'm suffering from cranknstein and caffeine from hours past and am only comforting my poor self with internet rants and haagan dazs Also I'm sure you can admit the rejuv and naruto situations are pretty freaking hilarious. irony i guess
  23. That would be more plausible if that is the case, although it very uncanny how similar Team Crescent and Madara's ultimate goals are down to the end game "world peace." Now that I know its not the case, and more like Inception, I feel a little bit better about Team Crescent, though they are still highly generic. Still ant to know more about Black Foxes I mean come on why the suspense for them but not for Crescent.
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