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The Radiant Aeon

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Everything posted by The Radiant Aeon

  1. I was talking about the entrance being unintentional. (was it?) But yeah, I noticed some events being reset like pachirisu. Love to see a patch anytime tomorrow or whenever.
  2. I don't even think that was intentional..
  3. Dunno if it's a 9.5 bug, but I can't get into the Arcade. Also, the boy in front of the building is also a sign. ...Literally... Edit: Just found the entrance. For all who are curious, here it is! Amethyst...
  4. Oh.. I assumed that he was due to fossils being in the game.
  5. This is my team after beating Noel (My first playthrough team) KenMasters level 53 Lonely: speed boost Moves: Blaze kick Hi-Jump kick (reteach) Brave Bird Bulk-up Sentinal level 52 Quiet: sturdy Discharge Thunder Wave (reteach) Charge Beam Flash Cannon Abyssion level 55 Bashful: Synchronize Faint Attack Screech Wish (Long chain breed) Quick Attack Vampe level 55 Lonely: infiltrator Acrobatics Cross Poison Confuse Ray Shadow Ball Ing level 51 Relaxed: Shell Armor Muddy Water (Moar breeding) Ancient Power Protect Mud Shot Parasoul level 52 Docile: Synchronize Psychic Calm Mind Magical Leaf Shadow Ball
  6. Now that I've gotten 2 playthroughs out of the way (w/ blaziken and feraligatr, another with infernape, but got bored of it 5/7 badges of the way, since I'm using it w/ platinum) I decided to play with something new. A starter type in which I have not used in well over 2 years. Grass-type Anyways, so I decided to choose my favorite starter in general, Treecko. I wanted to post my team idea on here. Strider Inazuma Yasha Jetstream Chrono Bestia (Please note that I have not used the fore mentioned pokemon in a playthrough.) Pokemon in consideration: Crobat (used 3 times), Umbreon(used 2 times), Staraptor, Togekiss, Magnezone (used), Ninetales, Magmar (used), Omastar(used), Gyarados (Already have one w/ adamant so.. ) Camerupt, Gardevoir (used), Gengar, Alakazam (used), Swampert (used), Scrafty(used), and Vaporeon. Please give me feedback
  7. To be honest, I personally would choose Turtwig because A ) if you already chose a piplup already, then you should try something else B ) it has access to wood hammer, EQ, and leech seed (as well as curse, synthesis [only more useful on a sunny day team], crunch, and if Ame puts in more TMs, then rock polish, swords dance, substitute [sub-seed yeah] and toxic)
  8. Hmm.. Well I personally choose Umbreon (cause I'm that biased) but Vaporeon and Espeon are a good options. But there is the option to breed all three of them so...
  9. When? Also, showdown with lv 50's and only moves by learning by level up or by any move it learns?
  10. Hmm.. I thought so too when I first made it. But I wanted to keep it. (More or less because I wanted to sleep a little after I finished the hair.)
  11. Pyrous Mountain was a pretty cool dungeon. The lava pillar mechanics was sweet and the training the place offered was SO useful. I admit, Chrysolia was a dungeon I actually liked. The disappearing trees that change everytime you go to a different route was appealing to me because it made me THINK about where I was going. (Bonus points for the Eevee as well) Then there is the Wasteland. Holy s*** son! That place was THE weirdest place in the game. The moment I saw that place, I thought I was in Magicant all over again. I was already scarred by that place during my childhood. (To those who don't know what Magicant is, this it) O_o
  12. So I went through all of this topic and I thought, "Hey, this looks fun! Lemme try!" This is all I've done in two hours with the VS portrait (I was tired after coming home from a park, so I used the male sprite to start with) Tried giving him some Blue on his hair to correspond with the colors of shiny umbreon. Plus, I like blue. Then I gave him that white jacket. For my first time editing sprites, I don't think I did too bad of a job. I also tried to make an over world sprite. Needless to say, I'll never finish it.
  13. Not to mention any scarf users like Mienshao and Raikou. (Heracross could to, but that depends if it hits the Stone Edge)
  14. Pachirisu is in a building north of the Mysterious Factory. Spinda is the one attacked by street rats.
  15. Hmm.. Honchkrow would be a good choice. However I made it to a point where EVERY member of my team has to be different in type, and I really want to try out Sharpedo. But I'll keep Honchkrow in mind. Other than that, Togekiss is a pokemon I COMPLETLY overlooked.
  16. Now that I'm on here though, I gotta ask, what should I use for my flying type? I used Crobat in all other playthroughs of this game and I want to change things up. Been thinking about either Staraptor or maybe forgo flying and go for Flygon.
  17. Meh.. I only like trying to get the type of HP if it's on competitive WI-FI. Seems kinda bothersome trying to use it when it's single player. Anyways, I already decided on a physical so whatever.. At least you replied and gave me a suggestion, for that I thank you.
  18. Hmm.. having a hard time deciding what kind of Sceptile I want. Physical sweeper with Adamant nature Leaf blade Acrobatics Quick attack and Swords dance (when it comes out) and Unburden or Special sweeper with Giga drain Focus blast and any other special attacks (please leave suggestions for other moves) with Modest Overgrow. Can someone help me choose?
  19. Hmm.. seems Ame hasn't played FF4 yet Then again never finished it sooooo
  20. That'd be pretty cool to have. Imagine all the customization people could do. Unfortunately, the linking part is probably never gonna happen. Ame isn't made out of money. I doubt she'd have the funds for buying that sort of equipment. (Now that I said that, someone is gonna make some huge donation to her the very moment they read this.)
  21. The Radiant Aeon


    Gonna laugh so hard if you're serious
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