Now that I've gotten 2 playthroughs out of the way (w/ blaziken and feraligatr, another with infernape, but got bored of it 5/7 badges of the way, since I'm using it w/ platinum) I decided to play with something new. A starter type in which I have not used in well over 2 years.
Anyways, so I decided to choose my favorite starter in general, Treecko. I wanted to post my team idea on here.
Strider Inazuma Yasha Jetstream Chrono Bestia
(Please note that I have not used the fore mentioned pokemon in a playthrough.)
Pokemon in consideration: Crobat (used 3 times), Umbreon(used 2 times), Staraptor, Togekiss, Magnezone (used), Ninetales, Magmar (used), Omastar(used), Gyarados (Already have one w/ adamant so.. ) Camerupt, Gardevoir (used), Gengar, Alakazam (used), Swampert (used), Scrafty(used), and Vaporeon.
Please give me feedback