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The Radiant Aeon

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Everything posted by The Radiant Aeon

  1. Welcome to reborn dood! Yeah this game is pretty sweet. I had this game for two or three weeks and already I have more play time on this game then more of my other games. (Take that marvel)
  2. My first time playing through Reborn, I played as a female char named Luna. So when he asked questions about Luna the gym leader, I thought he was talking about me.
  3. The Radiant Aeon


    She's gonna add them in eventually. Just wait until episode 10 and see what happens. (Trust I want weavile as much as you do)
  4. No problem, dude. Hope your LP goes well!
  5. Most (if not all the badges in the game) are in the reborn league leader line-up.
  6. Forgot to mention that the .rxdata files are your save files for reborn.
  7. Pretty sure you go to saved games in (I believe) Control Panel. Find the "Reborn" folder and transfer the .rxdata files to you're laptop.
  8. I mean, 8008 COINS?!! (If that's what you're referring too, otherwise, I don't get the voltorb flip)
  9. Sup! I'm also new here, so I guess we'll be in the same boat huh? P.S I'm curious about your mono-steel team, maybe I'll make another mono-team (I have mono-ground)
  10. The best three in my opinion are torchic, chimchar, and totodile. Torchic gets speed boost in which(with a proper nature ex. adamant ,jolly) then you got yourself a nice physical sweeper. Chimchar is the same story but it's more viable as a mixed attacker and an overall better movepool. Totodile is good because of it gets sheer force. Combined with crunch and ice fang, and it's gonna be awesome. I have 3 files, all of which use the fore mentioned pokemon. All of which served me well. Keep in mind that you'll get mudkip, bulbasaur, and tepig later, so don't choose them.
  11. Oh alright, I get it. Well, this game isn't complete yet, so of course there are some minor bugs. Guess my Dugtrio is gonna have free priority. Also, is there a list of bugged moves. Kind of curious.
  12. While I was grinding, I noticed that sucker punch was damaging even though the other side was using non-attacking moves. Has this issue been addressed?
  13. I found only seven shinies. Most of which are zubats, but I did get shiny magnemite and diglett!
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