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About Tenshine

  • Birthday 05/16/1996

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    The Internet
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  1. I survived a week without internet on an island. I can survive anything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      Did so on a boat


    3. derekwst3


      there is no way that is possible

    4. Sutoratosu


      Bear Grylles is not impressed

  2. I've been playing the game a bit, and it is fun and kinda cool, but it's nothing to write home about, with it's level of graphics. Your freedom in the game is fairly restricted as well. Designing your own character is kind of fun, and the weapons and their skills are cool, but all in all I think the game, while being better than 95% of other free mmo's, is still going to end up as a waste of time for me.
  3. I've been reading the Akame ga Kill manga, and because of chapter spacing, I've kind of been forgetting how much death is always present throughout the series (somehow I manage this, even though Kill is in the title). Just watching the first episode reminded me not to get too attached to any of the characters. I'm about to watch Tokyo Ghoul Ep. 2 and Persona 4G, so I guess I'll edit this when I have. Edit: Okay, I watched them, and not much to say, Tokyo Ghoul was good, I hope the episodes don't just become boring now, and Persona 4G holds some value at least for me, so I'll keep watching it.
  4. Why are you treating One Piece like a psychological thriller? It's a Shonen anime, with the basic plot line of overcome strong enemy, spout of great lines, get stronger, move on to next enemy. Also, remember that most anime come from manga, so you can't expect the mangaka to change their art style after it has been serialized. That said, it's okay if you don't particularly like that genre, just don't expect it to be something it is not.
  5. Yes, Rewrite is great <3 Also, Hamatora Season 2
  6. I knew he was in the damn tiger suit!

  7. This doesn't make much sense to me. :/ Also, the purpose of the whole petition is that this doesn't happen.
  8. They updated this petition to include all future Digimon games, most notably the title that is coming out on the Vita, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. I'm excited and hope this petition amounts to something. #tenshineusedraise
  9. So far, I only know I'll be watching Tokyo Ghoul and JoJo's, and maybe Rail Wars since I saw the first episode. I'm not 100% sure on what other anime there are this season, but some of the ones I have heard of can wait for rainy days.
  10. Anyone else going to start playing Onigiri?

    1. Felicity


      anime mmo right

    2. Shushup


      dem plots be bouncing everywhere now.

    3. Tenshine


      It seems like a decent game. I'm just trying it out since it's new and runs on my laptop

  11. Yo, welcome to the forums! I hope you get a new computer soon so we can see you challenge the league!
  12. I would try changing out Tentacruel for a Mega Venusaur if I were you. Try a mixed Def and SpD with max Hp build. Unfortunately you will lose rapid spin, but Megasaur will resist electric types for you, and he's just a pretty amazing tank who can still put in some work with damage. Here is the set I run, but just a disclaimer: There might be a better set for you Venusaur @ Venusaurite Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 252 HP / 116 SDef / 140 Def Bold Nature - Sludge Bomb - Leech Seed - Synthesis - Roar
  13. You can't just blame that on the jump to 3D. Sure it might of taken them some time, but they shouldn't of just left it was it was, after building up such a great rep with the previous games. Also, I didn't really like the story that much either, it lacked some of the heart of the first two games, as well as the awesome feeling of exploring that really came through in the second generation. Hydreigon was kind of cool, but it just wasn't enough to fill out what I expect from a MD game. And your point about future games... I don't know WHEN there will be a future game as they have said absolutely nothing about the MD franchise for a while, and tbh after GoI I've entirely lost interest in the franchise. Wow I sound so cynic. Well, I guess maybe they could make a good game in the future, and I hope they can restore my trust.
  14. Gates of Infinite was pretty bad, and I regret buying it. It was pretty easy though. But I will recommend the games prior to that, they are a good part of my childhood.
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