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About ChocolateChip

  • Birthday 08/25/1990

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  1. Okie v.v I'm lost unfortunately xD I've went through Amethyst Cave several times and I must be missing it or it isn't in place v.v I'm at the part where you have to find the cracked wall by the ladder to access Amethyst Grotto (for the 2nd badge), but I can't find it /: I checked a few LP on YT, but they must have the older version with a different layout. It wasn't in the place they went to in theirs. Never mind xD I clicked the red stone and it unveiled the passageway.
  2. Question xD Was planning on replacing my Espurr with Meditite -> Medicham, but noticed that it doesn't really get a physical psychic move unless heart scaled / remember Zen Headbutt. I was wondering if this was an option in the current version or should I go back to using Espurr?
  3. Yeah certain trainers will battle you over and over again. I notice it resets possibly every new day or just certain things trigger a reset. Not sure what though /: It can be useful for certain pokes, but it can be annoying when you've got lvl40 pokes and the lvl5 aipom guy re-challenges you everyday for the lolz and the funnies. /: xD
  4. Yeah, I prefer winter as well If there's a way to maybe make them all appear in the wild though? Or a way we can manually change their forms, that'd be awesome options too. ^^
  5. Oui, but speed and great Sp.Attack. She was knocking out lvl40 Grimers at lvl23 I think xD Which isn't much >.> But was still proud of her xD
  6. I promote those two suggestions too. Ahem, got Magneton in my rotation and just got my Gengar for my main team. <3
  7. There's a guy selling it by the Jasper Ward blockade if I'm not mistaken. And the screen effects will go sideways, wind like weather.
  8. Awh, definitely lucky, but good plan ^^
  9. Dang lucky v.v I finally got it after the 20th time somewhere x.x Not the best IVs or Nature, but I'm not trying again lmao She loves me enough to pop out, so that's enough for me <3
  10. Ahh dang v.v Inkay must just really not like me then xD
  11. Inkay is definitely in the wasteland right? v.v I've been headbutting trees and all I'm getting is pineco. v.v So I'm guessing she/he is just reallyyy rare?
  12. Back again ^^ Under Golbat it has Golbat: Pyrous Cave/Volcano, but from what I can tell it doesn't appear to be in there anymore? Or is it a certain floor?
  13. Nope, just ran into one now. It's available in just the park as well.
  14. Or riding your bike around x) Got Azurill up a happy step by trying to hatch all my Vulpixs until the right one xD Very tedious though ^ I wouldn't suggest it unless you're desperate. xD Otherwise I was kinda stalling out in the similar location going to both salons every 24 hours I'm assuming is when it resets. xD In the end it takes longer >.> and you prolong your game a bit, but not so tedious as riding around on a bike, but I had to hatch Vulpixs, so took advantage of that. Anyways! Just another option to consider, but definitely other better ways.
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