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Rosesong last won the day on June 29 2017

Rosesong had the most liked content!


26 Developing

About Rosesong

  • Birthday 12/15/1993

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  • Location
    My classroom, aka the dungeon
  • Interests
    Video games (Pokemon, Smash Bros)
    Reading (fantasy/mystery/dystopian please!)
    Music (Two Steps from Hell, playing clarinet...)
    TV (Legend of Korra, Sailor Moon)
    Relaxation (aka SLEEPING)

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  3. I’ve never felt so confident about how great a Halloween costume looked before. S/o to my mom for taking the pic
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. First of all, congratulations on your graduation; you’ve definitely earned it. You’ve contributed so much to this community. Thank you for always being a friend and another musical soul for me to talk with. Be sure to reach out, either on Discord or Facebook, sometime in the future so that we can keep in touch. Best of luck Arki!!
  6. Huh, I’m nominated for something??? I really should try to be around a little more... Welp, guess I’ll see y’all at the Christmas party! Anyway, can we please get a @DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk nomination for Smelliest Auth?
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  8. Sup flower bud?  See wit I did thurr?

    1. Rosesong


      Of course I do! How have you been?

  9. Oh my god, I was pinged?! Hi Mike!
  10. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^

  11. I’ll third all the folks worried about what happens to the content currently within the Nightclub, as there are things that I’ve posted in there that I don’t want the general public to know
  12. It could become a novella; I just have to stay motivated to writing more about this and depicting the full story here. There’s more to this specific story that’s been rattling around in my head, and I do want it to see paper (or Word document) relatively soon. Noted on all your critiques, and I agree with a great deal of them. “That” is a word which I constantly overuse unconsciously, and am trying to get better with. I do have a fix for it coming though Donan is honestly just that wise old guy who tries to crack as many jokes as he can at the expense of the “whippersnappers”. I’ve tried to catch that in his personality, but who knows if it was successful. I’ve got a fix for that one sentence you pointed out, and I’ll catch that when I get home later (or have a moment at school) As for the first Lesmes sentence you pointed out, the reasons I took that route are 1) text shrieks always look so bizarre to me and 2) to me, it set up a situation that frazzled her more and made her statement, in my opinion, much more emphatic than normal. However, I can see your point of view, and will do what I can to revise that bit I do kind of like the name Soul Keepers, I’m just not sure how well it will fit with the rest of the current iteration of this story that’s in my head. I’ll make that the temp title, and as it keeps going (if you keep reading), perhaps you could continue to suggest title ideas as everything progresses? I’ll be doing the same
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