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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DarkTsu

  1. Just got pokemon X Friendcode: 3540-0231-0289 3DS Name: Matt
  2. Have to enjoy the little things my friend.
  3. ^ Currently im using a meowth and a linoone
  4. Omg thank you. This made this very easy..
  5. Yep! I got 8008 on the dot without trying
  6. A question though. How do i quickly train those pokemon up? Cause they are seriously like 10-15 xD
  7. DarkTsu

    Sun stone?

    Thanks dude/dudette xD I had found it right when i saw this
  8. DarkTsu

    Sun stone?

    Dang.. Thanks If you remember please message me xD
  9. DarkTsu

    Sun stone?

    Need to evolve my petlil any help?
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