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About RelentingRapidash

  • Birthday 04/14/1991

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  • Alias
    David Jay
  • Gender
  • Location
    with kakarot
  • Interests
    I like stuff and things

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  1. got a shiny bisharp and thundurus I wanna give away if anyone is interested
  2. I can get you a mamoswine with superpower if you want
  3. I'd say ,assuming you're doing smogon rules and not vgc, watch an experienced battlers that does wi-fi battles on the tube. Where they most likely explain their thought process.
  4. same situation here flux lol -__- , what do you want for victini pwb?
  5. oooooooo victini please hows the nature? and I also don't have pokebank pokes yet...
  6. has anyone seen attack on titans? my roommate has been raving around about how awesome it is any opinions??? also some great anime in my opinion would be monster,trigun,and d.grayman (even though the ending wasn't the ending and I don't think the manga is done either :/)
  7. added most people on here if I missed you message me! fc is in the sig
  8. yup have two more both are females if you want more egg moves!!
  9. yo! my boxes are getting full and if anyone need any of these pokes before I release them let know 2-modest infiltrator litwick adamant contrary inkay 4-impish sturdy skarmory 3-bold magic bounce natu 5-prankster sableyes 7-larvetsta 5-rotoms calm larvitar with rocks magic guard abra noibats,bunnelbys,shuppets,vulabies,marills,solsis,horseaas,nidoran male,bulbasaurs,gastlys,squritrles,and timburr
  10. :/ sorry about that I've been swamped with school work and work,it consumes my entire day
  11. I'm ready to trade now but, I didn't have any luck getting a 5 iv gaslty so they have 4 perfect iv instead still wanna trade?
  12. deal. lol well perfect that gives me time to breed up now
  13. ooo ooo do you still have frillish for trade?
  14. lol the jigs up I take it that you want these movedmoves on timbur? Lol
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