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Les Desperado

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Les Desperado

  1. That's sounds good, but sadly (not all that bad) my Arcanine has intimidate. It has an alright nature though.
  2. My Team: My team could be improved. Any suggestions?
  3. You can find a fire stone in Pyrous Mountain. It's hidden in a rock on the very bottom floor.
  4. I have Carvanha, but I never received Ponyta
  5. Seviper is in the Underground Tanzan cave place where Abra first teleports you.
  6. That's going to take hours though. At the same time I'm going to have to pay the day-care people and I ain't got it like that lol I'm trying to buy Trapinch from the game corner.
  7. Hell, all I have is a level 5 Eevee lol I'm waiting on training him until Glaceon is available but I may just turn him into Espeon.
  8. Alright cool, thanks P.S. I got a Happiny from that warehouse the Team Meteor member was in.
  9. I see one guy on this site that has four of the seven Eevee brother's. Is there an event to get multiple Eevee's or do you have to do the Ditto day-care thing? If so, where could I find Ditto?
  10. Does anyone know where I could find Sandile?
  11. Anyone know where I can find the Good Rod?
  12. Do I need the Super Rod to catch Luvdisc? Because all I have is the Old Rod.
  13. So I see that Riolu's in the game and I'd rather him than Scrafty right now since I'm going to use Murkrow as my dark type. Can some one help?
  14. Found it and it Roared me while trying to catch it...... I'm mad
  15. I've found Houndour in the Magma team alley once and it never showed up again. Is there another spot to find one?
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