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Everything posted by Masquerain

  1. I don't think that's right.. I mean, we already had the new region after the last remake (Kalos->Hoenn remake-> Alola-> Sinnoh remake) and ORAS were released after XY without any form of 3rd game or sequel, so technically it IS in schedule to release Sinnoh remakes right in this order. The real reason for doubting the remakes is the fact we already had a remake on the 3ds and usually it's 1 per handheld system. Other than that, I think it all depends on what Gamefreak plans to do with Gen 7. Will they butcher everything and leave them half-finished like XY felt or will there really be a Stars codename 3rd version/sequel and if yes, what exactly and where exactly will it be
  2. True about battle facilities and returning characters there.. They do appear often, especially Cynthia. Jasmine was definitely a reference and hint to HGSS because she told the player that they should visit Johto sometime or something (don't recall precisely) For Pokemon, well I still believe at least some instances of mention are hints or references, previous hints have included even game color references to the next incoming remakes so it's not a stretch to take pokemon as that too. Overall SM made it so it's quite hard to see what exactly is the intended hinting
  3. I would like to see Sinnoh remakes personally because I love Sinnoh and I love that it's a colder region for once. I'd be really hyped to revisit it. I'm tired from the tropical after ORAS and SM, thus I can wait for a S/M sequel or 3rd version ... That said, I somehow doubt we will get Sinnoh remakes next, mostly because IF there is a pokemon game to be announced this year, it will be on the 3ds still and we did already have ORAS . Not that they aren't prone to breaking patterns but yeah, since they say they want to wait and see how the Switch performs, the routes I see them going for are 1. 3rd version/ Sequel of SM for the 3ds 2. Sinnoh remakes for the 3ds 3. Skip a year or so and based on switch performance, possibly announce either of the 2 options (remakes or sequel/3rd game) for it P.S. About the references to next game remakes, I think all the Kanto stuff was mere pandering 'cause 20years. Sinnoh has a bunch of references in SM as well Crasher Wake is mentioned 'cause he was another masked wrestler dood Canalave Library was mentioned and SM has its own Lore library Sinnoh Underground and Roark are referenced on the powerplant TV (not named but the references seems to fit Sinnoh) Giratina, Palkia, Bronzong mentioned in Burnet's books Thrifty megamart products from Sinnoh - Mt. Coronet Fresh Water and Poffins Type:Null is basically a failed Arceus clone experiment Cynthia in Battle Tree (Pokemon website is having children's books starring sinnoh starters and other sinnoh pokemon too) That said, maybe none of these things mean anything because SM have references to ALL other generations, to Kalos as much as to Kanto even. Hoenn, Unova, Sinnoh not so much but still enough, and Johto's a bit less than Kalos
  4. I'm definitely doing a mono-bug run one day when I get the feeling back for it
  5. Aye aye, it's from episode 3. I have the bad habit of wanting to see all the changes and improvements from the start so I never finish the current release xD
  6. Git gud asap dood. Pneumonia of all things, that's quite odd. Usually it's flu or the like, but take your needed rest. P.S. Am I blind or ignorant? I can't figure out where the place is for editing one's signature 乁( ´-` )_/¯
  7. Hello, it is I. Just stopping by to ask if you'd recommend starting the game from scratch for version 4.1 . Is there a lot to miss if you simply continue the old file? (boy, I end up restarting the game every version ... shame on me )
  8. Agreed about VR, when me 'nd my friend played through Moon the first time, as soon as we entered the canyon, it could already be felt that it's Alola's non-standard version of a Victory Road I like the new theories and speculation the Looker story brought to the drawing board, but I'm overall disappointed about the way they handled UBs and whatever info surrounds them. For how overhyped they were, their presence was lacking (and the sense of..threat that was supposed to be felt was non-existent). I've replayed the game one time for the sole purpose of doing a non-nuzlocke run, but after that, I also feel it a sort of chore if I think about another replay. the adventure through the story is great, but after that.. I don't feel like I wanna redo everything I had already achieved the first time because it gets tedious edit: just noticed that post is over a month old but.. wellp
  9. 9/10 'cause I got confused by a question about which Pokemon is the heaviest, and the pictures of Pokemon given didn't match the name list so here we are 乁( ´- ` )_/¯ In other news, hello, I am an Azelf
  10. Well I'm not certain what criteria gens should be classified by, but I'll just go with each gen's games/dex. (Remakes in my post will be treated as belonging to the gen they are remastering) 1. First place for me is shared between Gen 5 and Gen 4. * Gen 5- I absolutely love going through the story and region of B/W and B2/W2. It surely had the most memorable characters and locations and story in my opinion. I like that some areas were left as optional exploration post-game. OST was pretty cool (adding instruments to BGM!) and the plot was the most mature and well-thought out yet. Gym leaders had personalities and involvement, even the 2 friends you travel with feel like characters you can remember. The sequels were a very nice way to integrate Kyurem into the story, even leaving some future plot points for the remakes (perfect dragon etc). Difficulty mode, seasons and other overall features just give bonus points to Gen 5. The dex is controversial, however, at least in my eyes. Still props for being the largest dex to date with 156 species. * Gen 4- Mainly because Platinum exists, really. It fixed so much that went wrong with D/P. The dex is my favorite tying with gen 2's dex, I like that evolutions to old species were added. I liked that Gen 4 tried to make the plot a bit different by using the lake guardians and Platinum's introduction of the Distortion world. The superior Frontier, underground, cooking mechanics, pal park, Sinnoh lore and Cynthia are other pros of this gen. What I like least about Gen 4 is its starters. I'm not particularly super fond of any of them, although I just go with Chimchar for lack of fire types. 2. Second place for Gen 2. I may or may not be biased because my Pokemon adventure started with Johto both anime and gaming, but Johto is awesome in its own simplistic ways. The Johto starters are my favorite of all gens and I've done playthroughs with each of the 3. The dex, as mentioned, is my favorite along with gen 4's. Many of my gen 2 favorites got evolutions in gen 4. Johto has no special plot to boast for, but it's the only dual region game and HGSS are still the best remakes out there (so far). I liked the simple ancient asian theme of Johto and much of the lore it held, makes the region a small, yet homely kind of place. Nostalgia, memories and everything the remakes brought and brought back keep gen 2 in second place of my list. 3. Rank 3 goes to Gen 7. In my eyes, it's a shame because it had the potential to raise higher, however, as it backed out of many things it started, it's just gonna stay as an advanced Hoenn for me. Locations are beautiful, characters had personality (most anyway), features added a fresh take on Pokemon, dex quality is good enough (design-wise, not competitiveness), OST is deserving of many praises. I'd take trials over gyms any day, as well as the increased cutscenes etc. A second take on having 2 antagonist teams, no hate on either Skull or Aether on my side. Ya boi Guzma (and his theme) is boss. I like that they tried to remake join avenue, though plaza is inferior to avenue imo. My issue with this gen is that I have as much to praise as I have to criticize. While the games added a lot, they also took away a lot. The dex added species that quickly turned into new favorites of mine, but the effective wild dex was very lacking. The number of gen 7 species and their location/capture methods/evolution methods or lack of evolution/ type distribution was something that disappointed me a lot. A bunch of missed opportunities along with the good additions. Plot pacing lacks balance and is another missed opportunity for me. Concept was pretty good, execution was mediocre in my opinion. I wish they had done something with the UBs they overhyped in trailers instead of just making a flock of Nihilego merge with Lusamine. Lusamine's plot itself lacked conclusion and many things felt half-finished. The Looker post-story was a nice addition, however, they could have done so much more with the UBs in it instead of just randomly going to catch them. Some locations felt barren and some were only background decoration instead of being accessible. That's not new but it felt like there was more of it in this gen. I personally am no fan of gen1 pandering so that's another minus for me. Alolan forms being Kanto-only and gen1 pokemon being the largest number of species in the dex as well. Lack of some basic functions that have existed since gen 3, such as tv channels, interacting with things in buildings felt less possible than usual but that might just be me. Starters are mediocre to me, I only really like Rowlet's line. Can't fault them on the final evos' typings though. Wish this gen had a Frontier-like facility and I only really place it in 3rd place because it's still new and may get a 3rd version or sequel that fixes much of what was wrong right now. 4. Gen 3 ( Mostly Emerald, though). As any 3rd version should do, Emerald fixed and improved on many things R/S lacked. Back when I first played gen 3, I was really excited about going through Hoenn and experiencing its tropical towns and locations, but to be honest, playing ORAS made me feel like I'm no longer fond of the tropical theme. Alola being another tropical adventure didn't help the situation, but oh well, to each their own. Playing ORAS made me feel like I'm seeing similar things no matter where I go, with the exception of unique towns and the volcanic ash route. I like 2/3 of the starters, the plot concept was nice and executed best in Emerald. Having 2 teams was nice, even though depending on version, the goal didn't make much sense to me. I like that in Emerald, both of them were made equally relevant and crazy. Hoenn dex overall isn't my favorite, but it's nice overall apart the obvious lack of fire types. I've always liked contests and secret bases, so no complaints here. I wish ORAS had incorporated more features of Emerald, but the Delta ep brought about a very interesting plot to the entire Pokemon universe with Zinnia and timelines. The annoyance of needing too many HMs is a minus for me, not even gonna use the too much water argument 'cause that never bothered me. Overall, gen 3 is slightly inferior to gen 7 in my eyes simply because ORAS were not as good as they could have been so the overall quality of gen 3 peaked with Emerald ( Gonna miss having to use bikes and try not to fall down the tower cracks) 5. Not much left by now, but, Gen 6 takes rank 5. Kalos is this low on the list because it is forgettable and I only remember it for the visually beautiful and lovely region locations..and megas, I guess. Worst cast of characters in my opinion, gym leaders had no personalities or mini-stories, save for a few. I think the villain team is a missed opportunity. Concept feels rushed and out of the blue, not fleshed-out enough and executed pretty poorly. OST is nice, although I only really remember Kalos for Lysandre's battle theme. Dex is lacking in numbers, but it doesn't feel overshadowed by other gen species like Alola dex does. Sitting feature was a long-awaited thing for me, so I like that. Customization is superior to S/M's. Megas were never something I cared much about, but they did bring better usage to some pokemon that needed a boost..and some that didn't need a boost. My biggest issue with gen 6 is that it's shafted, basically. Legendaries had nice norse mythology lore, Kalos had a nice ancient war lore, but the way they ...connected all that was very badly done. The lore of the mascots wasn't used at all except to imply Lysandre either died or got eternal life... random. The gen has no sequel or a 3rd version and Zygarde got all those forms for..nothing at all. Just feels like the devs really didn't think this whole gen through and its small, but nice dex is the best thing to come out of it. 6. Dead last on my list is Gen1. That's also my least liked dex. There are very few species I like in the Kanto dex and the region is nothing special. Best thing to come out of Kanto is Lavender town, the lore around it and the creepy pastas about it. Naturally, much of Gen 1's issues come from it being the first in the series, so it has no real plot or anything much special at all, but even playing FRLG with GBA graphics and such, I still felt like I'd sooner take Gen 2's Kanto over gen1 any day. FRLG did pretty well with the addition of the Sevii islands and the mini-missions you could do there, as well as meet Johto/Hoenn pokemon, but overall, I just really don't like gen 1. I probably wouldn't like it even if they'd remake it for the 3ds and add some Lillie plot to it..
  11. Gained a newfound appreciation for Bug types after Sun/Moon :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      got 2 new awesome water/bugs

      stfu bibs man.

    3. Masquerain


      Maybe one day mega Masquerain will be water/bug :( but can't complain about Golisopod (actually I can complain about its movepool and needing the end-game relearner to get certain useful moves..) or the new Spiderbro Araquanid

    4. KingRyan



  12. I came back from the dead just to appreciate some snow maps. Cheers for the new year y'all
  13. Dig into the new dex entries Araquanid - It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown. Palossand- Buried beneath the castle are masses of dried-up bones from those whose vitality it has drained. (not savage at all) Mareanie- It plunges the poison spike on its head into its prey. When the prey has weakened, Mareanie deals the finishing blow with its 10 tentacles. Golbat- Sometimes they drink so much blood, they can't fly anymore. Then they fall to the ground and become food for other Pokémon. . Not much to do with eating but, brutal nonetheless: Sandygast- It takes control of anyone who puts a hand in its mouth. And so it adds to the accumulation of its sand-mound body. Bewear- This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug. Tsareena- Its long, striking legs aren’t just for show but to be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously.
  14. So guys.. now that Sun Moon is out with a myriad of new pokedex entries... we can talk about the brutality of Alola's nature The most prominent example given to us is even recited during the game- Toxapex and its brutal hunt of Corsola that ended up having to be preserved. Its dex entries about leaving a trail of Corsola branch bits lacks not in savagery either Then we have Weavile's new entry: They dwell in cold places. This Pokémon's main food source in Alola is Vulpix and Sandshrew which they carefully divide among their group Vulpix and Sandshrew from Kanto moved to the snowy mountains in order to avoid predators .... apparently they just found a new one on the snowy mountains There are plenty more brutal dex entries in SM though
  15. Fire/Poison, Poison/Dragon, Poison/Dark, Ice/Fairy , Ghost/Water, Bug/Water and Bug/Electric
  16. Yo dood, if you truly found nothing worthy of following in regards to your game, you wouldn't be even making it public. Plenty of things to look forward to and keep an eye on, the first of which is it being a crossover that actually incorporates the elements of both sides quite well
  17. well he is getting rowlet for sure, according to a revealed episode title
  18. So in short, Ash believes he knows nothing about Pokemon after having traveled 6 regions? Sure, why not.. Oh well
  19. She's still in the friendzone though, Ash didn't really indicate that he shares any feelings towards her Also, I think the starters might not get caught by anyone.. and I've seen a lot of previews and screenshots where Lana holds Popplio
  20. >fishing contest Honestly doesn't grab my attention as a concept
  21. Interested about the tweet as well (Mostly because I hope it's about the games as that would make the games even more hype-worthy)
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