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  1. maybe the iolia valley crystals could effect a amethyst crystal sends you into a long pointless path around the day care, it will help with the daycare that people want but not effect the actual game, plus it effects it later on in the game where people may forget about it
  2. rotom, because I would like to be a prankster and scare people.....plus If im caught I can wash my trainers clothes, mow the lawn become a fan, and etc......I am versatile.
  3. I feel giratina is lord of dimensions, while the other two are space and time, also think the three fairy looking pokemon to summon them could represent parodies the three fairy goddess of legend of Zelda, uxie with knowledge or wisdom, azelf with willpower or courage, while mesprit has emotion that doesn't fit power but that's all I got, also this isn't dealing with the main topic so lets change the subject lol
  4. my thoughts about this is if you thing its tedious to raise them don't, just use others less tedious pokemans. a lot of people do breed pokemon to create "perfect pokemon" so levels don't really matter,
  5. this game doesn't have dlc, they are expansions so yeah
  6. I did name mine after you, my wife hated it but eji190 is such a cute name
  7. just use charizard, he isn't really a dragon but his looks should be enough until the others decide to appear
  8. most pokemon just learn moves faster than their evolutions, some pokemon learn special moves if you evolve it to a certain form. stone evolutions don't learn moves when evolved, except for certain special moves
  9. and you don't need to use perfect iv/ev pokemon just skills and maybe at times luck
  10. well the only ones that comment about their perfect pokemon are the ones who train to create perfect pokemon, but there are ones like you and me who doesn't,
  11. ;how about a item im calling a "reborn candy", it only works on fainted pokemon but it will revive them but at the cost of a level(cant be used during battle), it will give the option to have revives but give it a downside, I would make it cost closer to rare candy to keep people from buying to many aswell, nor would I allow it to bring full hp, maybe a quarter to half instead oh 20stalks nice to meet you, if you want you can introduce yourself on one of the pages.....I forgot which
  12. crystal was my favorite, it was the retooled version of my favorite generation games. First it allowed people to play as a girl which is something I do if able. two in my time this was considered the final sequel to the game, there was never talk about gen three for what felt like a good while. the game had slight changes to the story based around a man and his search for a legendary beast. talking about legendarys it had a very elegant pokemon suicune. it art and colorful cartridge made it feel great
  13. there is also the great yanma on the island aswell
  14. personally my idea is once you beat the final gym (18th) you can go with what ever you feel like, you have achieved a exhausting goal
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