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Everything posted by Luculyia

  1. Shiftry is most definitely a Tengu, so yeah. Windy. It also has Chlorophyll so rain was not an option. However if I'm wrong, I apologise. But IIRC I did find them during a windy day.
  2. Okay. All of them are kind of obvious except one, which when you enter the building where there was a person who healed you with medical supplies in Rhodochrine, or the building below the switch-operated platforms (without having to cut down the tree), you'll see a pathway that you can't reach above you. That's your cue to exit the building and try entering from the left side. You'll get a Growlithe for rescuing all 5 officers.
  3. If you want a stupid and bizaare idea, you could have that Audino attack you, but it will only have Heal Pulse as an attack. Then after the battle is over, it's just gone or have an event where it runs away. It's slow, frustrating and doesn't revive Pokemon, but it sure will be awkward.
  4. I have names I rather not disclose. Torterra Lv. 53 ♀ Nature: Hasty, and has mostly been a physical tank for some reason. Ability: Overgrowth Hold Item: Quick Claw - Earthquake - Wood Hammer - Crunch - Giga Drain Crobat Lv. 53 ♂ (cause everyone has one) Nature: Adamant Ability: Infiltrator Hold Item: Flying Gem - Acrobatics - Cross Poison - Bite - Confuse Ray Alakazam Lv. 53 ♂ Nature: Modest Ability: Synchronise Item: Mind Plate - Psychic - Shadow Ball - Charge Beam - Teleport (not filler) Lucario Lv. 54 ♀ Nature: Rash Ability: Inner Focus Item: Fist Plate - Aura Sphere - Dark Pulse - Quick Attack - Reversal Omastar Lv. 55 ♂ Nature: Modest Ability: Swift Swim Item: Splash Plate - Brine - Hydro Pump - Ancient Power - Shell Smash Porygon2 Lv. 46 (Death fodder until a P-Z) Nature: Lax Ability: Trace Item: Leftovers - Discharge - Signal Beam - Shadow Ball - Recover What usually occupies the 6th party slot. Linoone Lv. 25 ♂ (Crossdresses I guess...) Nature: Docile, obv. Ability: Pick Up Item: Whatever it picks up. - Rock Smash - Cut - Headbutt - Strength
  5. Oh well, I was just curious about where it would've been oε o Not interested in using it, nor am I trying to collect all of the Pokemon (ever since I critted and killed that Whismur forever... And Ponyta having bugged out).
  6. Obtainable Pokemon -> Lanturn Status -> Catchable in the Wild. Me? Team Magma Gang's quest was completely useless (at least in this stage of the game) because you could catch a Houndour and supposedly catch a Lanturn already in the wild. Although, my Ponyta did bug out and I was trying to find a continuation for the Team Aqua/Magma sidestory to get it-- Anyway, your answer isn't what I'm looking for. So sorry, problem unresolved. Hmmm, I see. Thanks a lot for the insight~ =3 I thought I was gonna get Aerodactyl or one of the 5th gen fossils when I saw Team Meteor in the museum... Until I checked the display of what they were looking at, oh never mind.
  7. Hello, all. Probably Ame too cause only she'll know. Well, I've dug up all of the fossils with the exception of the Old Amber (for Aerodactyl). Sooooo, after checking the Obtainable Pokemon list, it seems like Aerodactyl isn't actually obtainable, so did they/she/you remove Old Amber from being mined? If so, I'd assume there will be some event planned for it. Well, I might as well ask if anyone has actually found an Old Amber then. Thanks a lot in advance to the community, I guess o~ o; EDIT: I might as well as where the heck do you get a Lanturn? There's only like 3 unpolluted fishing spots, so yeah.
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