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It's sturdy, learns stealth rocks and dual screens. It's guaranteed to set up whatever you need to give you the winning edge. Best thing about Carbink in Reborn is that you can catch them with Stealth Rock and Reflect, so you don't even need to level it up.
I am, in fact, a dietician. I'm not getting worked up about what people eat, it's the 'cut out carbs' and '20-30% of protein in diet' posts I see everywhere that rile me up. It's simplification to the point where nothing is actualy right and everything is wrong. If you want to eat marshallows, eat them. I also do things like buy 1.5 lbs of gummy bears and eat the whole bowl in one day. It's fine. No big deal. But people being wrong on the internet? Hold my hugry first born son, I've got to correct them! (also license exam for my country is on saturday, writing out diet guide lines and calculating BMRs is what I'm supposed to be doing anyway, I might as well post it where somebody can read and benefit from it)
This is where it's pretty obvious your understanding of nutrition is pretty basic. Protein is the first thing you count and, as I wrote earlier, should be around 0.8-1g per kg of body weight. When you count out a proper diet using any BMR/BCE formula, doesn't matter which, the all come out around ~80kcal of each other for normal people, you'll end up with 11-14% of energy from protein if you do 1g/kg body weight. Simple math - 70 grams of protein = 280 kcal. This means your total energy consumed is 1400 kcal if counting 20% energy from protein and 933 kcal if counting 30%. Both are beyond starvation for a 70 kg male between the age of 18 and 30. In fact, both put you under your basal metabolic rate, which is 1523,86 kcal This means you do not get enough energy to keep up your bodily functions. Which is bad. At 70kg body weight your daily caloric expenditure, assuming you're not doing any actual movements beyond browsing facebook all day long, is 1828.632 kcal. 70 grams of protein is 15.3%. If you actually do any work and jog on the weekends, it's 2361.983 kcal. 70 grams of protein is ~11.8% of that. Doing 20% of energy from protein for weight gain is wasting money and enzyme economy, unless you're also supplementing anabolic androgens. Or do things like count proteins only from 'protein sources' (which is a very, very flawed naming scheme). Doing 30% for weight loss is an invitation for failure. You will waste every bit of those 150-200 grams you'd consume and you'll be stuck with elevated amino acid catabolism for several weeks after you're done cutting. This will inhibit your ability to utilise aminoacids for protein synthesis. Ofcourse, I don't mean any of this to be offensive in any way. I'm just a little tired of people actually sprouting those 20-30% numbers off the top of their heads, while not knowing where they came from. (Stan Efferding, for instance, has 45% energy from protein in his diet. He's also completly reliant on injectable androgens for the rest of his life, which he openly admits). Also soda/pop/cola is just as OK as a cigarette, doughnut, doing a 1RM in the gym or amphetamines*. Everything's for people, everything is OK in moderation. You just need to know what moderation is. *USA consumes the most amount of amphetamines in the world and all of it is legal perscription drugs. Adderall, the most common drug in the states, is 75% D-amphetamine salts and 25% L-amphetamine salts. Which means it's 100% amphetamine.
Do not do this. Because anybody who actually says that, doesn't even know what 'carbs' are. And assumes things based on incomplete knowledge. Saccharose is a thing to cut, yes, Fructose? Yes. Polybranched chained carbohydrates? No. Unless you actually have read a Nutrition 101 textbook, do not attempt to cut things out based on catchy naming. Nutrition is a very, very complex subject, which can be diluted down to 'if you are normal, eat normal', but normal means 68.27% of the population. And that's for each variable there might be. You have no idea how hard it is to actually balance a diet for any of the remaining 31,73%. It took us 2 hours to prepare a simple, 3-day meal plan, that wasn't deficient in anything, for an overweight, non-active male with high blood pressure and an allergy to nuts. (This is a 3 person team of dieticians in-training during an advanced course.) The basics of proper nutrition are: - 4 meals per day (5 meals is optimal. A meal is 'anything that enters your mouth'). - 0.8-1.0 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight minimum. - ~30% of energy should come from fats, 10-15% from proteins, rest is carbohydrates (complex if possible) - no more than 10% of energy from saturated fats - no more than 5% from sugar (saccharine, corn syrup, high fructose syrup) - between 27 and 40 grams of fibre per day. This is across all 5 meals. Drink water with your fibre, or you'll get clogged. Literally. - Eat at least 3 servings of raw vegetables or fruit per day. Ideally one per meal. Favour vegetables. If you can, 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit - Frying is bad. (both due to almost all vitamins, even those that aren't thermolabile, are made unavaliable by the heat and due to soaking up exces, unaccounted for, calories with the oil) - Drink 2.5 liters (2/3 of a gallon) of water every day, minimum. Drink more if you can. Drink 2 glasses of water to every meal and you've got that covered. This is basically it. Anything more complex varies from person to person. Salt isn't bad for everybody (it's actually a thing strenght athletes need to supplement), Carbs and fat aren't bad. Meat isn't bad. And most of all - nothing is bad in moderation. And no, half a gallon of cola isn't moderation.
Did they remove the early Mime jr. chase from the game too? Those creepy clown dudes are fairies. I seem to recall having my dual screener from the start.
I used an Escavalier with lots of Sp.Def X and potions to set up all 6, before swords dancing and killing it.
I chose to fight him, because I was frustrated with the tedious jump-puzzle and then searching for that last room with dirty water, which took me 20 minutes to realize that they all had to be filled with water, not just cleaned and then drained again to avoid surfing. Also the new, made-up Pulse=mega outsped my Camerrupt which was the only poke with Ground moves on my team, so that was another frustrating battle. I wanted to finally have a proper fight with someone, so I did.
Seems I've made my profile on July 2013. It fightens me. Actually it scares me poopless, since I still think of Reborn as the new thing and it's been 2 years since I've seen it. That means 2 years is a very short time and I'm old. Damn. Episode 8. Defecation. Fornication. But seeing as I've had 4chan screenshots from 2006, it shouldn't bother me that much, the new things have not been new for a very long time.
Exeggutor has 95 base attack and access to Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Egg Bomb, Zen Headbutt, Sleep Powder. It's a pretty good base for setting up. Slowking has 110 base Sp. Def, a not-horrible 75 base attack, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break and annoyingly no Waterfall. It could work. Espeon, Chimercho and Musharna don't have anything to work with. Which only shows that Gen 1 Pokemon were more versatile.
Escavalier, whos always the highest level possible, due all the extra exp he gets from being traded. Swords Dance and Iron Defense make him untouchable and unbeatable. With Light Clay screens set up, he one-shotted Brawly's Conkeldurr.
It seems that I am. Spiritombs nr 15 and 16 were indeed ones with Pressure. So, out of 18 I had, there were 3 with pressure and 15 with Infiltrator.
- 31 replies
- Breeding
- Dreamworld abilities
- (and 4 more)
I just wanted to make sure nothing changed about the breeding of abilities in chapter 10. I'm breeding a Spiritomb for that damned ditto-acreus, who refuses to have base 48 HP and 5 pp in every move (hence, no stalling him out, even with a Escavalier and Sp. Def Ups) and I need Pressure instead of Inflitrator. Spent 3 stones, but got 2 Inflitrators and a Pressure with minimum Sp Def IVs and a -Sp. Def nature. Trying to breed them together (the pressure is the female) and so far 9 hatched eggs, all 9 are Inflitrator. Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlucky? (that's 11 Infiltrators to one Pressure).
- 31 replies
- Breeding
- Dreamworld abilities
- (and 4 more)
For Heart Scales the Move Tutor girl gives it Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Extremespeed and Sky Attack.