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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ousawa

  1. Is there someone who has a good honedge that doesn't need it?

    1. RodrigoMob


      if you still want one, just pm me.

  2. What do you guys think the last boss will be in Reborn? I think a lvl 150 MEGA-Arceus!!!
  3. I won in one run, even though I was about to quit after all the icy winds on the second battle. But still My team managed to F*** THEM UP YEAHAHAHSHHSAHDH!!! *couch* Sorry. It was fun.
  4. Get more bulky pokemon....
  5. Waiting for Ditto in Rejuvenation....

  6. Ousawa

    Version 5-5

    Is the ditto in the game?
  7. On my own save I have been breeding and breeding and grinding and grinding. Untill I reached a full box of pokemon to use, after that? Boom pc broke and the save is gone And I really don't want to play all over again...this took me too much work.
  8. Can't go back in time, only the first area allows me 2. the 2d and 3d will say that I de-activated the pc instead of connecting.
  9. So I'm at the normal gym right now, and she is wrecking me. Any ideas of new pokemon I could find or use? Or any tactics? My current squad. Murkrow lvl 27 Samehada the Sharpedo lvl 31 Granbull lvl 35 Yami the Frogadier lv 35 Son-goku the Monferno lvl 34 Yuna the teddiursa lvl 26
  10. I can't go back in time to the Carotas incident. It will say I de activated the pc instead of connecting...
  11. I still think it's trash. In both ways.
  12. This is the evil power Amethyst wields. Nobody expected that Terra would be part of Meteor. If you want to predict, don't Ame will bring out the unpredictable. If she had a budget+a team she would make one hell of an anime...
  13. Ousawa


    Hmm alright. It shows that it's an event, not a pokemon that needs evolving on the obtainable list but thank you.
  14. Ousawa


    I already have a Armaldo but it shows you can catch it in a one time event. WHere can I find it
  15. At around 0:11 Minkoff CBS, that's what I want )';
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