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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ousawa

  1. What about knock off? And seismitoad learns it but is it chain-breedable?
  2. I want my sweet little timbur to have the moves, fire/ice/thunder punch (One of the 3) drain punch (If possible) and knock off. The other move is obtainable for myself. Any help?
  3. Noibat helps you against all the grass types in the second gym, 4x restistance. Trubbish for acid spray Teddiursa for fake tears for sp.D and Baby doll eyes to lower cradily's attack. I should take the teddiursa cause you will get poisend,para and burned all the time. and with guts it helps alot!
  4. Always give em the english written japanese names of them. Gengar -> Gangar Ursaring -> Ringuma Clefable -> Pixy Etc...
  5. Ousawa


    Not really, only if you reach the end of the last episode, so you have some time to breed egg moves, better IV's and sh*t
  6. Any good ecchi/harem/comedy/action sort of anime?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mashew


      Sekirei, Freezing, that zombie anime idk the name.

    3. Felicity


      Highschool of the Dead?

    4. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      kore wa zombie desu ka/is this a zombie

  7. No Pokesnax needed, it will automaticly join you.
  8. Day 4369 waiting for X and Y release for Pc

    1. HolyKnight


      Wait some more years for it

    2. Noivy


      Ain't happening for a looooong time. Besides, it won't be any good because no dlc no firend safari no pokemon export no nothing good.

  9. Day 4369 for X and Y release on Pc...

  10. Ousawa


    A new soul eh? Welcome...
  11. I will slowly kill you until you die..

    1. Sutoratosu


      "but...People die if they are killed!"

  12. Cause I already got a Roserade that has Toxic...
  13. Is there a way to get both seismic toss and t-wave on a chansey? cause I only get a chansey with only s-tos or T-wave
  14. Ousawa

    Route 2

    You owe me dinner for putting me through this!
  15. Ousawa

    Route 2

    And you tell me that after I did the freaking puzzle!!!?
  16. Ousawa

    Route 2

    I am not making this out of the blue. But if I can't 'Find' it on here I have to make one myself. But thankyou
  17. Ousawa

    Route 2

    I'm currently stuck and have no idea what to do with the powderd spores....
  18. Ame I hate you for making route 2 so hard....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ousawa


      I was about to search how to get surf. And shofu is f*cked

    3. Felicity


      Ame, you should buy someone dinner before you fuck them >:C

    4. Qoseph


      Who cares about shofu, save yourselves.

  19. Well flamethrower has to go since I traded my growlith for an azuril. But I got myself a psychic so thank you. FYI Cleffable is stil decent, Moonblast-Shadowball-Psychic/flamethrower-T wave/Moonlight is a pretty good moveset
  20. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8856
  21. Is there a breeding method to get a cleffa with flamethrower and psychic?
  22. Ousawa


    I freed the guy on episode 9 but he just left and said thank you. not mentioning a sticker however...
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