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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tyrone_25

  1. i cant even start a new file now.... is there a way to start from a previous save state?
  2. can someone help me please? Game.rxdata
  3. i tried to run the game and got these messages
  4. what exactly does it do ? turns them into that thing?
  5. so im stuck here... any idea how to open this door? pm me the answer please
  6. not sure if a bug or not but my delphox's ability changed from magician to blaze... was that suppose to happen? i can change it back with an ability capsule. just found it odd that happend
  7. so i need five pokemon 1 female cyndaquil holding a flame plate or charcoal (if they are available from being mined) 1 male infernape knowing flare blitz and swords dance 1 female adamant torchic 1 female jolly charmander 1 male tepig in return i can give 5 untouched shinies also this may sound noobish but were exactly in the data folder is the save data?
  8. made with ivs evs and other moves it shouldnt know prime example would be a torchic with surf the one i wanted was just a smogon pokemon made for battling http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/typhlosion/ minus the item
  9. i was wondering do you guys take request for custom made pokemon? if so i actually have one for someone to do and can offer a random shiny i have if its possible
  10. thanks i'll head there now EDIT: umm.... jan ? he's not there....
  11. so prior to beating angie i accepted the mission to find the roggenrola... only problem is i cant find the person im suppose to talk to so i can take the roggenrola back to the poke center. i went through the entire jungle and still have yet to find him. any idea where exactly im suppose to go? also i actually DID find the roggenrola by accident but im not going near it until i find his owner
  12. want to hear something funny? i found the roggenrola but not the person i have to talk to
  13. i did that and there's nobody in the pokemon center that claims they are missing a roggenrola
  14. another question guys.... for the roggenrola quest in teruman jungle, where exactly is it and who do i talk to for it? i pressed enter to fast before i could read it all
  15. yeah thats what i meant another question for the chase him mission .... do i have to do anything prior to to guy showing up in the docks or not? i havent been able to find him
  16. so yeah... i cant find the odd keystone either.... would someone kindly pm me its location?
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